
The Ultimate Guide to Business Process Automation is Here!

Would you rather process 1,000 rows of a spreadsheet by hand, or give that task to a machine that can complete it seconds?

What about if you could eliminate the need to constantly update your company records in your CRM, database, HR system, and all the other tools you use?

The solution to all that and more is automation. And we’ve released an ebook that will help you get started.

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In this guide, you’ll learn how to set up automation that lets your team run on its own.

McKinsey estimates that about half of work could be automated, so imagine how much more work your team could complete with twice as much time, and no dull data entry bogging them down.

Forrester predicts that automation can cut operating costs by up to 90%. With your costs down, it leaves you with budget to spend on innovation over maintenance.
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Despite its power, automation can seem scary at first.

If you’re a team leader, you might be worried that it takes too much work to set up. Your manager might be worried that it means hiring more engineers, and your team could be scared robots will take their jobs.

It’s just not true.

Automation is a powerful tool your team can use to be more efficient. Using it lets you hand off menial tasks to computers so that everyone can focus on the important work — work that only humans can do.

Automation is a big concept. It’s hard to know where to start.

Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

This guide will take you through:

  • What automation is
  • What types of business process automation there are
  • Why you should be using it in your business
  • Methods to let you get started with automation
  • How to automate customer success
  • How to automate HR
  • How to automate customer support

It’s not complex, it’s not scary, and it certainly won’t be putting your team out of a job. Automation is designed to let people produce more work to a higher standard with less effort.

Still not sold?

Around half of tasks can be automated

According to Forrester, around half of the work being done in businesses today could be handed off to a machine. And, with the growing power of automation, that percentage is only set to grow every day. Here are some tasks your team shouldn’t be doing by hand:

  • Keeping CRM records up to date
  • Routinely filing documents from one place to another
  • Copying and pasting data between apps
  • Scheduling meetings
  • Following up with emails
  • Sending, signing, and collecting documents
  • Writing sales proposals
  • Creating and sending invoices
  • Processing customer feedback data
  • Identifying the content of images, or the tone of messages

The list really does go on forever — around half of tasks is a lot of tasks, and a lot of time wasted if your team is trying to balance time between routine, repetitive tasks and high-value work that only humans can do.

Machines perform tasks faster, without variance or human error

You can hire the world’s most competent team, but unless they are actual machines there will be some margin of human error in their work. With automation, you can reduce this risk massively by handing the formulaic, repetitive tasks off to a machine.

This helps to improve the predictability of the output, reduces the number of errors, and improve the job satisfaction of whoever used to have to comb through endless amounts of boring spreadsheets. A machine can perform consistently without rest, meaning you could have it process large sets of data 24/7, on autopilot.

Managing large teams becomes a simple task of checking your process overviews

With your work running on autopilot, all you have to do to check in on the status of a task is check its logs, or check your employee’s activity records. This means that problems in your processes become easy to spot and fix, but it also means that they run more smoothly on a day-to-day basis because it reduces the need for group emails constantly updating the team on the status of a project.

The more transparently a team works, the easier it is for everyone to work at their own pace and have full visibility over the status of a project. Automation does this passively by leaving a log of work behind that acts as the single source of truth.

Use these three ready-made automation examples

In this book, we’ve written three ways you can automate core parts of your business. We cover:

  • Customer success (customer onboarding)
  • Customer support (handling a ticket)
  • Human resources (recruiting)

If you’re still using paper, still manually processing forms, or wasting time on CRM data entry, you’ll find out the best ways to use automation to completely eliminate these tasks.

Research indicates that 81% of UK companies will need greater automation by 2020 in order to cope with their increased workloads — for many, automation isn’t just a way of saving huge amounts of time and money; it’s essential to staying competitive and running a profitable business.

Ready to automate away your team’s time-consuming, dehumanizing work? Click below to get your copy of the ebook.

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