Whilst performing a routine operation with your drone, you may notice that something isn't quite right. The drone may be behaving abnormally, for example, flying with a slight tilt, or perhaps your remote controller has an unusually weak signal.
Whatever the issue, it's often difficult to pinpoint exactly where the problem is coming from.
What's more, many pilots and technicians do not have a solid process in place for drone troubleshooting and waste much of their time trying to figure out exactly what component is causing the problem.
That's why we've made this checklist template, designed to run you through an extensive troubleshooting routine to isolate those problematic components and have your drone performing as good as new.
Completing this checklist will give you everything you need to get started with a repair job yourself, or you can pass it on to your maintenance or repair technician to give them a jump-start in resolving any problems.
You're well on your way to identifying any problems with your drone system, so let's get started.