Explore Sears' comprehensive Background Check Process, diligently ensuring potential hires meet strict criteria via thorough document verification and review.
Receive and Review Background Check Request from Hiring Manager
Compile Applicant's Basic Information
Initiate Background Check with Third-Party Agency
Follow-up with Agency for Status Updates
Receive and Review Preliminary Background Check Results
Approval: Preliminary Background Check Results
Contact Applicant for Further Information if Necessary
Review Applicant's Response
Compile and Review Additional Verification Documents
Approval: Verification Documents
Complete Final Review of Background Check Results
Approval: Final Background Check Results
Prepare and Send Report to Hiring Manager
Determine if Applicant Meets Hiring Criteria
Update Applicant's Status in HR System
Notify Applicant of Background Check Outcome
Archive Background Check Documentation for Compliance
Close Background Check Process
Receive and Review Background Check Request from Hiring Manager
In this task, you will receive and review the background check request from the hiring manager. This task plays a crucial role in initiating the background check process and ensuring it aligns with the hiring manager's requirements. By carefully reviewing the request, you can identify any specific areas of concern or additional information needed to conduct a thorough background check. Have you received the background check request? Is there any missing information? How can you ensure the request is complete? What tools or resources do you need for this task?
Compile Applicant's Basic Information
In this task, you will compile the applicant's basic information for the background check. This step is essential for starting the verification process. Your goal is to gather all relevant details about the applicant, such as their full name, date of birth, address history, and contact information. How will you collect the basic information? What specific details are required? Are there any challenges or potential issues that could arise? What tools or resources will you use to compile this information?
Initiate Background Check with Third-Party Agency
In this task, you will initiate the background check with a third-party agency. This step involves submitting the applicant's basic information to the agency for verification. By partnering with a trusted agency, you can ensure the accuracy and reliability of the background check results. How will you initiate the background check? What information needs to be shared with the agency? Are there any specific requirements or instructions to follow? What tools or resources do you need for this task?
Follow-up with Agency for Status Updates
In this task, you will follow up with the third-party agency to get status updates on the background check. Regular communication ensures the process is progressing smoothly and helps to address any potential delays or issues. How will you follow up with the agency? What information do you need to inquire about? Are there any specific timelines or deadlines to consider? What tools or resources will you use to track the status of the background check?
Receive and Review Preliminary Background Check Results
In this task, you will receive and review the preliminary background check results from the third-party agency. This step is crucial for assessing the applicant's suitability for the role. Carefully analyze the results to identify any potential red flags or discrepancies. Are the results consistent with the hiring criteria? How will you review the results? What specific details should you focus on? Are there any challenges or discrepancies that may arise? What tools or resources will you use to review the results?
Approval: Preliminary Background Check Results
Will be submitted for approval:
Receive and Review Preliminary Background Check Results
Will be submitted
Contact Applicant for Further Information if Necessary
In this task, you will contact the applicant to gather further information if necessary. This step is crucial for clarifying any discrepancies or addressing any concerns found in the preliminary background check. How will you contact the applicant? What specific information or documents do you need from them? Are there any challenges or potential issues in contacting the applicant? What tools or resources will you use to communicate with the applicant?
Review Applicant's Response
In this task, you will review the applicant's response to your request for further information. This step is essential for assessing the applicant's credibility and addressing any remaining concerns. Carefully analyze the information provided by the applicant and compare it with the background check results. Are there any discrepancies or inconsistencies? How will you review the applicant's response? What specific details should you focus on? Are there any challenges or potential issues in reviewing the response? What tools or resources will you use?
Compile and Review Additional Verification Documents
In this task, you will compile and review any additional verification documents provided by the applicant. This step is crucial for validating the applicant's information and addressing any remaining concerns. Gather the necessary documents, such as identification proofs, educational certificates, or employment records. How will you compile the documents? What specific documents are required? Are there any challenges or potential issues in reviewing the documents? What tools or resources will you use for document management?
Approval: Verification Documents
Will be submitted for approval:
Review Applicant's Response
Will be submitted
Compile and Review Additional Verification Documents
Will be submitted
Complete Final Review of Background Check Results
In this task, you will complete the final review of the background check results. This step is crucial for making an informed decision about the applicant's suitability for the role. Carefully analyze the complete set of background check results, applicant's responses, and additional verification documents. Are there any outstanding concerns or discrepancies? How will you evaluate the overall results? What specific details should you focus on? Are there any challenges or potential issues in the final review process? What tools or resources will you use to review the results?
Approval: Final Background Check Results
Will be submitted for approval:
Complete Final Review of Background Check Results
Will be submitted
Prepare and Send Report to Hiring Manager
In this task, you will prepare and send the background check report to the hiring manager. This step is crucial for keeping the hiring manager informed and facilitating the decision-making process. Create a comprehensive report that includes the background check results, any additional verification documents, and your assessment of the applicant's suitability. How will you prepare the report? What specific details should be included? Are there any challenges or potential issues in creating the report? What tools or resources will you use for report preparation and delivery?
Background Check Report - {{form.Report_Format}}
Determine if Applicant Meets Hiring Criteria
In this task, you will determine if the applicant meets the hiring criteria based on the background check results and assessment. This step is crucial for making the final decision on the applicant's suitability for the role. Evaluate the background check results, applicant's responses, and any additional information provided. Does the applicant meet the desired hiring criteria? Are there any outstanding concerns or discrepancies? How will you evaluate the overall fit? What tools or resources will you use for the evaluation?
Meets Criteria
Requires Further Review
Does Not Meet Criteria
Update Applicant's Status in HR System
In this task, you will update the applicant's status in the HR system based on the background check results and evaluation. This step is crucial for maintaining accurate records and facilitating the hiring process. Update the applicant's status to reflect whether they meet the hiring criteria or require further review. How will you update the status in the HR system? Are there any specific fields or criteria to consider? Are there any challenges or potential issues in updating the status? What tools or resources will you use for the update?
Notify Applicant of Background Check Outcome
In this task, you will notify the applicant of the background check outcome. This step is crucial for transparency and maintaining a positive candidate experience. Communicate the outcome of the background check, whether the applicant meets the hiring criteria or requires further review. How will you notify the applicant? What specific details should be included in the notification? Are there any challenges or potential issues in communicating the outcome? What tools or resources will you use for notification?
Archive Background Check Documentation for Compliance
In this task, you will archive the background check documentation for compliance purposes. This step ensures that all necessary records and documents are securely stored as per legal and organizational requirements. How will you archive the documentation? What specific details or documents need to be archived? Are there any challenges or potential issues in archiving the documentation? What tools or resources will you use for document archiving?
Close Background Check Process
In this task, you will close the background check process. This step marks the end of the background check and ensures all necessary actions have been completed. Are there any outstanding tasks or actions? What specific steps need to be taken to close the process? Are there any challenges or potential issues in closing the process? What tools or resources will you use for closing the process?