USP 800 Compliance Checklist for Safety in the Pharmacy
USP 800 Compliance Checklist for Safety in the Pharmacy
Understand the requirements of USP 800
Identify hazardous drugs in the pharmacy
Evaluate existing policies and procedures in relation to the handling of hazardous drugs
Design and implement a plan for full compliance with USP 800
Train staff on the proper handling, storage and disposal of hazardous drugs
Approval: Pharmacists training
Define and establish a proper area for the receipt and unpacking of hazardous drugs
Implement procedures for visual inspections of hazardous drugs upon receiving
Establish deactivation, decontamination, cleaning, and disinfection procedures
Create a written program for monitoring staff exposure to hazardous drugs
Adopt standard operating procedures for spill management
Approval: SOPs for Spill Management
Establish procedures for the documentation and communication of exposure to hazardous drugs
Implement a medical surveillance program
Approval: Medical Surveillance Program
Post compliant signage for areas where hazardous drugs are stored and handled
Implement a hazardous drug disposal program
Approval: Hazardous Drug Disposal Program
Conduct reviews regularly to maintain compliance with USP 800
Approval: Compliance Reviews
Understand the requirements of USP 800
In this task, you will familiarize yourself with the requirements of USP 800. Understand the guidelines and regulations set forth to ensure safety in the pharmacy. Identify the key aspects, guidelines, and standards that need to be adhered to. What challenges might arise in understanding and implementing these requirements? How can you overcome them?
Identify hazardous drugs in the pharmacy
In this task, you will identify the hazardous drugs present in the pharmacy. Conduct a thorough inventory of the drugs and substances that pose a risk to staff safety. What methods or tools can be used to identify hazardous drugs? Are there any specific labeling or packaging requirements to consider? How will the identification of hazardous drugs impact the overall safety measures?
Evaluate existing policies and procedures in relation to the handling of hazardous drugs
In this task, you will evaluate the existing policies and procedures in relation to the handling of hazardous drugs. Assess the current practices and identify any gaps or areas for improvement. How can the existing policies be aligned with the requirements of USP 800? What measures can be taken to bridge any gaps? What resources or tools can assist in the evaluation process?
Design and implement a plan for full compliance with USP 800
In this task, you will design and implement a plan for full compliance with USP 800. Create a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps, actions, and timelines required for achieving full compliance. How will the plan be communicated and implemented? What resources or tools will be needed? How will the plan be monitored and evaluated for effectiveness?
Train staff on the proper handling, storage and disposal of hazardous drugs
In this task, you will train staff on the proper handling, storage, and disposal of hazardous drugs. Develop a training program that covers all aspects of handling, storage, and disposal in accordance with USP 800. What training methods or tools will be used? How will the effectiveness of the training be assessed? Who will be responsible for conducting the training?
Online modules
In-person workshops
Written guidelines
Hands-on demonstrations
Approval: Pharmacists training
Will be submitted for approval:
Train staff on the proper handling, storage and disposal of hazardous drugs
Will be submitted
Define and establish a proper area for the receipt and unpacking of hazardous drugs
In this task, you will define and establish a proper area for the receipt and unpacking of hazardous drugs. Identify a designated area that meets the requirements for safely receiving and unpacking hazardous drugs. What specific requirements should be considered when defining the area? How will the area be established and communicated to staff? Who will be responsible for maintaining the area?
Implement procedures for visual inspections of hazardous drugs upon receiving
In this task, you will implement procedures for visual inspections of hazardous drugs upon receiving. Develop a set of procedures that outline the steps and criteria for visually inspecting hazardous drugs. How often should these inspections be conducted? What actions should be taken in case of any visual abnormalities? Who will be responsible for conducting the inspections?
Establish deactivation, decontamination, cleaning, and disinfection procedures
In this task, you will establish deactivation, decontamination, cleaning, and disinfection procedures for hazardous drugs. Develop clear procedures that detail the steps, methods, and precautions for safely deactivating, decontaminating, cleaning, and disinfecting hazardous drugs. How will these procedures be communicated and implemented? What resources or tools will be needed? Who will be responsible for overseeing these procedures?
Create a written program for monitoring staff exposure to hazardous drugs
In this task, you will create a written program for monitoring staff exposure to hazardous drugs. Develop a comprehensive program that outlines the monitoring methods, frequency, and responsibilities for monitoring staff exposure. How will the program be communicated and implemented? What resources or tools will be needed? Who will be responsible for overseeing the program?
Adopt standard operating procedures for spill management
In this task, you will adopt standard operating procedures for spill management of hazardous drugs. Develop clear procedures that outline the steps, precautions, and equipment required for safely managing spills of hazardous drugs. What training or resources will be provided to staff regarding spill management? Who will be responsible for overseeing spill management procedures?
Approval: SOPs for Spill Management
Will be submitted for approval:
Adopt standard operating procedures for spill management
Will be submitted
Establish procedures for the documentation and communication of exposure to hazardous drugs
In this task, you will establish procedures for the documentation and communication of exposure to hazardous drugs. Develop protocols that outline the steps for documenting and reporting any incidents of staff exposure to hazardous drugs. How will staff be educated on these procedures? Who will be responsible for overseeing the documentation and communication process?
Implement a medical surveillance program
In this task, you will implement a medical surveillance program for staff handling hazardous drugs. Develop a program that outlines the requirements, frequency, and responsibilities for medical surveillance. How will staff be informed and educated about the program? What resources or tools will be needed? How will the program be monitored and evaluated for effectiveness?
Approval: Medical Surveillance Program
Will be submitted for approval:
Implement a medical surveillance program
Will be submitted
Post compliant signage for areas where hazardous drugs are stored and handled
In this task, you will post compliant signage for areas where hazardous drugs are stored and handled. Identify the required signage and ensure it is posted in visible locations. How will staff be educated on the meaning and importance of the signage? Who will be responsible for monitoring and maintaining the signage?
Implement a hazardous drug disposal program
In this task, you will implement a hazardous drug disposal program. Develop procedures for the safe and compliant disposal of hazardous drugs. How will the program be communicated and implemented? What resources or tools will be needed? Who will be responsible for overseeing the disposal program?
Approval: Hazardous Drug Disposal Program
Will be submitted for approval:
Implement a hazardous drug disposal program
Will be submitted
Conduct reviews regularly to maintain compliance with USP 800
In this task, you will conduct regular reviews to maintain compliance with USP 800. Develop a schedule and plan for conducting reviews to ensure ongoing compliance. How will the reviews be conducted? How will any non-compliance issues be addressed? Who will be responsible for overseeing the review process?
Approval: Compliance Reviews
Will be submitted for approval:
Conduct reviews regularly to maintain compliance with USP 800