Welcome to Process Street's Shape Up Processes template pack.
This template pack will take you through the three key phases of Shape Up's development methodology:
This template focuses on the second phase, betting. There are a few critical points to touch on before cracking on with the betting process.
- Cycles give you a standard project size both for shaping and scheduling. Shape Up recommends running on cycles of 6 weeks. Between each cycle, there is a cool-down period ...
- The cool-down period is a 2-week time slot between each cycle to do ad-hoc tasks, fix bugs, and hold a betting table.
What's a betting table?
Betting table: A meeting during cool-down when stakeholders decide which pitches to bet on in the next cycle.
The potential bets to consider are either new pitches shaped during the last six weeks or possibly one or two older pitches that someone specifically chose to revive.
In Shape Up there is no backlog. Just a few good pitches to consider.