Everything related to marketing, technology, UX, blogging, advertising, SEO, entrepreneurship.
Suggested Topics:
GrowthHackers is a very specific community for content related to growing a company. It has a heavy focus on analytics, SaaS and, of course, growth hacking.
Hacker News
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Hacker News is for technology news and content, specifically related to coding.
Voat is like a small version of reddit. You'll find subverses for most kinds of things.
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Bizsugar is for anything business-related, including customer service, marketing, sales and tools.
Designer News
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Designer News is purely for design links.
Web Designer News
Suggested Topics:
Web Designer News is purely for design links.
Suggested Topics:
Sidebar.io is purely for design links, and a curated list of just 5 per day. Submit your link, but there's no guarantee it'll appear.
(Add your favorites next!):
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