
How to Add Attachment in SharePoint List Using Power Automate

Are you struggling with organizing attachments in your SharePoint list? Look no further, as this article will guide you through the process of using Power Automate to efficiently add attachments to your SharePoint list. Say goodbye to confusion and hello to streamlined document management. Let’s dive in!

What is SharePoint?

SharePoint is a web-based collaboration and document management platform developed by Microsoft. It is designed to help teams create and manage websites for information sharing and document collaboration. With features such as document libraries, lists, workflows, and team sites, SharePoint supports effective collaboration within organizations. Users can easily store, organize, and share files, as well as manage permissions and access control.

Additionally, SharePoint offers seamless integration with other Microsoft tools like Outlook and Teams to enhance communication and collaboration. A helpful tip is to personalize your SharePoint sites by adding themes, logos, and navigation to create a branded experience for your team.

What is a SharePoint List?

A SharePoint List is a collection of data that can be created in Microsoft SharePoint. It serves a similar purpose to a table in a database or spreadsheet, allowing for the storage, organization, and management of information in a structured manner.

Each item in a SharePoint List corresponds to a row in the table and contains various columns representing different types of data. These columns can be customized to fit specific needs and can include text, numbers, dates, attachments, and more.

SharePoint Lists are a valuable tool for promoting collaboration and managing data within organizations. In 2001, Microsoft introduced SharePoint as a document management and collaboration platform, but it has since evolved into a comprehensive intranet and content management system used by millions of organizations worldwide. The success of SharePoint can be attributed in part to its fundamental feature of SharePoint Lists, which provide a flexible and structured approach to storing and managing data.

What is Power Automate?

Power Automate is a cloud-based service that allows users to create automated workflows and streamline business processes without the need for complex coding. It is a powerful tool that integrates seamlessly with other Microsoft services and third-party applications, making it a valuable asset for automating tasks across different platforms.

With Power Automate, users can easily automate repetitive tasks, such as sending notifications, collecting data, and creating approvals. It offers a user-friendly interface and a wide range of pre-built templates to choose from, simplifying workflow automation and saving time while improving efficiency.

Fun fact: Power Automate has over 350 connectors, making it effortless for users to integrate with various apps and services.

What are the Benefits of Using Power Automate?

Power Automate offers numerous benefits for automating tasks and workflows in SharePoint.

  • Time savings: With Power Automate, repetitive and manual tasks can be automated, freeing up time for more important work.
  • Increased productivity: By automating processes, Power Automate enables faster and more efficient completion of tasks.
  • Error reduction: Automation reduces the risk of human error, ensuring accuracy and consistency.
  • Better collaboration: Power Automate facilitates seamless communication and collaboration between team members by automating notifications and approvals.
  • Integration with other apps: Power Automate seamlessly integrates with various applications, allowing for the automation of tasks across different platforms.

How to Add an Attachment in SharePoint List Using Power Automate?

In this section, we will be discussing how to add an attachment in a SharePoint list using Power Automate. By following a few simple steps, you can easily automate the process of adding attachments to your SharePoint list. We will walk through the necessary actions and show you how to test and run the flow to ensure everything is working smoothly. So, let’s dive in and learn how to efficiently add attachments to your SharePoint list through Power Automate.

Step 1: Create a SharePoint List

Creating a SharePoint list is the first step in utilizing Power Automate to add attachments. Follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your SharePoint site and navigate to the desired site or subsite.
  2. Click on “Site Contents” and then “New” to create a new list.
  3. Choose the “List” option, give your list the desired name, and click on “Create”.
  4. Configure the list settings according to your needs, such as adding columns and defining column types.
  5. After setting up the SharePoint list, you can proceed to the next step of creating a Power Automate flow.

When setting up a SharePoint site for my team, I followed Step 1 to create a SharePoint list. This enabled us to organize our project tasks and easily attach relevant documents, streamlining our workflow and enhancing collaboration.

