"I wish the world was twice as big - and half of it was still unexplored. It's surely our responsibility to do everything within our power to create a planet that provides a home not just for us, but for all life on Earth" - Sir David Attenborough
As the consequences of our unsustainable activities come knocking, the consciousness of many seeks to find solutions, to mitigate the impacts of our current environmental crisis.
We at Process Street want to do our bit, whilst also making things easier for you to do your bit. Which is why we have put together this Green Guide.
Our Green Guide for a Lower Environmental Footprint Checklist has been produced using WWF's Carbon Footprint calculator. By using this checklist, you're taking your first step towards a more sustainable life.
It must be noted that the values given in this checklist are a very rough estimation of your environmental footprint, and serve mainly to provide perspective on environmentally damaging activities you can easily reduce/stop.
How to use this checklist
At the beginning of this checklist, you will be presented with a set of specialized questions given as form fields. You are required to populate each form field with your data.
This checklist will calculate your carbon footprint by asking you a series of questions. You are asked to select your answer using our multiple-choice form fields. Each response is assigned a point value, which is determined by how sustainable that behavior is. The higher the point value, the more sustainable the behavior.
Your environmental footprint is assessed based on 4 aspects:
- Your diet
- Your traveling behavior
- Your housing
- Your consumer habits
You're asked to total your points from each section to calculate your environmental footprint as a percentage average. This will categorize you as either very low impact, low impact, high impact, or excessively high impact.
You are then given tips for how to reduce your carbon footprint and encouraged to set targets based on these tips. The idea is that, with the achievement of these targets, you adjust your lifestyle to live more sustainably.
In this template, you will come across the following Process Street features:
- Stop tasks - To ensure task order.
- Conditional logic - To adjust the template so it is adapted to your needs.
- Role assignment - To delegate tasks within your team ensuring your supervisors are appropriately assigned to the review tasks.