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Bigger Audience (Mini-Training Part 1 of 3)
In 12 years of running an online business, I’ve made EVERY MISTAKE in the book, and here’s one of the biggest.
By the way... if you’re NOT seeing the growth you’d like, you’re probably making this same mistake!
Last week I was visiting my parents at which point they LOVINGLY encouraged me to clean out some of my old junk.
That's when I found my first Business Card for my "online business" (circa 2009) "Marketing Ninja."
Can you spot the MASSIVE mistake there?
If you could choose right now, would you rather hire a "marketing ninja" or an Instagram Growth Specialist who can double your engagement in 30 days?
The latter, right?!
So... what’s the difference?
How specialized are you?
Let’s break this down from a "brain-based" approach: In a complete resting state, your brain consumes 30% of your calories. In other words, just THINKING takes up a lot of energy. And to conserve energy, your brain will do everything it can to AVOID thinking.
...that’s what Decision Fatigue is all about.
So... what does this have to do with you?!
Well... people have problems. They will ALWAYS have "problems" that need solving!
And most are smart enough to save time and effort and just PAY someone to solve those problems!
So... when people go seeking for solutions to these problems, they want to do as little research and thinking as possible (chances are you can relate to this, right?!)
Therefore, in an effort to conserve brain-power, your prospects simply look to who is PERCEIVED as "the best." The "Expert." The Authority!
It’s just human nature. People seek out the best and that’s who they buy from. You don’t invest in training from those who don’t know what they’re talking about... do you?!
Of course not! You seek out the best! And so do YOUR prospects!
And even if you’re sitting there saying, "but James, I’m NOT the best"
OR... "who the heck am I to be doing this?!"
Well... here is the BIG FIRST STEP to BEING THE BEST:
You see, the big mistake most struggling course creators, coaches, and membership owners are making, is they are attempting to be the GENERALIST. In an effort to attract MORE customers, they try to be ALL things to ALL people.
And when you try to be everything to everyone... (ie. Generalist) end up being nothing to NO ONE!
Again... would you work with the "Marketing Ninja" or the "Instagram Growth Specialist?"
Creating SPECIALIZATION makes it easy for you to be the best! Think about it, being that BEST at everything is impossible... but what about ONE THING?! Are you telling me you can’t commit to getting EXTRAORDINARY at one thing?!
But SPECIALIZATION doesn’t just make becoming an authority easier, it gets you known, because it’s SO MUCH easier for you to communicate what you do so people actually GET IT.
Here’s how I learned this FIRST HAND...
Back in 2010, I was brought in to consult with a start-up. The CEO introduced me to his entire team... or rather... he tried to...
"James, what exactly do you do?"
I thought I would impress him and his team, so I rattled off EVERYTHING I can do...
"Well, I can do it all. Copy, Email, Social, Adwords, SEO..."
As the list got longer, I could see his eyes begin to glaze... I was totally losing him!
...that’s when I completely SAVED THE SALE!
"...but what I’m really known for: Video Marketing!"
That’s when everything "clicked" for him!
"Oh! You’re the video guy! Of course!"
(You may already know that I was the "video guy" for SEVERAL years, and sold over $10 Million in "video-related" courses. ...even though I did far more than just "teach video.")
SPECIALIZATION doesn’t "put in you in a box" or "limit your potential." In does the opposite! It gets you OUT of the box of generalization and noise.
SPECIALIZATION informs the brains of your prospects that YOU KNOW WHAT YOU’RE TALKING ABOUT... and YOU CAN HELP.
...and now that you’re client sees you AS the SPECIALIST, and you help solve their problem... you can go to work solving other problems they might have.
So... how specialized are YOU?
Can your audience/followers explain what you do and how you help in 10 seconds or less?
If they don’t know what you do or how you do it... do you ever expect them to buy from you?
Would you buy from someone who couldn’t explain to you what they do?!
So, if this is something you are lacking clarity, confidence and certainty on (which I assume you do, otherwise you wouldn’t still be reading)
Here’s how to get started!
In tomorrow’s email (Part II), I’m going to reveal the THREE Indicators of Successful (ie Profitable) Niches that will help you create the clarity you need on the SPECIALIZATION you crave!
Then, on Wednesday (Part III), I’ll share my "Specialization Framework" so you can walk away knowing exactly what to say and how to say it!
So... keep an eye on your inbox for tomorrow’s email!
James Wedmore
PART II: 3 Indicators of a Profitable Niche (Specialization)
By now, you already know that being SPECIALIZED is the key to creating authority, capturing attention, and attracting more clients.
...and when you just look at where the industry is going, (more competitors, ie more noise!) becoming SPECIALIZED is more important than ever!
