Explore the LexisNexis Background Check Process - a comprehensive workflow for obtaining, analysing and reporting individual's verified data.
Request consent from the individual for the background check
Obtain the necessary information from the individual
Input the details into the LexisNexis system
Run Initial search on the individual's data
Analyse Preliminary Results
Run advanced search if needed
Analyse Final Results
Prepare Draft Report
Approval: Draft Report
Make necessary amendments to the draft report
Prepare Final Report
Send the final report to relevant party
Request consent from the individual for the background check
In this task, you need to request consent from the individual to conduct a background check. This is an important step as it ensures that the individual is aware and agrees to the process. It is essential to explain the purpose of the background check and assure them that their information will be handled confidentially. It's important to answer any questions or concerns they may have and document their consent. Do you have the individual's consent?
Obtain the necessary information from the individual
To conduct a background check, you need to gather important information from the individual. This includes their full name, date of birth, address, contact details, and any other relevant information. This task is crucial as it ensures that you have accurate and up-to-date information to input into the LexisNexis system. Please provide the following information:
Input the details into the LexisNexis system
In this task, you need to input the information gathered from the individual into the LexisNexis system. This will allow you to perform the necessary background checks. It is important to double-check the accuracy of the entered details to ensure accurate search results. Please input the following details into the LexisNexis system:
Run Initial search on the individual's data
This task involves performing an initial search on the individual's data using the LexisNexis system. The purpose is to gather preliminary results and identify any potential red flags or areas of concern. It is crucial to carefully analyze the results to determine the next steps. Please run an initial search on the individual's data using the LexisNexis system.
Analyse Preliminary Results
In this task, you need to carefully analyze the preliminary results obtained from the initial search. This involves reviewing the information found, checking for any discrepancies or inconsistencies, and determining the relevance of the findings to the background check process. It is important to document your analysis and identify any further actions required. Please analyze the preliminary results obtained from the initial search.
Run advanced search if needed
If the preliminary results require further investigation or clarification, you may need to perform an advanced search using the LexisNexis system. This task involves conducting a more detailed search and analyzing the additional information gathered. It is important to document any new findings and reassess the overall background check process. Is an advanced search required?
Analyse Final Results
Once all searches and analyses are complete, this task involves carefully reviewing and analyzing the final results obtained from the background check process. It is important to consider all the information gathered, assess its relevance and reliability, and make informed decisions based on the findings. Document your analysis and identify any further actions required. Please analyze the final results obtained from the background check process.
Prepare Draft Report
In this task, you need to prepare a draft report summarizing the findings of the background check. The report should include all relevant information, analysis, and conclusions drawn from the process. It is important to present the information in a clear and concise manner, ensuring accuracy and professionalism. Please prepare a draft report summarizing the findings of the background check.
Approval: Draft Report
Will be submitted for approval:
Prepare Draft Report
Will be submitted
Make necessary amendments to the draft report
After preparing the draft report, it is important to review and make any necessary amendments. This involves checking for errors, clarifying information, and ensuring that the report accurately reflects the background check findings. Collaborate with relevant team members or supervisors to finalize the report. Please review the draft report and make any necessary amendments.
Prepare Final Report
Based on the reviewed draft report and any amendments made, this task involves finalizing the background check report. Ensure all information is accurate, complete, and presented in a professional manner. The final report should be ready for distribution to the relevant party. Please prepare the final background check report.
Send the final report to relevant party
After preparing the final background check report, this task involves sending it to the relevant party, such as the hiring manager or HR department. Verify the appropriate recipient and ensure the report is securely transmitted. Record any necessary details or actions taken. Please send the final background check report to the relevant party.