Streamline your finances with our free Personal Financial Statement Template. Easily track assets, liabilities, net worth, and ensure privacy and security.
Gather Personal Information
Compile the List of Assets
Update Current Market Values of Assets
Calculate Total Assets
Compile the List of Liabilities
Update Current Amounts of Liabilities
Calculate Total Liabilities
Subtract Total Liabilities from Total Assets to Determine Net Worth
Enter Personal Information, Assets, Liabilities, and Net Worth into Template
Review Calculation Accuracy
Approval: Personal Financial Statement
Save and Backup the Completed Template
Schedule Next Update of Personal Financial Statement
Ensure Privacy and Security of Stored Information
Gather Personal Information
Collect all the necessary personal information required for the financial statement. This includes full name, contact information, date of birth, and social security number. Make sure to gather accurate and up-to-date details to ensure the statement's reliability and compliance with legal requirements. Double-check the information for any discrepancies or missing data.
Compile the List of Assets
Create a comprehensive list of all your assets, including cash, investments, real estate, vehicles, and personal belongings. Include all relevant details such as description, acquisition date, and cost. Ensure accuracy by referring to supporting documents like bank statements, property deeds, and investment statements.
Update Current Market Values of Assets
Determine the current market values of your assets to reflect their most accurate worth. Consider factors like depreciation, market trends, and professional appraisals if necessary. Note down the updated values for each asset in your list.
Calculate Total Assets
Sum up the market values of all your assets to obtain the total asset value. Add up all the current market values you entered in the previous task to calculate the total.
Compile the List of Liabilities
Make a comprehensive list of all your liabilities, such as mortgages, loans, credit card debts, and other outstanding obligations. Include all relevant details like creditor's name, outstanding balance, and interest rate. Refer to loan statements, credit card statements, and other financial documents to ensure accuracy.
Update Current Amounts of Liabilities
Determine the current amounts of your liabilities, accounting for any payments made or changes in interest rates. Update the outstanding balances and interest rates for each liability.
Calculate Total Liabilities
Sum up the current outstanding balances of all your liabilities to obtain the total liability amount. Add up all the current outstanding balances you entered in the previous task to calculate the total.
Subtract Total Liabilities from Total Assets to Determine Net Worth
Subtract the total liability amount from the total asset value to calculate your net worth. This will give you a clear overview of your financial standing.
Enter Personal Information, Assets, Liabilities, and Net Worth into Template
Transfer the gathered personal information, compiled list of assets, compiled list of liabilities, and calculated net worth into the provided template. Make sure to accurately input the data in their respective fields.
Review Calculation Accuracy
Thoroughly review the accuracy of all calculations performed throughout the process. Double-check the totals, ensure correct formulas and techniques were used, and verify that all relevant data is included. Rectify any errors or discrepancies found.
Check asset total calculation
Check liability total calculation
Verify net worth calculation
Confirm accuracy of individual asset values
Confirm accuracy of individual liability values
Approval: Personal Financial Statement
Will be submitted for approval:
Review Calculation Accuracy
Will be submitted
Save and Backup the Completed Template
Save the completed financial statement template and create a backup to ensure its security and availability for future reference and updates. Use a reliable storage solution and store it in a location accessible only to authorized individuals.
Schedule Next Update of Personal Financial Statement
Decide on a suitable interval to update your personal financial statement. Consider factors such as changes in financial situation, goal setting, or regulatory requirements. Set a reminder or schedule to revisit and update the statement at the determined time.
As needed
Ensure Privacy and Security of Stored Information
Take necessary measures to ensure the privacy and security of the stored financial information. Implement appropriate access controls, encryption, and regular monitoring of the storage system. Protect sensitive data from unauthorized access or disclosure.