So, if you haven’t read through PART 1 of my "Niche Specialization" training, click here to start there
Today, I’m going to walk you through the 3 Key Indicators that all Profitable Niches have and a 30 second "trick" you can do to TEST to see if you’re creating the RIGHT specialization.
3 Key Indicators to Niche Specialization
#1. "I have money, and I’m willing to spend it."
When you begin to get specific on who exactly you help, you’ll need to make sure your audience has money *AND* they are willing to spend money to solve this problem. (and here’s a good tip: the bigger the problem, the more likely someone is to spend money)
But I see a lot of struggling course creators targeting BROKE people. A course on "getting out of debt" or "foreclosures" is possible... but it’s a tough sell to ask people who don’t have money to spend more money.
Why make your business so much harder than it needs to be? When you target those who have money and love spending it, you can charge higher prices and therefore require fewer customers! But targeting "teens" or "freebie-seekers" means even asking for a few bucks is pulling teeth!
People pay for one thing: RESULTS. Results are specific, measurable and tangible. As you consider the specific results you’re going to help your customers with, it will help to answer the following question: "how will they know when they have it?"
Many entrepreneurs struggle trying to sell "confidence," "happiness," "self-love," or "self-care." It CAN be done, but it is a tough sale. Why? Because these are STATES, (states that can be achieved in an INSTANT!) *NOT* results.
You can CHOOSE to be happy right now. You can CHOOSE to love yourself right now.
But most people (your audience) are looking for a specific, EXTERNAL result that they BELIEVE will bring them more love, happiness, confidence, etc. So, your EXTERNAL promise must begin with a specific, tangible result... because THAT’S what people are already looking for!
#3. Competitors!
One of the most devastating BELIEFS I’ve seen start-up entrepreneurs have (and I’ve been guilty of this one as well!), is giving up on a brilliant idea because someone else is already doing it. competitors are a bad thing!
WRONG! Competitors are a GREAT THING! They are proving that your market is already profitable! What does it say about a market that NO ONE is in it(assuming it’s not a brand new industry of course).
So, does your market already have competitors? Successful competitors? If so, GOOD! And here’s how we can use this to do some quick market research...
30-Second Niche Test...
Step #1: Think of your "niche" ...or your market, ...or your specialization. Let’s use the example of one of our Business By Design members: Breath-Holding. (Meet Stig from Breathology:
Step #2: Write down 2-4 of the BIGGEST questions someone in this niche would "Google" if they wanted to find more information (ie: how to hold your breath, underwater breathing exercises)
Step #3: Search those terms on YouTube.
...what did you find?
Are there TONS of videos with millions of views... or is it virtually a ghost town?
60% of YouTube’s views are SEARCH-DRIVEN. This means YouTube Users are actively using the platform to find answers to their questions. So... if a video has a lot of views, that means: A LOT OF PEOPLE ARE LOOKING!
When you search, "how to hold your breath," the #1-ranked video has +3 Million views! The #2 video, +900k views!
We are absolutely on to something here! BUT... we aren’t finished!
This 30-Second YouTube test just tells us there IS demand for this type of information. But we haven’t FULLY "niched-down" or SPECIALIZED just yet.
That’s why in Part #3, I’ll break down the 4-Part Niche Framework that you can use to STAND OUT with your SPECIALIZATION no matter how crowded your market may feel right now!
So... stay tuned!
James Wedmore
The Specialization FRAMEWORK (Part 3 of 3)
On Monday, I shared WHY Specialization is the path to standing out and becoming the authority as the marketplace gets more crowded. You can read Part 1 here:
Then, on Tuesday, I shared three key indicators for a profitable niche:
So, if you have (or want to have) a profitable online course, membership or group coaching offer, this final piece is CRUCIAL: The 4-Part Specialization Framework
Without it, you’ll struggle to communicate what you do, which means the people who NEED your help, will struggle to understand why they should work with you! And that means you’re leaving way too much money on the table!
So, let’s fix that! Ready?
This is as simple as identifying FOUR QUESTIONS:
- WHO Specifically
- WHAT Specifically
- HOW Specifically
- WHY Specifically
The key word here being SPECIFIC uncomfortably specific. Now, you’ll also notice that you won’t get UBER-SPECIFIC on all four of the questions... maybe just one or two... that’s ok! That’s why all four questions are there! So, let’s break this down in more detail
- Who Specifically is this offer for?
Your offer isn’t for everyone, so who exactly IS it for? The more specific... the better! If it’s business owners, what TYPE of business owner? How do they identify themselves?
With the example from Part 2, we looked at the "breath-holding" niche. So, let’s get specific. Who specifically are we serving? "People who want to hold their breath longer." Eh.. sure... but that is still broad and wishy-washy. What about SURFERS. And even more specifically, big-wave surfers who are looking to do destination-trips to reef-breaks. Ya. Now THAT’S specific.
