Experience seamless management of fixed assets with our Roll Forward Template, a streamlined workflow overseeing asset additions, depreciation, adjustments, and financial reporting.
Identify asset additions during the period
Prepare purchase documents for each addition
Calculate and input asset depreciation
Approval: Accountant for depreciation calculations
Record asset disposals or retirements
Make adjustments for impairments or write-offs
Approval: Finance Manager for impairment adjustments
Prepare accumulated depreciation schedule
Update the asset schedule with new additions, disposals and adjustments
Reconcile the asset ledger with the general ledger
Approval: Chief Financial Officer for ledger reconciliation
This task involves identifying any new assets that have been added during the specified period. It is crucial to keep track of all asset additions to maintain an accurate record. The desired result is to have a comprehensive list of asset additions, along with relevant details such as description, cost, and acquisition date. This task requires knowledge of accounting principles and the ability to identify and record assets correctly. Potential challenges may include missing or incomplete information about asset additions. In such cases, reach out to relevant departments or individuals to gather the required details. Resources or tools needed for this task include access to asset management systems or inventory records.
Intangible assets
Prepare purchase documents for each addition
In this task, you need to prepare purchase documents for each asset addition identified in the previous task. These documents are crucial for maintaining accurate records and ensuring compliance with accounting standards. The desired result is to have complete and organized purchase documents for each asset addition. To accomplish this task, you will need knowledge of procurement processes and document management. Additionally, you may need to collaborate with the purchasing department or vendors to gather necessary documents. Resources or tools needed for this task include purchase order templates, invoices, and relevant procurement software.
Calculate and input asset depreciation
In this task, you will calculate and input asset depreciation based on the identified additions. Asset depreciation is essential for financial reporting and determining the value of assets over time. The desired result is to have accurate depreciation figures for each asset. To complete this task, you need a solid understanding of depreciation methods and applicable accounting standards. Potential challenges include complex depreciation calculations or missing information about asset useful lives. In such cases, consult with relevant stakeholders or utilize industry-specific guidance. Resources or tools needed for this task include depreciation calculators and asset management software.
Double-declining balance
Sum-of-the-years' digits
Approval: Accountant for depreciation calculations
Will be submitted for approval:
Calculate and input asset depreciation
Will be submitted
Record asset disposals or retirements
This task involves recording asset disposals or retirements that occurred during the specified period. Accurate recording of disposals is crucial for maintaining an up-to-date asset schedule. The desired result is to have a complete and accurate record of asset disposals or retirements. To accomplish this task, you need to have knowledge of disposal processes and relevant accounting principles. Potential challenges include missing or incomplete disposal information. In such cases, reach out to relevant departments or individuals for clarification. Resources or tools needed for this task include disposal forms or templates.
Make adjustments for impairments or write-offs
This task involves making adjustments for impairments or write-offs of assets. Impairments occur when an asset's value is reduced, while write-offs involve removing the asset from the books entirely due to obsolescence or other reasons. The desired result is to have accurate adjustments for impaired or written-off assets. This task requires knowledge of impairment accounting and write-off processes. Potential challenges include determining the appropriate impairment amount or write-off criteria. Consult with relevant stakeholders or utilize industry-specific guidance in such cases. Resources or tools needed for this task include impairment assessment templates or write-off forms.
Approval: Finance Manager for impairment adjustments
Will be submitted for approval:
Make adjustments for impairments or write-offs
Will be submitted
Prepare accumulated depreciation schedule
In this task, you will prepare an accumulated depreciation schedule based on the recorded asset additions and depreciation. The accumulated depreciation schedule is crucial for maintaining accurate financial records and calculating the net book value of assets. The desired result is to have a complete and organized accumulated depreciation schedule. To accomplish this task, you need knowledge of accounting principles and proficiency in spreadsheet software. Resources or tools needed for this task include spreadsheet templates or accounting software.
Update the asset schedule with new additions, disposals and adjustments
This task involves updating the asset schedule with the new additions, disposals, and adjustments identified in the previous tasks. The asset schedule serves as a central repository of all fixed assets and their relevant details. The desired result is to have an updated and accurate asset schedule reflecting the changes that occurred during the period. To complete this task, you need attention to detail and proficiency in asset management systems or spreadsheet software. Ensure that all additions, disposals, and adjustments are accurately reflected in the asset schedule. Resources or tools needed for this task include access to asset management systems or spreadsheet templates.
Reconcile the asset ledger with the general ledger
In this task, you will reconcile the asset ledger with the general ledger. Reconciliation is essential to identify any discrepancies or errors between the two records. The desired result is to have a reconciled asset ledger and general ledger. To accomplish this task, you need knowledge of accounting principles and proficiency in spreadsheet software. Compare asset values, depreciation amounts, and any other relevant data to ensure consistency between the asset ledger and general ledger. Investigate and resolve any discrepancies found. Resources or tools needed for this task include spreadsheet templates or accounting software.
Approval: Chief Financial Officer for ledger reconciliation
Will be submitted for approval:
Update the asset schedule with new additions, disposals and adjustments
This task involves preparing financial statement notes related to fixed assets. Financial statement notes provide additional information about the fixed asset balances, accounting policies, or other relevant details. The desired result is to have accurate and comprehensive financial statement notes for fixed assets. To complete this task, you need knowledge of financial reporting requirements and proficiency in report writing. Identify the key information to include in the financial statement notes and ensure clarity and accuracy. Resources or tools needed for this task include financial reporting guidelines and report templates.
Review tax implications of fixed asset changes
In this task, you will review the tax implications of the changes made to fixed assets during the period. Changes such as additions, disposals, adjustments, or retirements may have tax implications that need to be considered. The desired result is to assess the tax impact of fixed asset changes accurately. To accomplish this task, you need knowledge of tax regulations and the ability to analyze the financial data. Consider the tax implications of each change and assess any potential tax benefits, liabilities, or reporting requirements. Resources or tools needed for this task include tax regulations and relevant tax calculation software.
Approval: Tax Advisor for tax implications review
Will be submitted for approval:
Review tax implications of fixed asset changes
Will be submitted
Prepare final Roll Forward report
In this task, you will prepare the final Roll Forward report summarizing all the changes and activities related to fixed assets during the period. The Roll Forward report provides a comprehensive overview of additions, disposals, adjustments, depreciation, and other relevant details. The desired result is to have a clear and concise Roll Forward report. To complete this task, you need proficiency in report writing and attention to detail. Organize the report in a logical manner, ensuring that all changes and activities are accurately described and supported by relevant data. Resources or tools needed for this task include report templates and financial data.