
The 12 Startup Procedures Every Founder Should Master

Startup Processes

When starting a new business whether it be a tech company or a retail store you will have many challenges that you will need to face and conquer. Starting a new business has many challenges on its own but when you’re looking to scale many of these challenges will be new to you and you will be unsure on how to face them. They can range from Customer Profiling to Investor Pitching and when your startup begins to scale there are challenges such as onboarding processes that you will need to know to ensure your company runs as smooth as possible.

That’s why over here at Process Street we created the checklists within this startup processes post, to ensure you are one-step ahead when faced with these challenges.

Customer Profiling

Customer profiling - header

The first checklist in this post is the Customer Profiling Checklist. This checklist will help you create a portrait of your customers to help you make decisions about your service or product. By identifying and understanding your customers, you can assess their needs and determine whether your business will meet those needs.

We created this checklist, to identify patterns within your customer base. This checklist should be run whenever a new customer uses your product or when you are contacted by them. You then record this information to create user profiles which are the portraits of your customers.

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Investor Pitch

Investor pitch - header

Next, we have the Investor Pitch Checklist and with this, you will understand why pitching to investors can be an important step for your business but also mainly how to pitch to investors. Investment can be extremely important especially if you’re a new company starting out. Investment from investors can help you develop your product/service further, hire new team members and more. Investors can also give you valuable advice alongside the lovely cash.

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Customer Feedback

customer feedback

Customer feedback is a method of obtaining a customer’s opinion about a business, product or service. Customer comments and complaints given to a company are an important resource for improving and addressing the needs and wants of the customer/user. We created this Customer Feedback Checklist to provide a way for business owners to gain an insight into how they can improve their business, products, services or business in general.

“Always deliver more than expected” – Larry Page

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Standup Meeting Checklist

standup meeting checklist

Standup meetings are short meetings that are held within teams every day to go over what they’re working on and what they worked on. They’re usually developer based but anyone can hold a standup meeting. They may also be called daily scrums, but they are usually between 5-15 minutes long and the reason for standing up is to keep the meetings short and to focus on the topic.

Standup meetings are effective because when you’re standing for too long you will begin to feel discomfort which makes you want to get the meeting done and over with. We created this Standup Meeting Checklist to ensure your meetings are effective and productive.

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AB Testing Checklist

AB testing - introduction

AB testing which can sometimes be referred to as ‘split testing’ is great for comparing two versions of web pages to see which one performs better. You compare the two different webpages by showing the two variants which can include visitors, conversion rate, sign ups and more but this AB Testing Checklist is best when you’re looking to find out what web page you’re carrying out this AB testing on has the best conversion rate. The checklist also includes some of the best AB testing tools that you can use to carry out your experiment.

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Developer Onboarding Checklist for Startups

developer onboarding checklist for startups

Finding a valuable developer to work for your startup can one of the most difficult team members for a startup to find. With the competition being extremely strong and developers being baited to work for other companies with the perks such as gym memberships, unlimited vacation, and free gadgets all on top of some of the most comfortable salaries in the world.

Once you have your developer on the team, you want to keep them — especially if you’re paying them a hefty salary. That’s why this Developer Onboarding Checklist was made to ensure you onboard your developer’s correctly and effectively.

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Salesperson Onboarding Checklist for Startups

salesperson onboarding checklist for startups

Like the developer onboarding checklist, we have created a Sales Onboarding Checklist although finding a salesperson is not as challenging as finding a developer, a sales employee still needs to receive proper onboarding. The average cost of recruiting, hiring and training an employee is typically 200% of an employee’s annual salary.

“The most unprofitable item ever manufactured is an excuse” – John Mason

That’s why we created this Salesperson Onboarding Checklist, to ensure the new hire sticks around.

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Creating an Invoice

creating an invoice

Invoices are how some of us are paid, especially freelancers and contractors. An invoice is a document sent to a buyer that specifies the amount and cost of products or services that have been provided by a seller. Creating invoices are usually the only thing we enjoy creating as we know there is money at the receiving end of it. But, they can sometimes take time out of your day when you can be spending it on other tasks.

We created this Creating An Invoice Checklist to help you save time and to focus on more important tasks. We also created this How To Create a Custom Invoice Generator Using Process Street post which includes how to make a WebMerge and Email invoice with Process Street.

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Blog Pre-Publish Checklist

Blog PrePublish Checklist

Pre-Publish checklists are boring and repetitive especially when you have to run them every single time you’re writing a blog post. But, when writing a blog post either personally or professionally, you can often forget simple tasks from running a spell check to checking that all your links are not broken especially if you’re writing a 2000 word blog post or more. Even when you note it down somewhere you will often forget to do the double-checks or whatever needs to be done.

That is why we created this Blog Pre-Publish Checklist, to ensure you never miss anything when creating your blog post.

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Content Promotion Checklist

content promotion checklist

Content marketing is far from easy or simple. It takes a whole lot of hours and hard to work to create valuable content and not middle of the road content. Creating content that people will use or read isn’t always as easy as it sounds, nevermind getting it out there for people to know about it. The promotion part is often the step that companies miss, they believe all the work has been done when the content has been created, but they can’t be any more wrong. You have to actively promote to get users which can take up many hours of your day.

I focus on content creation and promotion for Process Street every day, so this Content Promotion Checklist comes in handy. Especially if you don’t know where to begin.

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Visual Content Publishing Checklist

Visual Content Publishing Checklist

Publishing visual content can be a nightmare of legal and technical issues if you are unfamiliar with the process. By using this checklist for each new image you upload, however, you can ensure that not only will there be no question of legal ramifications, but the image will both fit all mediums and rank well in searches. This Visual Content Publishing Checklist is great if you’re not familiar with the steps needed to get your Content out there.

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Podcast Publishing Checklist

Podcast Publishing Checklist

You may be wondering why podcasting is important, well lemme tell you. Podcasting is a medium that grows about 30% each year. Back in 2013 iTunes announced it had 1 billion podcast subscribers and away back in 2011, Libsyn hosted over 10,000 shows, with over 1.6 billion downloads from 18 monthly audience members.

So as you can see this Podcast Publishing Checklist can be beneficial, we even have a podcast called Business Systems Explored which reveals the amazing systems behind amazing companies, it is definitely worth the listen if you have time.

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Vinay Patankar

CEO and Co-Founder of Process Street. Find him on Twitter and LinkedIn.

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