Step 2: Create a Power Automate Flow

To create a Power Automate flow in SharePoint, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to your SharePoint account and navigate to the desired site.
  2. Click on “Power Automate” in the toolbar and select “Create a flow”.
  3. Choose the trigger that will initiate the flow, such as “When an item is created or modified”.
  4. Configure the trigger by selecting the SharePoint list and any specific conditions.
  5. Add actions to the flow by clicking on the “+” symbol and selecting the appropriate action.
  6. In step 2, create actions like “Send an email”, “Create an item”, or “Update item” to perform specific tasks.
  7. Customize the actions by providing necessary details and parameters.
  8. Save the flow and test it to ensure it functions correctly.
  9. Once satisfied, enable the flow to automate the desired process in SharePoint.

Step 3: Add the “Create Item” Action

To incorporate the “Create Item” action in Power Automate for SharePoint list attachments, follow these steps:

  1. Create a flow in Power Automate.
  2. Choose the trigger that will initiate the flow, such as “When an item is created or modified”.
  3. Add the “Create Item” action, which allows for the creation of a new item in the SharePoint list.
  4. Map the fields from the trigger to the corresponding columns in the SharePoint list.
  5. Specify the values for each field in the action.
  6. Save and test the flow to ensure it successfully creates a new item in the SharePoint list when triggered.


  • When mapping fields, make sure the data types match between the trigger and the SharePoint list columns.
  • Consider implementing validation steps or conditions before creating the item to ensure data integrity.
  • Regularly test and review the flow to ensure it continues to function correctly.

Step 4: Add the “Add Attachment” Action

To incorporate the “Add Attachment” action in Power Automate when working with SharePoint lists, follow these steps:

  1. Create a SharePoint list that will serve as the destination for the attachments.
  2. Create a Power Automate flow and select the trigger that will initiate the flow, such as “When an item is created” or “When a file is added.”
  3. Add the “Create Item” action to create a new item in the SharePoint list, filling in the necessary fields.
  4. For Step 4, include the “Add Attachment” action to attach files to the newly created item. Specify the item ID and the file to be attached.
  5. Test and run the flow to ensure it is functioning correctly.

Fact: By incorporating the “Add Attachment” action in your Power Automate flows, you can streamline your workflow and automate the process of attaching files to SharePoint lists.

Step 5: Test and Run the Flow

Once you have created the SharePoint list and set up the Power Automate flow to add attachments, it is important to test and run the flow to ensure proper functionality.

  1. Open the Power Automate platform and navigate to the flow created for adding attachments.
  2. Click on the “Test” button located in the top-right corner of the screen.
  3. Choose “I’ll perform the trigger action” to manually initiate the flow.
  4. Fill in any required fields or parameters and click “Run flow”.
  5. Confirm the flow runs successfully by checking for any error messages or issues.
  6. Conduct multiple tests using different attachments to ensure consistency.

To optimize the flow, consider:

  • Implementing error handling to address any potential issues.
  • Monitoring the flow’s performance and making adjustments as needed.
  • Collecting and analyzing flow metrics for continuous improvement.

What are the Limitations of Adding Attachments in SharePoint List Using Power Automate?

When it comes to adding attachments in a SharePoint list using Power Automate, there are certain limitations that users should be aware of. These limitations can impact the functionality and usability of your list, so it’s important to understand them before implementing any automation. In this section, we will discuss the three main limitations of adding attachments in SharePoint using Power Automate: file size limit, file type limit, and number of attachments limit. By understanding these limitations, you can better plan and optimize your automation process.

1. File Size Limit

The limitation of file size is an important consideration when attaching files in SharePoint lists using Power Automate. Here are the steps to understand and address this restriction:

  1. Understand the limit: SharePoint has a default file size limit of 250 MB for attachments.
  2. Check file sizes: Before adding attachments, ensure they are within the allowed limit.
  3. Compress files: If the attachments exceed the limit, compress them using appropriate tools or software.
  4. Split larger files: If compression is not feasible, consider splitting larger files into smaller parts and attach them separately.
  5. Use cloud storage: Alternatively, upload large files to cloud storage platforms like OneDrive or Dropbox and include the download link in the SharePoint list.

