Discover the Boeing Background Check Process, a comprehensive vetting workflow for ensuring candidate authenticity and suitability for employment.
Gather candidate's personal information
Request consent from the candidate for the background check
Submit information to third-party background check provider
Monitor third-party background check progress
Receive initial background check results
Review initial background check results
Approval: Human Resources for initial background check results
Conduct internal investigation for any potential issues
Contact candidate for clarification on potential issues, if any
Verify candidate's work history
Verify candidate's educational qualifications
Check candidate's criminal history records
Check candidate's credit history
Approval: Human Resources for final background check results
Prepare background check report
Approval: Hiring Manager for the report
Inform candidate of the background check result
Proceed with further hiring process based on the result
Gather candidate's personal information
Collect the candidate's personal information such as their full name, date of birth, address, and contact details. This information is crucial for conducting a thorough background check. Ensure that the candidate is aware of the purpose of this information and reassure them that their privacy will be respected.
Request consent from the candidate for the background check
Inform the candidate about the background check process and the importance of obtaining their consent. Clearly explain how their consent is necessary to proceed with the background check and reassure them that their information will be handled confidentially.
Submit information to third-party background check provider
Collate the candidate's personal information and securely transmit it to the third-party background check provider. Ensure that the information is accurately documented and securely shared to maintain the candidate's privacy throughout the process.
Monitor third-party background check progress
Regularly check the progress of the background check with the third-party provider. Stay updated on any potential delays or issues that may arise during the process. Promptly follow up with the provider to address any concerns and ensure the completion of the background check in a timely manner.
Receive initial background check results
Once the initial background check is completed, retrieve the results from the third-party provider. Review the report to identify any potential concerns or issues that may need further investigation.
Review initial background check results
Thoroughly examine the initial background check report to assess any potential red flags or discrepancies. Carefully analyze the information provided and compare it with the candidate's application details. Take notes of any areas that require further investigation or verification.
Approval: Human Resources for initial background check results
Will be submitted for approval:
Review initial background check results
Will be submitted
Conduct internal investigation for any potential issues
If the initial background check results raise concerns or discrepancies, initiate an internal investigation. Collect additional information, verify the accuracy of the provided details, and explore potential resolutions for any problematic findings. Collaborate with relevant departments or stakeholders to ensure a comprehensive evaluation.
Contact candidate for clarification on potential issues, if any
If there are discrepancies or potential issues identified during the background check, reach out to the candidate for clarification. Schedule a meeting or phone call to discuss the concerns and provide them an opportunity to address any misunderstandings or provide additional information.
Verify candidate's work history
Verify the candidate's work history by contacting their previous employers. Request information regarding their job title, employment dates, responsibilities, and any other relevant details. Confirm the accuracy of the candidate's provided work history to ensure transparency and integrity in the hiring process.
Verify candidate's educational qualifications
Validate the candidate's educational qualifications by contacting the educational institutions they attended. Request verification of their degree, major, graduation date, and any academic honors or awards. Confirm the accuracy of the candidate's provided educational qualifications to ensure their suitability for the role.
Check candidate's criminal history records
Perform a criminal background check on the candidate to assess their criminal history records. Collaborate with a reliable criminal record check provider to obtain accurate and up-to-date information. Ensure compliance with local laws and regulations governing the use of criminal records in the hiring process.
Federal Criminal Records
State Criminal Records
County Criminal Records
Check candidate's credit history
Review the candidate's credit history to assess their financial responsibility and trustworthiness. Collaborate with a reputable credit check provider to gather and analyze the candidate's credit information. Ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations governing the use of credit history in the hiring process.
Credit Score
Credit Report
Bankruptcy History
Approval: Human Resources for final background check results
Will be submitted for approval:
Conduct internal investigation for any potential issues
Will be submitted
Contact candidate for clarification on potential issues, if any
Will be submitted
Verify candidate's work history
Will be submitted
Verify candidate's educational qualifications
Will be submitted
Check candidate's criminal history records
Will be submitted
Check candidate's credit history
Will be submitted
Prepare background check report
Compile all the information gathered from the various checks and investigations into a comprehensive background check report. Ensure that the report is well-organized, easy to read, and includes all relevant information for decision-making.
Approval: Hiring Manager for the report
Will be submitted for approval:
Prepare background check report
Will be submitted
Inform candidate of the background check result
Communicate the background check result to the candidate, whether it is clear or reveals any concerns. Clearly explain the result, any potential issues identified, and the impact it may have on their application. Offer them an opportunity to address any concerns or provide additional information.
Concerns Identified
Proceed with further hiring process based on the result
Based on the background check result, make a decision regarding the candidate's suitability for the position. Discuss the result with relevant stakeholders to determine the appropriate course of action, whether it involves moving forward with the hiring process, reconsidering the candidate's eligibility, or informing them of the outcome.