Manage your personal finances using our Google Sheets Balance Sheet Template. Track assets, liabilities, and calculate net worth with ease and precision.
Open Google Sheets and create a new document
Label the Sheet 'Personal Balance Sheet'
Create the headers for Assets, Liabilities, and Net Worth
Under the Assets header, create categories like 'Cash and equivalents', 'Investments', 'Real Estate', 'Retirement Accounts', 'Personal Property', 'Other Assets'
Under the Liabilities header, create categories like 'Short Term Liabilities', 'Long Term Debt', 'Other Liabilities'
Start entering personal financial data into the respective categories
Calculate total of each category under Assets and Liabilities
Determine Net Worth by subtracting total liabilities from total assets
Add a date stamp to keep a track of updating
Approval: Personal Data Review
Should there be any errors; correct, update and recalibrate the total figures
Save the balance sheet
Ensure the document is set to private or shared only with trusted parties
Set a reminder to update the sheet periodically
Periodically review and update the balance sheet
Approval: Periodic Review
Print the document, if a hardcopy is required
Open Google Sheets and create a new document
Open Google Sheets and create a new document. This task is the starting point of the workflow and sets the foundation for creating the personal balance sheet template. It is important to open Google Sheets for this task.
Label the Sheet 'Personal Balance Sheet'
Label the sheet as 'Personal Balance Sheet'. This task helps in proper identification and organization of the balance sheet template. It is necessary to label the sheet with the appropriate name for easy recognition later on.
Create the headers for Assets, Liabilities, and Net Worth
Create the headers for Assets, Liabilities, and Net Worth. These headers form the basic structure of the personal balance sheet template and serve as categories for organizing financial data.
Under the Assets header, create categories like 'Cash and equivalents', 'Investments', 'Real Estate', 'Retirement Accounts', 'Personal Property', 'Other Assets'
Under the Assets header, create categories like 'Cash and equivalents', 'Investments', 'Real Estate', 'Retirement Accounts', 'Personal Property', 'Other Assets'. These categories help in categorizing different types of assets for accurate representation of financial data.
Under the Liabilities header, create categories like 'Short Term Liabilities', 'Long Term Debt', 'Other Liabilities'
Under the Liabilities header, create categories like 'Short Term Liabilities', 'Long Term Debt', 'Other Liabilities'. These categories help in categorizing different types of liabilities for accurate representation of financial data.
Start entering personal financial data into the respective categories
Start entering personal financial data into the respective categories. This task involves populating the different asset and liability categories with relevant financial data.
Calculate total of each category under Assets and Liabilities
Calculate the total of each category under Assets and Liabilities. This task involves adding up the financial data within each category to determine the total.
Determine Net Worth by subtracting total liabilities from total assets
Determine Net Worth by subtracting the total liabilities from the total assets. This task helps in calculating the net worth by determining the difference between total assets and total liabilities.
Add a date stamp to keep a track of updating
Add a date stamp to keep track of updating the balance sheet. This task involves adding a date stamp to indicate when the balance sheet was last updated.
Approval: Personal Data Review
Will be submitted for approval:
Start entering personal financial data into the respective categories
Will be submitted
Calculate total of each category under Assets and Liabilities
Will be submitted
Determine Net Worth by subtracting total liabilities from total assets
Will be submitted
Add a date stamp to keep a track of updating
Will be submitted
Should there be any errors; correct, update and recalibrate the total figures
In case of any errors, correct, update, and recalibrate the total figures. This task ensures that accurate financial data is presented in the balance sheet by addressing any errors and adjusting the totals if necessary.
Save the balance sheet
Save the balance sheet. This task involves saving the completed balance sheet template to ensure that the data is retained and can be accessed for future reference.
Ensure the document is set to private or shared only with trusted parties
Ensure the document is set to private or shared only with trusted parties. This task is important for maintaining the confidentiality and security of the personal balance sheet template by limiting access to authorized individuals.
Shared with Trusted Parties
Set a reminder to update the sheet periodically
Set a reminder to periodically update the balance sheet template. Regular updates help ensure the accuracy and relevance of your personal financial data.
Periodically review and update the balance sheet
Review and update the balance sheet template at regular intervals. This ensures that your personal financial data remains up-to-date and accurately reflects your current financial situation.
Approval: Periodic Review
Will be submitted for approval:
Periodically review and update the balance sheet
Will be submitted
Print the document, if a hardcopy is required
If a hardcopy of the balance sheet is required, print the document. Hardcopies can be useful for record keeping or reference purposes.