Here a short summarize about your idea:
- Blog type: {{form.Blogtype_copy(3219302e-06e4-475d-9cf1-3790d91f1727)}}
- Language: {{form.Language_of_Blog_Article}}
- Target group {{form.Target_Group/_Persona_-_DATENBANK_/_Alt:_Text?}} in {{form.Industry_copy(0fe9fad7-5f70-4b26-ac6f-b6935c8d5c34)}}
- Key message: {{form.Key_Message_to_Audience}}
- Description of your idea: {{form.Describe_your_initial_blog_idea_in_some_words}}
- Keywords: {{form.Keywords}}
Think about a title
First, you should think about an appropriate title. To start with, a working title is enough. You can also brainstorm about different titles and choose the final one when your article is finished.
The structure of a blogpost
In general a blog is structured in three sections: Introduction, Body and Conclusion
(read more about how to write an introduction: How to Write an Introduction: A Simplified Guide )
Your aim should be to grap the reader's attention! The introduction sets the stage for what you plan to teach your readers how to do, you can also keep the introduction for last. Sometimes it's easier to introduce the post after you've written the real meat of it
- Write a compelling opening that empathizes with the reader on a problem or difficulty.
- Explain the problem/news story/etc. in further detail.
- Explain how you’ll fix the problem by teaching the reader how to do something.
- Transition into the body where you’ll explain the how-to steps in detail. Expand on your unique perspective.
Explains every step how to do the thing you want to explain
- Write a header that will indicate to readers you’re getting into the meat of your post.
- List out each step involved in the learning process. Add value by breaking down the news topic into simple terms for the reader
- Transition from one step to the other by using words like “after,” “next,” and “then.” If applicable, expand even further by writing sections that teach your reader how to do something related to the newsworthy topic.
- Transition into the conclusion.
Wraps up your post with a brief statement that's reflective of what your readers just learned.
- Let the reader know they’ve arrived at the end of instruction
- Summarize what the reader learned or how they benefitted from reading your post.
- Ask a question to encourage the reader to leave a comment or react.
Make it easy to read!
To make your post easy to read, you should structure it! Use short paragraphs and subheadlines to get the reader's attention.
What you should do
Treat each article as a product and make your readers want it. Add value to your article by not only writing about opinions but by adding research on topics. Use graphics and data for the specific topics and try to use your own pictures
What you should not do
Do not write a sales article but concentrate on the education aspect. If the reader has trust in you and sees you as an expert on the field, he will ask you for help.
Now you can start to write your blog article in this file: {{form.Please_add_URL_of_your_duplicate_document_here}}!