
The 17 Best Process Street Posts from 2017

Merry Christmas and a happy new year from all of us at Process Street!

2017 might have been a mixed bag for most of the planet, but we had a lot of fun writing content for you, our blog readers.

We published 151 blog posts between us this year, with a little help from fantastic guest writers like Pascal van Opzeeland from Userlike, and Sam Suthar from Tagove.

Here are our top picks as well as the posts you, the readers, liked the most.

Our favorite posts

Adam Henshall’s pick: How 4 Top Startups are Reinventing Organizational Structure

This article looks at unique trends in organizational structure from companies like Zappos, Buffer, Zapier, and Basecamp. These firms represent the innovation of startups in the face of traditional, corporate attitudes to company culture and power dynamics in the workplace. Is it worth reinventing your own company’s structure?

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Ben Mulholland’s pick: The History of Surgical Checklists: How Processes Save Lives

Take a deep dive into the gory history of surgical processes, from prehistorical ‘surgery’ and trepanation all the way up to Atul Gawande’s revolutionary Checklist Manifesto. Ben’s extremely passionate and educated about history, and it comes across in this post that manages to simultaneously entertain and teach you about the importance of processes, in medicine and beyond.

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Benjamin Brandall’s pick: The Needlessly Complex History of SaaS, Simplified

In the 1960s, the first “SaaS” servers occupied a quarter acre space, and required 60 full-time staff to operate. Early SaaS products were built on shaky ground, and the industry almost didn’t pull through a series of trust-destroying disasters and marketing problems. But, here we are, with the SaaS market valued at $204b today. This is the story of how that came to be.

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Your favorite posts

Every Timeline Template You’ll Ever Need (the 18 Best Templates)

Whether you’re showing your company’s successes to potential investors or just looking to organize the week to come, having a timeline to follow lets you know exactly what you need to do and when you need to do it. This list of timeline templates has every kind of variation you could want.

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21 Evernote Templates & Workflows to Skyrocket Productivity

You can use your favorite note-taking tool to help manage your processes and systemize your business, cutting down on the number of tools you use. Make a marketing plan, write a blog post with a pre-publish checklist, take meeting notes,and send data to over 800 other apps! When you have the right workflows and templates, Evernote is much more powerful than you first thought.

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What Marketers Can Learn from Trump About The Science of Persuasion

Any list of content from 2017 would be incomplete without a quick nod to the most controversial and sensational news cycle creator of the year. In this post, Adam looks at the marketing mechanisms behind Trump’s election campaign and picks apart the techniques you can use in your own business to create more persuasive and targeted marketing material.

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How to Build an MVP App Without Writing Code

Just because the business world is merging more into the tech ecosystem doesn’t mean that every non-coder is left in the dust. You can create a minimum viable product (MVP) without a single byte of programming knowledge. This post runs through what an MVP is, some background reading on the early theory, and 4 tools you can use to create your own.

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41 Pro Google Search Tips for Research, Marketing, and Fun

Google is the first place we all turn to when we want a question answered. (Hopefully, at least, or you might end up annoying tech support…) But how well can you actually use the world’s most powerful search engine? There are a ton of custom queries and hidden options that help you narrow down the search results and find what you’re really looking for. And, if you’re after a bit of distraction, Google also has plenty of entertaining easter eggs!

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What We Learned Analyzing 281 Full Sales Cycles (1,183 Emails & Voicemails)

This post marks the launch of our first microsite, Inside SaaS Sales, where we host an archive of sales emails and voicemail transcripts we sneakily gathered from the world’s top SaaS companies. We didn’t only make the material available online, we also compiled the data and trends into an in-depth study. Find out more about the data analysis in this post.

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The Only 14 Startup Tools You Need to Build a Unicorn

It must be expensive to run a startup, right? Aren’t top-tier SaaS products thousands of dollars per user per month? Well, I decided to take a closer look at the most necessary tools for startups and put together a suggested software stack for new companies on a budget. All in all, you can get away with spending only around $200/user/year. See how:

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8 Critical Change Management Models to Evolve and Survive

Upgrading your processes and methods is vital for success, but without a way to manage your changes you’re leaving that success to chance and at risk of human error. This post has a detailed breakdown of 8 top change management models you can use in your own business, all of which will help you manage your company’s evolution so you don’t stagnate.

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How to Schedule Tweets with Images (and Automatically-Generated Hashtags!)

Even automated social media management tools like Buffer need manual setup. Or do they? In this post, I reveal the super fast way I devised to add every post on my site to Buffer along with images and AI-generated hashtags with the help of Aylien Text API!

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How I Research & Write an Article Using Irresistible Original Data

Original data is great for getting backlinks. If other publications want to use your data to support their points, they have no choice other than to link back to your post to prove the validity of their source. Perfect, right? Well, it’s not as easy to create content with original data because it involves research to get started. Check out this post to help you get started.

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55 Insanely Useful Startup Blogs: VCs, Sales, Marketing & Design (2017)

A little secret: this post started out as our company’s internal reading list, but it was so valuable that we decided to turn it into a post and share it with you all. Here you can find 55 blogs worthy of a spot on your RSS feed reader. These blogs are also awesome for keeping on top of trends, educating your team, and expanding your knowledge into exciting new areas.

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How to Smash Your Business Bottlenecks (Plus 3 Key Tools to Help!)

A bottleneck is your business’ weakest link, and you want to smash them at any cost. Thankfully, there’s a lot of research out there on the topic of bottlenecks — especially from master process innovators like Toyota, who are always seemingly on hand to help improve business efficiency. This post includes helpful background information on identifying bottlenecks, then equips you with the tools you need to smash them once and for all.

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The 11 Agile Processes We Use to Run an Efficient Software Team

Agile development is a proven philosophy used by many startups, include Process Street. For this post, I worked with our Cameron, our CTO, to work out the key processes behind how we build Process Street and manage the development team behind the scenes. Where possible, I even provide you with the exact step-by-step processes we use so you can steal them and adapt them in your own business.

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Study: How 4 Highly Profitable SaaS Companies Market to Enterprises

There’s a big difference when it comes to marketing to startups and enterprises. These two markets value drastically different things, and you need to keep that in mind when writing landing page copy and designing your enterprise marketing material. It’s not ever so complicated, but I’ve done some of the hard work for you in this study of 4 SaaS companies, and how their enterprise marketing material differs from their generic copy.

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See you in 2018!

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