
Stop Switching Between Project Management Apps — Just Integrate Them

The following is a guest post by Brent Schiffman, the marketing manager for

Project management apps

Are you a developer, SCRUM Master, QA Engineer, Project Manager, or a manager of any sort?

You might have the problem I had before I found a solution to:

  • Stop tracking the same information in multiple apps
  • Stop transferring data manually between your apps
  • Connect your favorite apps together to form… some kind of super app.

If you can’t manage your projects, to-do lists or general planning and productivity with any single app, I’m about to give you some great news.

And that great news is… the existence of Zapier.

What’s Zapier?

Zapier is an online platform that does all the heavy lifting and bridges together many software platforms. This way users don’t need to be developers to integrate their favorite software with other platforms.

If you are a developer, this tool makes your life easier than actually making a direct API for each piece of software you want to connect. As one internet sensation once said, “Ain’t nobody got time for that.”

And Process Street?

Process Street, a workflow management platform for teams to collaborate around checklists, can be leveraged with all sorts of project management apps to streamline your workflows and processes. This is achieved by Process Street’s Zapier integration, which allows users of all technical talent levels to integrate their favorite software.

If you’re ready to start saving time and stress, we’ve included a few useful integrations in this post. That way you can get a jumping-off point for your own ideas. You’re also welcome to steal these since they’re easy to set up and useful.

To see the screen I’m showing you in the images below, sign up for Zapier then hit ‘Make a zap!’ on the top bar.

Keep in the Loop by Connecting Your Project Management Apps

If you’re using a powerful project management platform, such as, using new tasks to create new checklists is a great way to streamline task completion through your current workflow.

For those of you who are unaware of, it is an online project management platform. The online software is a one stop shop solution to most project and business manager’s needs. The software contains some popular features such as Gantt charts, real-time dashboards, and customizable reports. This software will make sure you get the job done right and on time.

project management apps process street project manager

Your team members can use this integration to streamline the way they address tasks. Not only will it save them time, but also grief from managers, since this is an efficient way to meet task deadlines. When it comes to projects everyone knows that deadlines are always an issue. However, this integration can help address the challenges of meeting your more firm deadlines.

Businesses who are tracking bugs in their products can use Process Street’s comments to create new issues in Jira to address issues. Never heard of Jira? It’s Atlassian’s bug tracking software that many agile development teams use. It allows you to assign bugs as tasks to different developers on your team. This way your team can tackle those bugs and push out your new product, website, or software update. Most users will tell you that Jira makes QA a breeze, besides actually fixing your bugs and issues.

project management apps process street jira

The above integration allows your team members to create tags that can be picked up by Zapier and get loaded directly into Jira so your engineers can address your bugs quickly. Pretty nifty, right? Also, you can make your tags whatever you want them to be. That feature alone allows you to classify what kind of bug it is by the tag you make, which can be applied to the title or name. E.g. Blocker#47 + (insert description here) can populate into Jira.

Click here for a great list of Jira alternatives!

Teams that are developing software can use GitHub’s software development oriented functionality to use new issues to trigger a new checklist in Process Street. Come on, everyone has heard of GitHub by now. Just in case you haven’t, it’s a great resource for developers everywhere. What really makes this platform shine is its community. Need a piece of code, but have no clue what you’re doing? Someone has probably posted exactly what you’re looking for somewhere and will probably let you use it. Seriously, GitHub has created the ultimate collaborative community.

project management apps process street github

Similar to the first integration feature, this one creates checklists for new issues. Here’s the good news though, you can program Zapier to create different checklists in Process Street based on bug titles and tags that you give them in GitHub.

For users that currently use Trello’s Kanban board software, a new comment in Process Street can create a new card in Trello. For those who don’t know what a Kanban board is, listen here. According to, it is “a work and workflow visualization tool that enables you to optimize the flow of your work.” Many people use this kind of tool to organize their own tasks in the format they chose rather than the native software their managers require them to use.

project management apps process street Trello

Trello is a great tool for personal productivity. If you like lightweight and simple interfaces then this tool and integration is probably the best way to tackle your workload. Keep in mind it is not the best for managing people, though. While it can be done, things will get kind of tangled up if your methods aren’t the same as your team members. Just let them have their own Trello accounts. It’s easier that way.

Is your team using Asana? You can use a new task with a tag in the software to create a new checklist. What is Asana you ask? It’s a productivity and collaboration software often used by smaller teams. It’s quite popular in the startup and small business scene. If you’re managing a smaller team then this software is probably more your speed. It’s not going to have the full spectrum of tools you’ll need for massive projects, but it’s not meant or designed for that.

project management apps process street asana

Your tagged tasks can allow for the creation of different checklists within Process Street. That means different tags can target specific checklists to streamline your daily tasks and workflow even further.

While the integrations above are great ways to integrate, make sure to branch out and find what works best for you.

In the end, you know your workload, team, workflow, and self better than anyone else. There are hundreds of other apps out there that connect with through Zapier. Get creative, who knows, you might be able to automate tons of day to day processes.

Brent is the Marketing Manager at He’s a tech geek that loves all things nerdy.

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