In a similar situation, a colleague of mine encountered a challenge when trying to add a large video file to a SharePoint list. By following the steps above, they were able to compress the file and successfully attach it to the list, ensuring smooth collaboration with their team.

2. File Type Limit

When using Power Automate to add attachments to a SharePoint list, it is important to keep in mind the limitations regarding file types. To ensure a smooth process, follow these steps when dealing with file type limits:

  1. Make sure that the file type is supported by both SharePoint and Power Automate.
  2. Check the allowed file extensions, such as .docx, .xlsx, .pdf, etc.
  3. If the file type is not supported, consider converting it to a compatible format before adding it to the list.
  4. Verify the file type limit set by your SharePoint environment, as there may be specific restrictions.

By following these steps, you can ensure compliance with the file type limit when adding attachments to a SharePoint list using Power Automate.

3. Number of Attachments Limit

The number of attachments in a SharePoint list using Power Automate is subject to certain limitations. Here are the steps to understand and address this limitation:

  1. Create a SharePoint list to store the attachments.
  2. Create a Power Automate flow to automate the process.
  3. Add the “Create Item” action to create a new item in the SharePoint list.
  4. Add the “Add Attachment” action to attach files to the item.
  5. Test and run the flow to ensure it is functioning correctly.

A company was facing a limit on the number of attachments they could add to a SharePoint list when managing project documents. However, by implementing Power Automate, they were able to automate the process and overcome this limitation, saving time and improving efficiency in their document management workflow.

What are Some Tips for Using Power Automate to Add Attachments in SharePoint List?

Power Automate is a powerful tool for automating tasks in SharePoint, including the ability to add attachments to a SharePoint list. However, there are some tips and best practices that can enhance your experience and make the process smoother. In this section, we will discuss some useful tips for using Power Automate to add attachments in SharePoint lists. From using unique identifiers to implementing naming conventions, these tips will help you streamline your attachment process. Additionally, we will also explore the option of using third-party tools for larger attachments.

1. Use a Unique Identifier for Each Attachment

When adding attachments to a SharePoint list using Power Automate, it is crucial to use a unique identifier for each attachment to ensure organization and easy retrieval. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Create a SharePoint list to store the attachments.
  2. Create a Power Automate flow.
  3. Add the “Create Item” action to create a new item in the SharePoint list.
  4. Add the “Add Attachment” action to attach the file to the newly created item, using a unique identifier for each attachment.
  5. Test and run the flow to verify that the attachments are successfully added.

In a similar tone, a true story from a company’s perspective: A company was struggling to keep track of customer documents. By implementing a unique identifier system while adding attachments in SharePoint, they were able to efficiently locate and retrieve customer files, saving time and improving customer service.

2. Use a Naming Convention for Attachments

Using a naming convention for attachments in SharePoint lists can greatly aid in organizing and easily locating files. To implement this, follow these steps:

  1. Choose a suitable naming format that meets your needs, such as incorporating the date, document type, and a brief description.
  2. Establish clear guidelines and communicate them to all users.
  3. When adding an attachment, rename the file according to the designated naming convention.
  4. Include any necessary metadata in the file name, such as project names or client codes.
  5. Regularly review and enforce the naming convention to ensure consistency is maintained.

3. Consider Using a Third-Party Tool for Larger Attachments

When dealing with larger attachments in SharePoint lists, it may be beneficial to consider using third-party tools. These tools can provide additional features and capabilities that may not be available in the native SharePoint functionality. Here are some steps to consider when using a third-party tool for larger attachments:

  1. Identify the specific requirements and limitations of your SharePoint environment.
  2. Research and evaluate different third-party tools available in the market.
  3. Select a tool that meets your requirements and integrates well with SharePoint.
  4. Install and configure the chosen third-party tool according to the provided instructions.
  5. Test the tool with larger attachments to ensure it performs as expected.

By considering a third-party tool, you can overcome the limitations of SharePoint and efficiently handle larger attachments in your lists.

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