Explore our rigorous ESG Reporting Template guiding companies through data identification, calculations, approvals and impactful-report delivery.
Identify ESG parameters relevant to the company
Collect data on identified parameters
Review historical ESG data
Calculate the annual ESG impact
Approval: Environmental Analyst
Include context and explanation for data metrics
Compile findings into comprehensible format
Approval: Senior Management
Design the report layout and aesthetics
Insert the ESG data into the report template
Fact-check and revise the report
Approval: ESG Reporting Strategist
Submit preliminary ESG report to internal project team
Incorporate feedback from project team
Approval: Compliance Officer
Prepare the final version of ESG report
Submit the final ESG report to decision makers
Disseminate the ESG report publicly
Prepare presentations summarizing the ESG report
Review and evaluate ESG reporting process
Identify ESG parameters relevant to the company
In this task, you will identify the ESG parameters that are relevant to the company. This is an important step as it will lay the foundation for the ESG reporting process. Consider the company's industry, operations, and stakeholder expectations. What ESG factors are significant for the company to address? Identify and list them here.
Collect data on identified parameters
Collecting data on the identified ESG parameters is crucial for the ESG reporting process. Here, you will gather relevant information and data related to the identified parameters. What sources will you use to collect data? Will you need to conduct surveys or interviews? How will you ensure the accuracy and reliability of the data collected?
Internal reports
External reports
Surveys and interviews
Industry benchmarks
Government databases
Review historical ESG data
Reviewing historical ESG data will provide valuable insights into the company's ESG performance over time. Analyze previous reports, data, and trends to understand the company's progress and identify areas for improvement. What were the key findings from the historical ESG data and how can they inform the current report? Share your analysis and recommendations here.
Calculate the annual ESG impact
Calculating the annual ESG impact is a critical step in the reporting process. Determine the methodologies and formulas that will be used to measure the company's ESG performance. Consider the relevant metrics and indicators for each identified parameter. How will you quantify the impact and communicate it effectively in the report?
Approval: Environmental Analyst
Will be submitted for approval:
Calculate the annual ESG impact
Will be submitted
Include context and explanation for data metrics
Including context and explanation for data metrics is essential to help readers understand the significance and implications of the presented data. Explain the meaning behind each data metric, the units of measurement used, and any relevant benchmarks or targets. How will you provide clear and concise explanations to ensure data comprehension?
Compile findings into comprehensible format
Compiling the findings into a comprehensible format is important for effective communication of the ESG report. Consider the structure, layout, and visual representation of the data. How will you organize the information to make it easy to navigate and understand? Will you use graphs, charts, or tables? Explain your approach here.
Approval: Senior Management
Will be submitted for approval:
Compile findings into comprehensible format
Will be submitted
Design the report layout and aesthetics
Designing the report layout and aesthetics will contribute to the overall readability and appeal of the ESG report. Consider the use of colors, fonts, and graphics that align with the company's branding. How will you ensure visual consistency and an engaging design? Share your ideas for the report's layout and aesthetics here.
Insert the ESG data into the report template
Inserting the ESG data into the report template is a crucial task to ensure accurate and structured representation of the findings. What report template will you use? How will you ensure the data is correctly formatted and aligned with the corresponding sections? Provide any specific instructions or guidelines for inserting the data into the template.
Fact-check and revise the report
Fact-checking and revising the report is essential to ensure its accuracy, coherence, and overall quality. Review the content, data, and references to identify any errors or inconsistencies. How will you conduct the fact-checking process? What measures will you take to address any identified issues or improve the report's clarity?
Approval: ESG Reporting Strategist
Will be submitted for approval:
Fact-check and revise the report
Will be submitted
Submit preliminary ESG report to internal project team
Submitting the preliminary ESG report to the internal project team allows for review and feedback before finalizing the report. Who are the key members of the internal project team? How will you facilitate the review process and gather feedback? Share the preliminary report with the project team and request their input.
Incorporate feedback from project team
Incorporating feedback from the project team is vital to address any identified issues or improve the report's content and structure. Review the feedback received and determine the necessary revisions or additions. What feedback was provided by the project team? How will you incorporate their suggestions into the final report?
Approval: Compliance Officer
Will be submitted for approval:
Incorporate feedback from project team
Will be submitted
Prepare the final version of ESG report
Preparing the final version of the ESG report involves incorporating all the necessary revisions, feedback, and improvements based on the project team's input. Ensure the report is comprehensive, accurate, and aligned with the desired objectives. How will you finalize the report and ensure its readiness for submission?
Submit the final ESG report to decision makers
Submitting the final ESG report to decision makers is a critical step in sharing the company's ESG performance and facilitating informed decision-making. Who are the key decision makers who will receive the report? How will you deliver the report to them? Ensure the report is properly formatted and accompanied by any additional materials or explanations.
Disseminate the ESG report publicly
Disseminating the ESG report publicly allows for transparency and accountability, showcasing the company's commitment to ESG practices. How will you publicly share the report? Will it be published on the company's website, shared through social media, or distributed to stakeholders? Outline your plan for disseminating the ESG report to the public.
Publish on company website
Share through social media
Distribute to stakeholders
Present at industry events
Send to relevant media outlets
Prepare presentations summarizing the ESG report
Preparing presentations summarizing the ESG report allows for concise communication of key findings and highlights. How will you structure the presentations? What content and visual aids will you include to effectively convey the report's main points? Prepare presentations that provide an overview of the ESG report's key insights and recommendations.
Executive summary
Key findings
Graphs and charts
Q&A section
Review and evaluate ESG reporting process
Reviewing and evaluating the ESG reporting process allows for continuous improvement and refinement of future reports. Reflect on the challenges faced, lessons learned, and areas for enhancement. How will you conduct the review and evaluation? What improvements or changes would you recommend for the next ESG reporting cycle?