Identify and list all relevant stakeholders for the contract. Consider parties directly involved in the contract, as well as those who may be indirectly affected. Determine their roles, interests, and potential impact on the contract.
Identify contract specifications
Gather and document all the specific requirements and specifications for the contract. This includes the scope, deliverables, timeline, budget, and any other specific criteria that need to be met. Consider both legal and technical aspects.
Legal requirements
Technical requirements
Identify key performance indicators
Define the key performance indicators (KPIs) that will be used to measure the success and performance of the contract. These could include metrics related to quality, timeliness, cost-effectiveness, customer satisfaction, and compliance. Align the KPIs with the contract specifications.
Create initial draft of contract
Draft the initial version of the contract based on the identified specifications, KPIs, and stakeholder requirements. Include necessary legal terms and conditions, payment terms, warranties, and any other relevant provisions. Seek legal advice if necessary.
Approval: Initial Draft
Will be submitted for approval:
Create initial draft of contract
Will be submitted
Perform risk management review
Conduct a risk management review to identify potential risks and uncertainties associated with the contract. Assess the likelihood and impact of each risk and develop mitigation strategies. Consider risks related to project execution, financial stability, legal compliance, and external factors.
Clarify unclear terms and conditions
Review the initial draft of the contract to identify any unclear or ambiguous terms and conditions. Seek clarification from relevant stakeholders or legal experts to ensure that all provisions are clearly understood and unambiguous.
Review contractor capabilities and experience
Evaluate the capabilities and experience of the contractor or potential contractors. Consider factors such as their track record, qualifications, expertise, resources, and past performance. Use this evaluation to assess the contractor's suitability for the contract.
Review financial solidity of contractor
Assess the financial stability and solvency of the contractor. This includes reviewing their financial statements, credit ratings, cash flow, and any other relevant financial indicators. Ensure that the contractor has the necessary financial capacity to fulfill their obligations under the contract.
Finalize contract terms and conditions
Refine and finalize the terms and conditions of the contract based on the feedback and clarifications obtained from stakeholders and legal experts. Ensure that all provisions are clear, fair, and legally enforceable. Seek final approval from all relevant parties.
Approval: Contract Terms
Will be submitted for approval:
Finalize contract terms and conditions
Will be submitted
Conduct pre-contract negotiations
Engage in negotiations with the contractor or potential contractors to reach mutually acceptable terms and conditions. This may involve discussing pricing, scope, timelines, intellectual property rights, warranties, and other contract terms. Ensure that the negotiations are fair and transparent.
Approval: Pre-Contract Negotiations
Will be submitted for approval:
Conduct pre-contract negotiations
Will be submitted
Create final contract
Prepare the final version of the contract incorporating all the agreed-upon terms and conditions. Ensure that all necessary parties are involved in reviewing and approving the final contract before it is signed. Use legal language and include all relevant provisions.
Conduct final review of the contract
Perform a comprehensive review of the final contract to ensure accuracy, completeness, and compliance with all legal and contractual requirements. Identify any potential gaps or inconsistencies and address them before finalizing the contract.
Approval: Final Contract
Will be submitted for approval:
Conduct final review of the contract
Will be submitted
Ensure signed agreement from all parties
Obtain signed agreements from all parties involved in the contract. This includes both the contracting party and all relevant stakeholders. Ensure that all signatures are valid and legally binding. Keep a record of all signed agreements.
Establish contract monitoring system
Set up a monitoring system to track and manage the performance of the contract. Establish procedures for regular monitoring and reporting of key contract metrics. Define responsibilities and authorities for contract monitoring and ensure that appropriate resources are allocated.
Define key metrics
Establish monitoring procedures
Assign responsible parties
Allocate resources
Set up reporting mechanisms
Develop contract performance reporting protocol
Design and document a reporting protocol for contract performance. Determine the frequency, format, and recipients of the performance reports. Specify the metrics to be included in the reports and the methods for data collection. Ensure that the performance reports provide meaningful insights into contract performance.
Distribute the contract to all stakeholders
Ensure that all relevant stakeholders receive copies of the final contract. This includes both the contracting party and other stakeholders affected by the contract. Use the appropriate channels for distribution, such as email, secured file sharing platforms, or physical delivery.