
All posts in Marketing

10 Powerful AI Marketing Tools to Grow Your Business in 2023

The widespread adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) in marketing has reached a pivotal moment. Nowadays, it’s rare to come across any company, regardless of its size, that doesn’t leverage cutting-edge AI marketing tools to better their brand or business’s marketing efforts.

Whether you’re a blogger, an e-commerce entrepreneur, an affiliate marketer, or part of a global corporation, including AI-powered marketing tools into your business strategy is an absolute game-changer. 

By harnessing the power of AI, you can orchestrate and execute highly impactful marketing campaigns that propel you towards achieving your goals with unmatched speed and efficiency. 

But we know marketing is a vast space with many different mediums. That’s why we’ve found a tool for every aspect of marketing, from content creation to comprehensive marketing process management. Check it out:

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Ahrefs vs Moz: The Ultimate SEO Tool Showdown


Ahrefs vs Moz

Looking at the pricing pages and marketing material for complex SaaS products can be confusing enough, but comparing two similar products is a real pain on paper.

Which do you choose?

Ahrefs and Moz pricing pages

From just this information, the list of features, and outdated reviews, it’s impossible to make a decision, especially with a very specific set of requirements.

After checking out the features of the major SEO tools, we decided to try Moz and Ahrefs in parallel, getting trials of both on the comparable Medium and Standard plans.

What are our SEO requirements?

Process Street is a young, content-focused startup. Thanks to our content marketing, we’ve been able to grow the company through PR efforts, blog content and guest posts — all without breaking the bank. Finding a powerful tool to analyze just how successful these efforts have been is top priority, to make it less hit-and-miss and shape our SEO strategy in the future.

Here’s what we need from a tool:

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I Analyzed 40 Top Tech Blog Welcome Emails: Find Out Their Secret

Best-blog-subscription-emailsWelcome emails are the one email you should be sending.


Because they have a 91.43% open rate, can create an 86% lift in unique open rate, and have on average 5x the click-through rate of a standard email marketing campaign. I’ve uncovered heaps more stats that I’ll share with you later in the post.

For this article I took the time to subscribe to 40 top tech blogs and applied quantitative research to categorize and break down their welcome emails. Hopefully, this article will offer some kind of insight into how to write kick-ass welcome emails.

If you’re asking yourself whether your welcome emails should include power words, links, emojis, rich formatting, or plain text, or what’s the best way to sign off a welcome email – then this post is for you. Specifically, I’ll cover:

Let’s get to it.
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Email Workflows: Best Practices and Examples that Turn Leads into Sales

Alright, so your most recent marketing campaign has generated a ton of interest among your target consumers.

You’ve seen a huge spike in web traffic, mailing list subscribers, and your social media following.

But, despite all this, you still aren’t seeing much of an increase in the area that really matters:

Sales numbers.

It’s a disheartening feeling, for sure – especially considering how high your hopes were after seeing such a huge spike in traffic and engagement.

If it’s any consolation, you’re not alone.

According to data collected by HubSpot, 79% of marketing qualified leads never end up converting. In other words, nearly four of every five people who show a genuine interest in a given brand end up walking away without making a purchase from said company.

Now, one of the main reasons this number is so high is because many companies implement sub-par strategies for nurturing these qualified leads – if they implement lead-nurturing strategies at all.

On the bright side of things, this means that if you focus heavily on nurturing your qualified leads, you’ll almost definitely be doing more than your competitors are in terms of providing value to your target customers.

In this article, we’re going to focus on how to use email workflows as part of your marketing strategy to nurture leads and increase their probability of converting into paying customers.

Before we get into the best practices for creating automated email workflows, we first need to explain exactly what email workflows are, and how using them can benefit your company.

Let’s get started.

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How to Use Your Personal Branding Profile to Drive B2B Leads

personal brandingThis is a guest post from Oren Greenberg, a growth marketer and founder of the Kurve consultancy in London. He helps startups and corporate innovation projects scale using digital channels. He has written for leading marketing blogs and has been featured in the international press.

A business is an abstract entity, which is brought to life by its people. Every team member has a part to play in representing their organization – not in the sense of blindly flying the flag or sacrificing their own identity, but in the sense of owning their area of expertise and sharing their deepest knowledge.

These days, it’s normal for a business leader to build their own personal brand. These are the “thought-leaders” we hear about so often. But I believe that too many organizations stop here, and miss the chance to create a team of people who all have strong personal brands.

In turn, I believe this limits the opportunity to build credibility, reliability, and authority – three of the key considerations for B2B buyers.

So, the tactics I discuss in this Process Street article are designed to apply to team members at every level of the hierarchy. They are suitable for business leaders, but also for executives and junior staff.

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Best Marketing Automation Software: 10 Tools to Autopilot Marketing Emails

Marketing automation software

Marketing your product to a wide audience is a real challenge for many businesses. Acquisition costs can be high and effective optimization of approach requires bucketloads of data.

