This checklist has been designed to be run in as little as 7 minutes, creating a quick, perfect end to your day.
Getting a good night's sleep is great for feeling refreshed and rejuvenated! Having an evening routine will help you wind down, and remove negative internal dialogue and uncomfortable thoughts.
Using this checklist, you focus on the positive aspects of your day, looking at what went well, being grateful, and considering the good deeds you undertook during your day.
This Evening Routine Checklist is about taking in the good to help you achieve a relaxed state for sleep.
According to a study about consumer behavior, that looked at 49,000 mobile phone owners from 30 different countries, 62% of study participants used their mobile phones in the last five minutes before they went to sleep.
On top of that, most people switch off my watching TV or using a laptop or tablet. Many studies have shown how unhealthy it is in terms of reducing the quality and quantity of a person's sleep.
With this in mind, it is important to print off this template so you have a printed version to hand that you can follow every evening. For more information on how to print a template read: Export and Print Templates
How to use this checklist
At the beginning of this checklist, you will be presented with a set of specialized questions given as form fields. You are required to populate each form field with your specific data.
This checklist is short, designed to assist you to quickly create a healthy routine, and end your day on a positive note.
This checklist is designed to be used in conjunction with our Morning Routine Checklist, Daily Self-Care Checklist and Annual Self-Care Planner.
Each task in this checklist can be completed in 1 minute. We have therefore utilized Process Street's dynamic due date feature, setting the due date for each successive task 1 minute after the previous task.