Determine recovery timelines for each key IT systems
Approval: Recovery Time Objectives
Identify and evaluate disaster recovery strategies
Select appropriate recovery strategy for each key IT systems
Develop and document the disaster recovery procedure
Approval: Disaster Recovery Procedure
Organize disaster recovery training for the team and relevant staff
Conduct a disaster recovery test
Evaluate and document the results of the test
Approval: Test Results
Implement improvements based on test results
Repeat disaster recovery test after improvements
Approval: Improved Test Results
Maintain and update the disaster recovery procedure regularly
Approval: Updated Disaster Recovery Procedure
Identify key IT systems and data
This task is crucial for the IT disaster recovery plan as it involves identifying the key IT systems and data that are essential for the organization's operations. The goal is to assess the criticality of each system and determine the impact of their loss or unavailability. By identifying the key systems and data, the organization can prioritize their recovery efforts and allocate resources accordingly. To complete this task, gather information from various departments and stakeholders to create a comprehensive list of the key IT systems and data.
Network Equipment
Storage Device
Establish a disaster recovery team
This task involves establishing a disaster recovery team responsible for executing the IT disaster recovery plan. The team should be composed of individuals with the necessary skills and expertise to effectively respond to and mitigate IT disasters. The main objective of this task is to ensure that the organization has a dedicated team in place to handle IT disaster recovery efforts.
Assign roles and responsibilities to team members
In this task, assign specific roles and responsibilities to each team member to ensure clear accountability and efficient execution of the IT disaster recovery plan. By clearly defining roles and responsibilities, team members will have a clear understanding of their duties during an IT disaster event.
Create a disaster scenario outline
Create a disaster scenario outline that outlines potential IT disaster scenarios that could affect the organization. This task aims to identify and assess various disaster scenarios in order to better prepare the IT team for potential events. The outline should include a description of each disaster scenario, its impact on key IT systems and data, and any other relevant details.
Email System
Determine recovery timelines for each key IT systems
For each key IT system identified in Task 1, determine the recovery timeline or Recovery Time Objective (RTO). The RTO is the maximum time period within which a system must be restored after a disaster event in order to avoid significant impacts on the organization's operations. This task is crucial in setting realistic expectations and guiding the recovery efforts for each system.
Approval: Recovery Time Objectives
Will be submitted for approval:
Determine recovery timelines for each key IT systems
Will be submitted
Identify and evaluate disaster recovery strategies
Identify and evaluate potential disaster recovery strategies that can be employed to recover the key IT systems identified in Task 1. This task aims to explore different options and methods for recovering the systems and determining the most suitable strategy for each system based on factors such as cost, feasibility, and recovery time. By evaluating different strategies, the organization can make informed decisions regarding the recovery approach for each system.
Backup and Restore
High Availability
Cold Site
Hot Site
Cloud-based Recovery
Select appropriate recovery strategy for each key IT systems
Based on the evaluation conducted in Task 6, select the most appropriate recovery strategy for each key IT system. This task aims to determine the best approach for recovering each system and ensuring that the chosen strategy aligns with the organization's requirements and capabilities. By selecting the appropriate recovery strategy, the organization can effectively mitigate the impacts of an IT disaster event.
Backup and Restore
High Availability
Cold Site
Hot Site
Cloud-based Recovery
Develop and document the disaster recovery procedure
In this task, develop and document the disaster recovery procedure for each key IT system. The procedure should outline the step-by-step process for recovering each system using the selected recovery strategy. This task helps ensure that the organization has a clear and comprehensive guide to follow during an IT disaster event.
Approval: Disaster Recovery Procedure
Will be submitted for approval:
Develop and document the disaster recovery procedure
Will be submitted
Organize disaster recovery training for the team and relevant staff
Organize and conduct disaster recovery training sessions for the disaster recovery team and relevant staff members. This task aims to ensure that team members are familiar with the IT disaster recovery plan, understand their roles and responsibilities, and are equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively respond to an IT disaster event. Training sessions can be conducted through workshops, presentations, or simulations.
Conduct a disaster recovery test
Conduct a thorough disaster recovery test to assess the effectiveness of the IT disaster recovery plan and identify any potential gaps or areas for improvement. This task involves simulating an IT disaster scenario and executing the recovery procedures outlined in the plan. By conducting a test, the organization can proactively identify and address any issues before they occur in a real disaster event.
Evaluate and document the results of the test
After conducting the disaster recovery test, evaluate the results and document any observations, findings, or issues encountered during the test. This task aims to provide insights into the effectiveness of the IT disaster recovery plan and helps identify areas for improvement or refinement. By documenting the results, the organization can track progress and make informed decisions for future enhancements to the plan.
Approval: Test Results
Will be submitted for approval:
Conduct a disaster recovery test
Will be submitted
Implement improvements based on test results
Based on the results and findings from the disaster recovery test in Task 11, implement necessary improvements or amendments to the IT disaster recovery plan. This task aims to address any identified gaps or issues and enhance the overall effectiveness of the plan. By continuously improving the plan, the organization can enhance its resilience and readiness to respond to IT disaster events.
Repeat disaster recovery test after improvements
After implementing the improvements to the IT disaster recovery plan, repeat the disaster recovery test conducted in Task 10. This task aims to validate the effectiveness of the implemented improvements and ensure that the plan is capable of delivering the desired outcomes during an IT disaster event.
Approval: Improved Test Results
Will be submitted for approval:
Repeat disaster recovery test after improvements
Will be submitted
Maintain and update the disaster recovery procedure regularly
Regularly review, maintain, and update the disaster recovery procedure and associated documentation for each key IT system. This task aims to ensure that the procedure remains up-to-date with any changes in the IT environment or business requirements. By proactively maintaining and updating the procedure, the organization can ensure its effectiveness and readiness to respond to IT disaster events.
Approval: Updated Disaster Recovery Procedure
Will be submitted for approval:
Maintain and update the disaster recovery procedure regularly