Here's a breakdown on the structure of your calls:
Your calls with applicants should be about 30 min long. The call is an opportunity to see "if we are a right fit" and "if you can be of service to the client."
Format of the call:
I. Set the Frame:
a. Thank the applicant for applying and setting up a call
b. Acknowledgement of taking action
c. Frame: "I just want to ask a few questions to see what you need the most and to see if I can help with that, then at the end, I'll share what I've got and how it works, and at that time if you have any questions, you just let me know, sound good?"
II. Identify the Problem:
Use a serious of questions to understand what the client is struggling with and what they need.
a. "What is it that made you invest the time to speak with me today?"
b. "What are your biggest goals right now? What are you up to?"
c. "Why is that important to you?"
d. "What's getting in the way of that right now?"
e. "Why is that a problem for you?"
III. Recap And Summarize
It's good to CLARIFY and CONDENSE the answers that your applicant has shared so you can offer a clear picture of where they are at, and where they want to go.
IV. Offer Details
After you summarize and confirm that you've effectively summarized their problem, you can lead with a simple question such as "Would you like help with that?"
At this point (if it's a "yes") you can get into the DETAILS of your offer. But, don't talk too much. Let the applicant ask YOU about what details they are most interested in and you can answer those questions directly.