According to research from Aberdeen Group, users of marketing automation software are 17 times more likely to track all their data than those who don’t employ these platforms. This drives improvement and is one of the primary reasons that users of marketing automation decrease customer acquisition costs year on year at over twice the rate of their competition.

Modern marketing methods mean that multiple in-depth campaigns can be run without all the unnecessary administration and time-consuming efforts of the past.

There are many automation tools to choose from on the market and in this article we’ll run through 10 of the best, giving you a breakdown of what each offers.

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17 Email Marketing Templates For An Effective Email Marketing Strategy

Jane Courtnell
February 14, 2023

Email Marketing Templates

$35 billion in sales is generated annually using email.

For each ~$1 spent on a given email campaign, the Return On Investment equaled ~$38 in 2017.

At Process Street, we know email is a popular, practical and powerful way to connect with people. When done right…

This is why Process Street has created 17 Email Marketing Templates, so you can get your email marketing processes right.

Use our email marketing templates to obtain clarityconsistency and save time within your marketing campaign.

By using our templates you can:

  • Test and improve each campaign performing A/B testing.
  • Work in synergy with the rest of your team using our role assignment feature.
  • Ensure task order and task prioritization using our stop task feature.
  • Make sure tasks are completed within a given deadline using our dynamic due date feature.
  • Monitor and manage the progress of any given email marketing process.

These templates are free and easy to use. Scroll down to grab them straight away using the quick links provided.

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A Deep Dive Into How We’re Winning at Guest Posting (300+ Great Posts Published!)

guest posting

If Shakespeare offered to write a guest post for TechCrunch, I highly doubt he’d be declined.

Similarly, if Virginia Woolf, Toni Morrison, Fitzgerald — or any other great writer — wanted to post on the blog of Atlassian, Buffer, or Unbounce, these sites wouldn’t exactly say no, would they?

That’s because they’re the lucky few who became internationally-renowned as stellar writers. The hard part wouldn’t be pitching and writing for these incredible, modern-day sites and blogs; it’d be resurrecting themselves so they could write in the first place.

How do you get your business’ writers — who are all incredible in their own right but don’t have the reputation of the above (yet) — published by other sites? How can you add authority, improve targeted traffic, increase qualified leads, and secure backlinks with guest posting? What needs to be done?

That’s exactly what you’re about to learn.

At Process Street, we’ve been guest posting for sites like TechCrunch, HubSpot, G2, TheNextWeb, AppSumo, and hundreds of others for years. Our offsite efforts make up a fundamental part of our content marketing machine, and have since helped us achieve a high domain rating, clinch the #1 spot for our most useful keywords, and get lots of juicy backlinks, too.

If you want to learn how we did it — and how you can, as well — just read through the following sections:

“Brevity is the soul of wit”, Shakespeare once said.

So without more ado, let’s get started! ✍️

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Value Statement: Defining the Heart of Your Company

value statement

A value statement isn’t some kind of jargon speak for “what we think matters”. It’s a statement of what your company is, what it stands for, and what everyone can expect from it.

It’s the “soul” of your team.

Culture is living values.

Values are written words, and your culture is how you actually live [them].” – Jeff LawsonArticulating Company Values & Living Them Authentically: Jeff Lawson

Whether you need to unite your team around a core set of ideals, show potential recruits what to expect and how to act or resonate with your core audience, these values are an essential part of any coherent company. Without defining them everyone will be working on their own assumptions.

So, how do you create a value statement that’s effective, concise, direct and, most importantly, accurately reflects your company?

To answer that, let’s dive straight in.

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9 Places to Find The Best Copywriting Examples for Your Swipe File

9 Places to Find The Best Copywriting Examples for Your Swipe File

Your boss has just asked you to write an email telling your customers their free trial has ended and encouraging them to upgrade to premium. But writing isn’t your thing and you could use some copywriting examples.

I mean, where do you start? What do these emails look like? If you had a swipe file, you’d have a reference point straight away.

Swipe files are collections of material kept by creatives for easy reference, consisting of great material you can learn from. If you’re just starting out, you’ll probably want to start making one and be prepared for your next assignment.

It’s best to amass your swipe file as you go, quickly adding quality copywriting examples when you see them and tagging for easy reference. Keep reading to find out how to do this using Evernote. But first, let’s look at where you can find awesome material to get started.

While relatively new, Swiped is actively archiving a large selection of new and classic ads, emails, pop-ups, sales letters, direct mail examples and more.

If you’ve already got some material for your swipe file, go ahead and upload it to Swiped! It survives on user uploads and is an amazing labor of love by Mike Schauer.

Swiped Copywriting Examples Home Page

It was created because archives of ads are sparse, and if you’re a copywriter or advertisers without a hefty swipe file you’ll have to rely on the rare chance that someone has uploaded the advert you want to reference somewhere on the web.

As it turns out, most people don’t really like ads that much. More often than not, you won’t find what you’re looking for.

Swiped’s collection is small, but growing quickly and has an active community of marketers uploading their finds and even making annotations to highlight the effective elements.

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