These Procurement Policies and Procedures serve as corporate guidelines for conducting and managing the procurement activities of the Company.
These Procurement Policies and Procedures serve as corporate guidelines for conducting and managing the procurement activities of the Company.
The Approved Policy Statements and Procedures govern the procurement process of items categorized as follows:
Policy Statements:
a.) Applicant Supplier or Contractor applies for accreditation with the procurement manager or supervisor.
b.) Applicant Supplier or Contractor complies with accreditation documents and submits the same to procurement supervisor or manager. Record a copy of the documents using the form fields below
c.) Procurement Supervisor reviews and endorses the accreditation documents to Procurement Manager who in turn endorses the same to Internal Audit.
d.) The Accreditation Team, comprising of procurement agent, internal audit staff, conducts ocular inspections of business establishments and facilities of the suppliers-contractors. The Team also verifies original documents they have submitted to the procurement department.
e.) Internal Audit endorses the applicant supplier or contractor for approval of their accreditation based on the report of their findings from their accreditation inspection activities. Conversely, Internal Audit recommends for the disapproval of their accreditation to the procurement manager through an official letter together with their findings of accreditation inspection activities.
f.) The Procurement Manager, upon approval of accreditation of a particular supplier or contractor, assigns supplier’s number or contractor’s number to the applicant supplier or contractor who in turn would use it to gain access (i.e. password) to the E-Procurement System of the Company.
Policy Statement I:
It is The Company’s policy stance that the Procurement of Stock Items Non-Industrial, Consumables (e.g. office supplies, etc.) should be bid out to the lowest bidder after four-day period of submission of bids, without compromising the quality aspects of the item(s) bided out along with the objective concurrence of the end-user(s).
NOTE: To invite the prospective bidders, the Procurement Manager or his designated supervisor shall be given the task of contacting the accredited supplier or contractor concerned thru various communication tools such as internet-based communications (email, etc.) and the conventional telephone system (i.e. the landline numbers or cell-phones).
Their responses to the bidding invitations are done through the Company's website, recorded through the computer system based on its official list of accredited suppliers-contractors.
The Parameters taken into consideration in the Awarding of the Bids:
Policy Statement II:
It is the Company’s policy stance that the Procurement of Stock Items, Industrial, Consumables (lime, oil & lubricants, fuel-diesel gasoline, etc.) would go through a bidding process whereby the lowest bidder would be awarded with the item(s) under consideration after careful evaluation of the procurement-audit teams along with the concurrence of the end-user(s).
NOTE: To invite the prospective bidders, the Procurement Manager or his designated supervisor shall be given the task of contacting the accredited supplier or contractor concerned thru various communication tools such as internet-based communications (email, etc.) and the conventional telephone system (i.e. the landline numbers or cell-phones).
Their responses to the bidding invitations are done through the Company's website, recorded through the computer system based on its official list of accredited suppliers-contractors.
Policy Statement III:
It is the Company’s policy stance that the Procurement of Stock Items, Industrial Machinery Parts & Accessories would go through the bidding process with the lowest bidder to be awarded with the item(s) under consideration without compromising the quality aspects of the items bidded out subject to the concurrence of the end-user(s).
However, in urgent cases with the risk of imminent operational breakdown, the procurement manager, along with the concurrence in writing of the internal audit manager & his team, is authorized to resort to ‘open canvassing’ subject to the approval of the Comptroller of the Company upon proper written consultation and endorsement with the VP-Manufacturing Operations, provided, however, that the Company’s fabrication team have certified that it could not manufacture the same within the prescribed time frame without prejudice to the continuance of the factory operations.
NOTE: To invite the prospective bidders, the Procurement Manager or his designated supervisor shall be given the task of contacting the accredited supplier or contractor concerned thru various communication tools such as internet-based communications (email, etc.) and the conventional telephone system (i.e. the landline numbers or cell-phones).
Their responses to the bidding invitations are done through the Company's website, recorded through the computer system based on its official list of accredited suppliers-contractors.
Policy Statement IV:
It is the Company’s policy stance that the Procurement of Non-Stock Items, Office Equipment, Parts & Accessories should go through the closely-supervised bidding process with the lowest bidder to be awarded with the item(s) under consideration without compromising the quality aspects of the items bidded out subject to the concurrence of the end-user.
NOTE: To invite the prospective bidders, the Procurement Manager or his designated supervisor shall be given the task of contacting the accredited supplier or contractor concerned thru various communication tools such as internet-based communications (email, etc.) and the conventional telephone system (i.e. the landline numbers or cell-phones).
Their responses to the bidding invitations are done through the Company's website, recorded through the computer system based on its official list of accredited suppliers-contractors.
Policy State V:
Non-Capex Item
Capex Item
NOTE: To invite the prospective bidders, the Procurement Manager or his designated supervisor shall be given the task of contacting the accredited supplier or contractor concerned thru various communication tools such as internet-based communications (email, etc.) and the conventional telephone system (i.e. the landline numbers or cell-phones).
Their responses to the bidding invitations are done through the Company's website, recorded through the computer system based on its official list of accredited suppliers-contractors.
On top of it all, a fully-authorized ‘resorting to open canvassing’ upon the judgement call of the procurement manager is allowed under this category.
However, final decision-making as regards Capex items, shall be given to the Company’s Comptroller as chairperson of the Top Management Bidding Committee.
Policy Statement VI
It is the Company’s long-standing policy that the sourcing out of qualified bidders for the construction of production facilities, considered as Capex Items costing more than Php 4,000,000.00, shall be the sole responsibility of The Company’s Top Management Bidding Committee, with the assistance of the procurement-internal audit teams as ad hoc support group.
The Top Management Bidding Committee
The Top Management Bidding Committee shall comprise of the following:
Policy Statement VII:
It is the Company’s long-standing policy that the procurement of contract services particularly for the repairs and refurbishment of production facilities (capex and non-capex-minor repairs) on a turnkey basis shall go through closely-supervised bidding process whereby the most deserving bidder, one who could provide the Company with the greatest degree of advantage in terms of cost-savings and top quality services, will be awarded with the coveted project in accordance with the Company’s long-held tradition of transparency and accountability executed under highest degree of corporate ethical standards.
It is the Company’s long-standing policy that the procurement of contract services particularly for the repairs and refurbishment of administrative buildings and facilities (capex and non-capex) turnkey basis will have to go through closely-supervised bidding process whereby the most deserving bidder, the who could give the Company the greatest degree of advantage in terms of cost-savings and top quality services, will be awarded with the coveted project in accordance with the Company’s long-held tradition of transparency and accountability executed under the highest degree of corporate ethical standards.
Policy Statement IX:
It is the Company’s long-standing policy that the procurement of contract services particularly maintenance and housekeeping of administrative and factory operations and/or production facilities shall have to undergo the closely-supervised bidding process whereby the most deserving bidder, the one who could give the Company the greatest degree of advantage in terms of cost-savings and top quality services, shall be awarded with the coveted project in accordance with the Company’s long-held tradition of transparency and accountability executed under the highest degree of corporate ethical standards.
Policy Stat X:
It is the Company’s long-standing policy that the Signatories of Purchase Order (PO), Service Order (SO) - (Amount below Php 50,000.00), Supply or Service Contracts shall comprise of the following: