Verify patient's identity and procedure to be performed
Administer pre-operative medications
Apply surgical markings to the operative site
Transport patient to operating room
Administer anaesthesia to patient
Insert urinary catheter if necessary
Perform surgical scrub and don sterile attire
Approval: Surgeon for Patient Positioning
Create sterile field for surgery
Make initial incision at the wrist and expose the carpal tunnel
Release the transverse carpal ligament
Inspect the median nerve to ensure it is free from compression
Close the incision with sutures
Apply surgical dressing to the wound
Transport patient to recovery room
Monitor patient's vital signs post-surgery
Administer post-operative pain management
Instruct patient on wound care and follow-up appointments
Discharge patient once stable
Complete and document surgical report
Verify patient's identity and procedure to be performed
Confirm the patient's identity and the specific surgical procedure they are scheduled to undergo. This step ensures that the correct patient is being prepared for surgery and the intended procedure is being carried out. What measures will you take to verify the patient's identity and the procedure? How will you ensure accuracy in this critical step? Use the form field below to record the patient's name.
Administer pre-operative medications
Administer appropriate pre-operative medications to the patient as prescribed. Pre-operative medications may include sedatives, antibiotics, or pain relievers. These medications help ensure patient comfort, prevent infection, and manage pain during and after surgery. Which medications will be administered? Use the multiChoice field below to select the medications administered.
Pain Reliever
Apply surgical markings to the operative site
Carefully mark the operative site for the carpal tunnel release surgery. Surgical markings help guide the surgeon during the procedure, ensuring the correct area is targeted and minimizing the risk of errors. How will you ensure accurate and reliable surgical markings? Use the subtasks field below to check off the steps involved in applying surgical markings.
Clean the skin at the operative site
Locate the borders of the carpal tunnel
Mark the incision site
Mark the borders of the transverse carpal ligament
Verify accuracy of surgical markings
Transport patient to operating room
Safely transfer the patient from the pre-operative area to the operating room. The transportation process should prioritize the patient's comfort and well-being, ensuring their safety during the transfer. What measures will you take to ensure a smooth and secure transportation process? Use the form field below to record any special instructions or considerations.
Administer anaesthesia to patient
Administer the chosen anesthesia to the patient to induce a state of unconsciousness and ensure a pain-free surgery. The type of anesthesia used will depend on the patient's specific needs and the surgeon's preference. Which anesthesia will be administered? Use the dropdown field below to make your selection.
General Anesthesia
Regional Anesthesia
Local Anesthesia
No Anesthesia
Insert urinary catheter if necessary
If deemed necessary, insert a urinary catheter into the patient's bladder to drain urine during the surgery. This helps maintain a clear operative field and prevents the bladder from becoming overdistended. Will a urinary catheter be inserted for this surgery? Use the dropdown field below to make your selection.
Perform surgical scrub and don sterile attire
Thoroughly scrub and disinfect hands, arms, and nails using an antiseptic solution. Then, put on sterile attire, including gloves, gown, and mask. This step helps maintain a sterile environment during the surgery, minimizing the risk of infection. How will you perform the surgical scrub and don sterile attire? Describe the process in the form field below.
Approval: Surgeon for Patient Positioning
Will be submitted for approval:
Transport patient to operating room
Will be submitted
Create sterile field for surgery
Prepare and maintain a sterile field in the operating room to minimize the risk of infection during the surgery. A sterile field provides a controlled environment in which surgical instruments and materials can be safely used. How will you create and maintain a sterile field? Use the subtasks field below to check off the steps involved.
Cover the patient with sterile drapes
Arrange sterile instruments and supplies on the sterile field
Avoid reaching over the sterile field if not sterile
Replace any contaminated instruments or supplies
Monitor the sterile field throughout the surgery
Make initial incision at the wrist and expose the carpal tunnel
Make an initial incision at the wrist to access the carpal tunnel. This step enables visualization of the transverse carpal ligament and the median nerve. How will you make the initial incision and expose the carpal tunnel? Describe the process in the form field below.
Release the transverse carpal ligament
Carefully cut and release the transverse carpal ligament to relieve pressure on the median nerve. This step is the key component of carpal tunnel release surgery. How will you ensure a safe and effective release of the transverse carpal ligament? Describe the technique in the form field below.
Inspect the median nerve to ensure it is free from compression
Thoroughly examine the median nerve to ensure there is no residual compression or impingement. This inspection helps confirm the success of the carpal tunnel release surgery. How will you perform the inspection of the median nerve? Describe the process in the form field below.
Close the incision with sutures
Close the incision made during the surgery using sutures or other appropriate closure techniques. This step promotes wound healing and reduces the risk of infection. How will you close the incision? Use the subtasks field below to check off the steps involved.
Align the wound edges
Gently approximate the skin with sutures
Ensure proper tension of the sutures
Secure the knots in the sutures
Trim excess suture material
Apply surgical dressing to the wound
Apply an appropriate surgical dressing to the wound to protect it, promote healing, and provide support. How will you apply the surgical dressing? Describe the technique in the form field below.
Transport patient to recovery room
Safely transfer the patient from the operating room to the designated recovery room or area. Provide a comfortable and secure environment for the patient's initial recovery. What measures will you take to ensure a smooth and secure transportation process? Use the form field below to record any special instructions or considerations.
Monitor patient's vital signs post-surgery
Regularly monitor the patient's vital signs post-surgery to assess their overall condition, detect any complications, and ensure a smooth recovery. What vital signs will be monitored? Use the multiChoice field below to select the applicable options.
Blood pressure
Heart rate
Respiratory rate
Oxygen saturation
Administer post-operative pain management
Provide appropriate pain management interventions to ensure the patient's comfort post-surgery. Effective pain management helps minimize discomfort, improve recovery, and promote patient satisfaction. Which pain management interventions will be administered? Use the multiChoice field below to select the interventions applied.
Oral pain medication
Intravenous pain medication
Local anesthesia
Cold therapy
Physiotherapy exercises
Instruct patient on wound care and follow-up appointments
Provide detailed instructions to the patient regarding wound care and any necessary follow-up appointments. Proper wound care and timely follow-up are crucial for optimal healing and successful outcome. How will you instruct the patient on wound care and follow-up appointments? Describe the instructions in the form field below.
Discharge patient once stable
Discharge the patient from the recovery room once they are medically stable and ready to return home. Ensure all necessary preparations and arrangements are made prior to the patient's departure. What criteria will be considered to determine the patient's readiness for discharge? Use the subtasks field below to check off the criteria.
Stable vital signs
Minimal pain and discomfort
Ability to tolerate oral intake
Understand and follow discharge instructions
Confirmation of transportation arrangements
Complete and document surgical report
Thoroughly document the details of the carpal tunnel release surgery, including the procedure performed, any complications encountered, and relevant findings. This surgical report serves as a comprehensive record for future reference and enhances continuity of care. How will you complete and document the surgical report? Describe the process in the form field below.