Making workflows work for you just got easier! These updates let you customize, optimize, and refine your workflows faster than ever. From editing task names in the content panel to bulk updating task permissions, we’ve designed these tools with your busy day in mind. Here’s what’s new: Improved Performance: We’ve re-built the engine that drives […]
We’ve just released some improvements for Pages. Here’s what’s new: A handy focus bar now separates edit and view modes, so you can work exactly how you want An upgraded text editor menu bar to give you more control while keeping it user-friendly The all-new table content widget makes structuring content a breeze Widgets are […]
If you’re looking for a way to auto-fill data into a form field in a Form, this latest release is just for you! To add a unique identifier into your Forms, you can now add a form field value into your response links. For example you can add a short text form field into your […]
Our Data Sets feature is officially out of Beta and packed with lots of great updates. We’ve moved Data Sets to the main navigation and Universal New button for easier access You can add (or create new) data sets from dropdown widgets in the Workflow editor and in the Forms editor New ‘All data’ views […]
You can now add notes in your approval tasks to provide context or instructions to the task approvers. You can add these notes to your new and existing approval tasks. Learn more about approvals.
Process AI now works with the latest version of ChatGPT-4o in our: AI Workflow Generator AI Tasks AI Document Importer We’ve also updated our AI Document Importer to support importing images. You can convert process flowcharts into workflows by uploading JPG or PNG images. Note: The image importer doesn’t support PDFs or DOCX files at […]
You can now create Tasks with detailed descriptions including subtasks, rich text, and links. Subtasks: Create subtasks within tasks and drag/drop them into position These subtasks will show in the print/PDF version of the workflow run to which they’re attached Subtasks will also show in tasks when you’re working on them in Slack Rich text […]
The new “My Work” updates allow you to find and manage your task assignments faster and easier. What’s new: Persistence of View: Access the same view, customized with filters, sorting, grouping, and search results every time you come back to My Work. Group by Workflow Runs: Group your tasks by workflow runs to organize your […]
You can now show tasks and their content after a defined timeframe by setting up conditional logic rules. For example, in your employee onboarding workflow, you can show tasks after ‘x’ number of days from the workflow run start date to prevent overwhelming your new hires with lots of tasks at the beginning of the […]
The custom notifications for your workflow runs can now be delivered via Slack, ensuring your team receives alerts right where they’re most active. These notifications will show in the Process Street app in Slack. Learn more about custom notifications.
You can now set custom validation rules for your date form fields to support complex scheduling and compliance requirements. You can define dynamic date constraints based on variables such as dates from other date fields within the same form or workflow, or use workflow-specific dates like the workflow start date. Learn more about the date form […]
This new look helps you to find your assigned tasks and workflow runs easily. You can also take quick actions in My Work like completing tasks, reassigning them, or adding comments. To prioritize your work you can filter your view by workflows, workflow runs, tasks, approvals, or assignees. You can also group your tasks by […]
With our enhanced print and PDF formatting, you’ll notice better-organized content and a style that makes your workflow runs more readable. The new formatting also shows the workflow run revision count and improved date formats. Learn more about exporting your workflow runs.
With our latest Forms updates, you can embed your forms in workflows, pages, or your websites. You can also share your forms with your teams within Process Street or via email. Embed a form: Embed your forms in workflows, pages, or your websites Add a form description on the start page Permissions and sharing: Customize […]
With our latest updates for Forms, get a head start on creating your form, organizing your steps, controlling form access, and tracking form activity. Starting a form: Give your form a name as soon as you start a new one A short text field is added by default to get you started Form steps: Rename […]