Explore the FedEx Package Screening Process, a meticulous method ensuring safety and legitimacy of your packages from receipt to outbound delivery.
Receive FedEx package for screening
Confirm package reception
Record sender information
Weigh the package
Measure package dimensions
Scan package barcode
Approval: Package's Information Verification
Open package for internal screening
Inspect package contents visually
Use detection devices for further inspection
Record package content details
Approval: Package's Contents Verification
Repackage the items if necessary
Update package status on system
Attach new shipping label if old one is damaged
Stage package for outbound delivery
Finalize package screening process
Approval: Package Screening Completion
Receive FedEx package for screening
Welcome to the FedEx Package Screening Process! In this task, you will receive a FedEx package for screening. Your role is crucial in ensuring the safety and security of the package. Upon completion, you will move on to the next task. Are you ready to get started?
Confirm package reception
Great job on receiving the FedEx package! Now, let's confirm the package reception to ensure all the necessary details are captured accurately. Confirm the package details and its condition, and record any observations or special considerations in the form fields below.
Record sender information
Every package has a sender, and it's important to capture their information for future reference. Please fill in the form fields below with the required sender information. Feel free to include any additional details or comments that may be relevant.
Weigh the package
Now it's time to find out how much the package weighs. This information is crucial for various processes, such as determining shipping costs and ensuring compliance with weight restrictions. Please use the weighing scale provided to accurately measure the weight of the package.
Measure package dimensions
To ensure safe handling and storage of the package, we need to measure its dimensions accurately. Please use the measuring tape or ruler provided to measure the package dimensions as instructed below. Record the measurements in the form fields.
Scan package barcode
In this task, you will use the barcode scanner to scan the package barcode. Scanning the barcode helps in tracking and tracing the package throughout its journey. Find the barcode on the package and ensure it's aligned properly with the scanner. Let's scan it and record the information below.
Approval: Package's Information Verification
Will be submitted for approval:
Record sender information
Will be submitted
Weigh the package
Will be submitted
Measure package dimensions
Will be submitted
Scan package barcode
Will be submitted
Open package for internal screening
Now is the time to open the package for internal screening. Exercise caution while opening the package and follow the established procedures to avoid damaging the contents or yourself. Once opened, record any observations or special considerations below.
Inspect package contents visually
Inspecting the package contents visually is an essential step in the screening process. Carefully examine the contents to identify any visible signs of damage, irregularities, or prohibited items. Note down your observations and findings in the form fields provided. Is everything looking good?
Use detection devices for further inspection
For an additional layer of security, we will be using various detection devices to perform further inspection of the package contents. Familiarize yourself with the detection devices and follow the proper procedures to conduct the inspection. Based on the results, record your findings and observations below.
X-ray scanner
Metal detector
Chemical sensor
Explosive trace detector
Radiation detector
Record package content details
To maintain accurate records and facilitate further processing, we need to capture detailed information about the package contents. Carefully inspect the contents and record the necessary details in the form fields below. Pay attention to any unique characteristics or potential risks associated with the items.
Food and beverages
Fragile items
Handle with care
Keep away from heat
Fragile item - do not bend
Refrigeration required
Approval: Package's Contents Verification
Will be submitted for approval:
Inspect package contents visually
Will be submitted
Use detection devices for further inspection
Will be submitted
Record package content details
Will be submitted
Repackage the items if necessary
Based on the inspection results and any necessary actions identified, it may be required to repackage the items securely. Carefully handle the items and use appropriate packaging materials to ensure their safety and protection. Once repackaged, record any additional instructions or remarks in the form fields below.
Update package status on system
To keep all stakeholders informed and maintain accurate tracking, it's crucial to update the package status on the system. Access the system and enter the necessary details regarding the package screening process. Double-check for any errors or omissions before proceeding.
Attach new shipping label if old one is damaged
If the old shipping label is damaged or unreadable, it's essential to attach a new one to ensure the package reaches its intended destination. Carefully detach the old label, if present, and securely attach the new shipping label as per the instructions. Please provide the required details below.
Stage package for outbound delivery
Congratulations on reaching this stage of the FedEx Package Screening Process! Now, it's time to stage the package for outbound delivery to its destination. Ensure that the package is properly secured, labeled, and positioned for smooth handling and transportation. Any additional notes or instructions? Record them below.
Finalize package screening process
You have successfully completed the FedEx Package Screening Process! This final task marks the end of the workflow. Take a moment to review the entire process and ensure all required steps have been followed. If everything looks good, celebrate the accomplishment and feel free to provide any feedback, suggestions, or comments in the form fields below.