Use this daily budget template alongside the Process Street budget template.
This checklist will help you monitor your daily spending which you can review at the end of the month.
Fill in the form fields to record your actions.
Use the form field below to record your target spend for this day as set in your monthly budget.
Use the form fields below to record your total daily spend, with a further breakdown if necessary.
You could choose to record an itemized list of spending or broad areas, e.g. weekly shop.
These fields are separate from your expected earnings outlined in your budget.
These fields may record bonuses, freelance work, unexpected discounts or gifts.
Use the form fields to record this data.
Use this task to confirm whether or not you stayed within budget.
If you were $10 under budget enter "-10". If you were $10 over budget enter "+10".
This will help you keep track of your variance when you look at your overview.
Record your variance below.