- What Specifically is the PROBLEM you are solving?
What problem are you solving? Is it specific? Is it TANGIBLE? Or broad and general? And... is it a problem with paying for?
Looking at Surfers example, the problem we are solving here is... DROWNING! If they can’t hold their breath long enough after being wiped out, they risk drowning. This is something that needs to get solved, and it’s worth paying for!
- How Specifically Do You SOLVE This Problem?
There are multiple paths to the same destination. HOW you solve this problem may be what really stands you out in your specialization. Take "business growth." Most business owners struggle with the problem of leads and sales. Maybe you solve that problem through a specific funnel or social media tool.
For this "Surf Survival" example, we solve this problem through learning how to hold your breath for a minimum of 2 and a half minutes.
- Why YOU & Your Offer Specifically?
If there is even one more option for your prospect, then... why you over any other option? What makes this offer unique and better? (Yes, I get that this can be the toughest question of all to answer... but it’s also one of the most important!)
For our Surfer example, we have a few answers. First, we can go back to Stig the creator of the program ask the reason why. As a World-Record Holder for breath-holding... that’s a pretty good enough reason for me!
But, maybe there is something about the METHOD or TRAINING that makes it unique. Maybe you can DOUBLE your breath-holding time in under 15 minutes of practice (I dunno, I just made that up), but notice it creates a unique hook.
Now it’s Your Turn!
If you WANT to nail your niche, you’ll need to accurately answer those four questions. Everything from your social media, emails, copy, Facebook Ads gets impacted by the answers to those four questions...
...and if you don’t know the answers, how will you ever get anyone to find you, understand what you do... let alone buy from you?!
So, if you are feeling "STUCK" here, and you know much it’s costing you to stay stuck... I WANT TO HELP!
THIS Saturday & Sunday I’m hosting a LIVE Virtual Workshop, called: NAIL YOUR NICHE!
And until this Friday, you can get the $297 Workshop for JUST $97!
PLUS... I’m offering the BEST GUARANTEE EVER:
If you don’t NAIL Your Niche by the end of the workshop, I’ll give you a complete refund... and let you keep the recordings! You have nothing to lose!
You can get all the details and get yourself registered here:
See ya this weekend!
James Wedmore
Niche Workshop Increases to $297 TONIGHT!
Today is the LAST day to join the rest of us in the ‘Nail Your Niche’ LIVE Virtual Workshop before the price TRIPLES tonight at 11:59pm PST.
If you don’t know your NICHE with 100% certainty, pay very close attention to this email, because this is costing you more sales than you realize.
Unfortunately, I’ve seen far too many of the “Good Entrepreneurs” (ya know, the ones who actually have VALUE to share and want to help people) go unseen and unheard for so long for one massive reason: They don’t know their SPECIALIZATION.
Sound familiar?
Without knowing what you’re known for... delay creating that product,
...your messaging suffers,
...your audience gets confused,
...and the people who ACTUALLY need your help, don’t end up buying from you!
In fact, if any of this sounds like you, you’ve probably already began to consider “throwing in the towel” and giving up. “Maybe I’m not cut out for this!”
*PLEASE! DON’T! I’m here to help!
If you DID know exactly how to communicate what it is you do and to whom, would you finally create that course? Could that get you an extra client or two this month? Could you even RAISE your prices? ...heck! Would ya even just start building your list a little bit!?!
Well... if you said “yes!” to any of that... what is that worth to you? What is it worth to finally get off the starting block and begin DOING, instead of constantly learning... hesitating... waiting?! FINALLY see some friggin' progress! (“Yes! This is working!!")
Is it fair to say it’s worth FAR more than $97?
Well, that’s the investment into my 2-Day Virtual Workshop designed to do one thing: Give you the clarity and confidence to communicate what you do, how you do it, and who you help so you can finally make forward progress towards launching your business and getting more sales.
...and, **IF** you don’t “Nail Your Niche” by the end of this training, I’ll give you 100% of your money back... and you can keep the recordings absolutely free!
What do you have to lose?!
Heck! What have you already lost out on already by NOT knowing your niche?! And where do you think you’ll be this time next year if you still don’t know your niche?
Some say “the same place,” but the truth is, you’ll be worse off. Because, if you’re not growing and moving towards your goals right now, how are you expected to MAINTAIN the situation you are in right now?
Let’s get this SOLVED once and for all together, so you too can go on and build that following, create that community, and sell more of the stuff you’ve been dying to sell!
To reserve your seat for the Nail Your Niche MASTERCLASS ($97) before the price goes up to $297 tonight at midnight, click here:
See ya there!
-James Wedmore
Business By Design