Welcome to Process Street's Shape Up Processes template pack.
Shape Up started off as Basecamp‘s internal approach to developing and shipping software at lightning speed. It is now being adopted by Dev. teams across the globe, including the Process Street EPD team! The full approach has been clearly written (and illustrated), freely contributed, and easily accessible e-book: “Shape Up: Stop Running in Circles and Ship Work that Matters“.
This pack will take you through the three key phases of Shape Up's development methodology:
- Shaping
- Betting
- Building
This template focuses on the first phase, shaping. Shaping has four stages:
- Setting boundaries
- Roughing out the elements
- Addressing risks
- Writing the pitch
When shaping, look at your current business and product priorities to determine what it is you want to address in the next build cycle. In shaping, the question is no longer “how long will it take to fix the problem?” (like in Scrum and other agile frameworks) but rather “how long are we willing to spend, to fix the problem?”