In this section, we'll craft a SIMPLE formula or outline for your invitations to your workshop, this way you can use it across all mediums and channels.
It's important that you make your invite:
- Express Excitement and Anticipation
- RELEVANT to your audience
- CONVEY the BENEFIT ("so that...") to your audience
- Make it Clear & Simple to Sign Up
Simple Invite Formula:
- Attention/Promise/Hook/Question/Curiosity
- Problems/Mistakes of Others and the Consequence
- Announce Workshop
- Convey Benefits
- Call to Action
EXAMPLE Invite Formula:
(for a workshop on podcasting)
Subject: Guess what one tool attracted the most sales for me in 2019?
After doing the debrief of my most recent launch, my team showed me something that blew my mind!
Our PODCAST was responsible for attracting and generating more sales than any other tool or platform we had been using!
And it makes sense! With over 300 episodes and MILLIONS of downloads, we've been able to reach a ton of people!
And if you've ever considered starting or growing your podcast, you may be making some of the mistakes I see others make (some I made myself for a long, LONG time)
Mistakes like...
* forgetting to uniquely position your show so it's NOT "just another podcast"
* having ZERO promotional strategy
*failing to craft any type of intentional experience for each episode
* and struggling to turn the show into a business growth tool that creates leads and sales!
Failure to address these mistakes and you run the risk of spending a lot of time (and money!) recording content that no one hears and doesn't grow your business.
It is for this very reason I'll be hosting a LIVE 3-Part Workshop showing you exactly how I created a top ranking podcast in little time!
In the workshop, you'll learn _____, so that _____
Plus, you'll learn _____, so that _____
And how to _____, so that _____.
And the best part, it's ABSOLUTELY FREE!
To reserve your seat now, simply click the link below:
**add a final thought or comment or benefit to join!
See ya there!
-James Wedmore
P.S. **add a great question here, like...**
Here's a question for ya: what would a proven podcast creation and promotion plan do for you and your business? What could 12 months of episodes being broadcasted out to thousands do to change the quality of your life and business? How many more people could you reach? how many more customers could you attract?
If the answer is "more than you have right now!" than make sure you register now!
Some Phrases & Copy to use:
If you are a _____avatar_____, struggling with _____problem______, then this FREE WORKSHOP is for you!
You're going to learn how to __topic_____ so that ___benefit__________