- Write a review
- Go to plus.google.com/local and sign in with your Google account.
- Search for the location, then click on the name of the business to go to its page.
- Click the Write a review button next to the cover photo.
- Rate different aspects of the place using the 1 to 5 star scale, and write any information that you think will be helpful in the text box.
- When you’re done, click Publish. Any reviews that you write will be public and attributed to your Google+ name.
- Share your review
- You can share any review that you’ve written with your circles.
- Visit the page of the business that you have reviewed.
- Click the share button at the bottom of the review.
- A share box will appear that allows you to add comments and choose circles or people to share with. Click +Add more people then select a circle or type the name of individual people you'd like to share your post with. If you'd like to remove a circle or person, click the X next to their name.
- When you're ready to post, click Share.