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Experiment Template
Experiment Template
Experiment Template
Introduction - Who is running the experiment? When was it run?
Purpose - What is the purpose of this experiment? What problem are you trying to solve?
Hypothesis - What are you hoping to validate? What truth are you seeking? What are cause and effect relationship are you trying to find?
Tools/apparatus/resources - What is needed to validate your hypothesis. What are the costs?
Methods/Procedure - How did you or are you planning to execute the experiment?
Results/Observations - Collect raw data and findings. Note your observations with dates.
Analysis - Data manipulation and processing
Interpretation - What can you interpret from your analysis. Where are there errors.
What are the sources of error? What can be changed to improve the validity of your experiment? How would you run it again?
Conclusion - What does this data mean? Did you validate your hypothesis?
How can we use this data to solve our problem?
Where else can we apply our validated learning?
Introduction - Who is running the experiment? When was it run?
Personal information (Name, contact info, ect..)
Your background. What qualifies you to run this experiment?
When was this experiment started?
Date will be set here
What is the timeline? How long will this take?
Purpose - What is the purpose of this experiment? What problem are you trying to solve?
What is the purpose of running this experiment? Why do it?
What is the problem you are trying to solve?
Hypothesis - What are you hoping to validate? What truth are you seeking? What are cause and effect relationship are you trying to find?
What are you trying to validate?
What cause and effect relationship are you trying to validate?
Tools/apparatus/resources - What is needed to validate your hypothesis. What are the costs?
What are the physical and digital tools you need? How are they set up? What are their costs?
What other resources do you need?
Methods/Procedure - How did you or are you planning to execute the experiment?
How did you execute the experiment? When was each step executed and how long did it take?
Results/Observations - Collect raw data and findings. Note your observations with dates.
What did you find? What raw observations did you collect? When did you observe this?
Analysis - Data manipulation and processing
From your raw observations, what else can you determine? What else does this mean?
Interpretation - What can you interpret from your analysis. Where are there errors.
What does this information mean? Why do you think this? What are possible costs or gains?
What are the sources of error? What can be changed to improve the validity of your experiment? How would you run it again?
What are the major and minor sources of error? How were they tracked and how did they effect your results? Give quantitative responses if possible.
Conclusion - What does this data mean? Did you validate your hypothesis?
What did you validate?
What did you discover?
What cause and effect relationship did you validate? How accurate is it? What can you improve?
Why is it important?
How can we use this data to solve our problem?
How can we use these findings to solve our problem?
Where else can we apply our validated learning?
What other experiments can we run?
Where can we apply this learning to get favourable results?
How can we use this information to either make money or save money?
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