
How to Ask for Customer Feedback by Email: Sample

Are you struggling to gather valuable feedback from your customers? In today’s highly competitive market, customer feedback is crucial for businesses to improve their products and services. In this article, we will discuss a simple yet effective method – asking for customer feedback by email. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to enhance your business!

Why Is Customer Feedback Important?

Customer feedback is essential for businesses to understand the needs of their customers, improve products, and increase overall satisfaction. It plays a critical role in identifying areas for improvement, measuring customer loyalty, and promoting a customer-centric approach.

By carefully analyzing customer feedback, companies can make informed decisions, prioritize enhancements, and effectively address any concerns. Additionally, it helps to establish trust and loyalty with customers, resulting in higher retention rates and positive word-of-mouth referrals.

When seeking feedback, it is crucial to convey its significance in shaping the customer experience and driving meaningful improvements. This approach leads to a more customer-focused business that values and responds to customer input.

How to Ask for Customer Feedback by Email?

In today’s digital age, email has become a powerful tool for businesses to gather valuable customer feedback. However, crafting an effective email to ask for feedback can be a challenging task. In this section, we will discuss the key elements of how to ask for customer feedback by email. From personalization and clear communication of the feedback’s purpose to using incentives, we will cover everything you need to know to create an impactful feedback request email. Let’s dive in and learn how to effectively ask for customer feedback through email.

1. Personalize the Email

  • Begin by addressing the recipient by their name and maintain a friendly tone throughout the email.
  • Make references to previous interactions or purchases to customize the email according to the customer’s history with your company.
  • Avoid using generic templates and make an effort to make the email feel personal and tailored to the individual.

2. Explain the Purpose of the Feedback

Clearly explain the reason for seeking feedback, whether it is to enhance customer experience or improve the product.

Communicate how the feedback will be utilized, emphasizing its crucial role in driving positive change.

Show empathy towards the recipient by highlighting how their input directly impacts the direction of the company.

Emphasize the importance of the customer’s perspective in aligning services with their preferences.

When explaining the purpose of feedback, it is important to be transparent and clear. Make sure the recipient understands the significance of their input in driving meaningful improvements.

3. Keep the Email Short and Concise

When drafting an email to request customer feedback, it’s crucial to keep the email brief and to the point. To achieve this, follow these steps:

  1. Personalize the email
  2. Explain the purpose of the feedback
  3. Keep the email short and concise
  4. Use a clear call-to-action
  5. Offer incentives for feedback

In 2019, a renowned tech company shortened its customer feedback email, resulting in a 25% increase in response rates and valuable insights.

4. Use a Clear Call-to-Action

  • Create a visually distinct button or link prompting the customer to provide feedback.
  • Use actionable language, such as ‘Share your feedback’ or ‘Take the survey now.’
  • Ensure the call-to-action is prominently placed to draw attention.
  • Provide clear instructions on what action the customer should take.
  • Include a deadline if applicable to encourage prompt responses.

5. Offer Incentives for Feedback

  • Offer a discount code as an incentive for completing the survey.
  • Provide a free gift upon survey completion to encourage participation.
  • Enter participants into a prize draw for completing the survey.
  • Offer loyalty points or rewards for sharing valuable feedback.
  • Provide early access to new products or services as a reward for survey participants.

Sample Email for Asking for Customer Feedback

As a company, we value our customers and their opinions. Your feedback allows us to improve and provide the best service possible. To make it easier for you to share your thoughts, we have created a sample email for asking for customer feedback. This email template includes a subject line that highlights the importance of your feedback, a brief introduction of our company’s commitment to improvement, and a call to action to participate in a survey. As a token of our appreciation, we are also offering a special reward for completing the survey. Your feedback is completely anonymous and we thank you in advance for taking the time to help us improve.

Subject Line: We value your opinion! Share your feedback with us

Subject lines are crucial as they determine email open rates. A compelling subject line like ‘We value your opinion! Share your feedback with us’ can prompt customers to engage with the email, increasing the likelihood of receiving feedback.

A company struggling with customer satisfaction implemented a new email strategy with the subject line ‘We value your opinion! Share your feedback with us,’ resulting in a 20% increase in customer response rates within a month.

Dear [Customer Name],

When addressing customers in an email, personalization is crucial to foster a connection. Using ‘Dear [Customer Name],’ sets a friendly tone, making the recipient feel valued and more likely to engage with the feedback request.

We at [Company Name] strive to provide the best service to our customers and we value your opinion. We would greatly appreciate it if you could take a few minutes to share your feedback with us.

At [Company Name], we are dedicated to delivering exceptional service to our valued customers. Your feedback is crucial to our continual pursuit of improvement and excellence. We kindly ask that you take a moment to share your thoughts with us; your input is highly valued. As a token of our appreciation, we are offering a special incentive for completing the survey. Your time and feedback are priceless to us, and we thank you for contributing to our ongoing enhancements.

Your feedback will help us improve our services and better meet your needs. We are committed to continuously improving and your input is crucial to our success.

Customer feedback plays a significant role in enhancing our services and catering to your needs more effectively. We are dedicated to continual improvement, and your input is essential to our success.

To show our appreciation, we are offering a [discount code/free gift/etc.] for completing the survey. Your feedback is important to us and we want to thank you for taking the time to help us improve.

When asking for customer feedback, it is essential to express gratitude by providing an incentive for completing the survey. This could be in the form of a discount code, a free gift, or other benefits. Showing the value of their input is crucial in motivating customers to take the time to assist in improving our services. Therefore, we are offering a [discount code/free gift/etc.] for completing the survey.

Your feedback is valuable to us, and we sincerely thank you for taking the time to help us enhance our services.

Please click on the link below to access the survey:

When requesting customer feedback via email, it is crucial to include a clear call-to-action that encourages recipients to participate in the survey. This ensures that customers are aware of what is expected of them and how to proceed. In a similar approach, a company previously utilized this method, which led to a 30% increase in survey participation rates and provided valuable insights for improving their services.

Please click on the link below to access the survey:

[Insert Survey Link]

After composing a concise and personalized email, it’s important to include a clear call-to-action directing recipients to the [insert survey link]. This will make it easy for customers to access the survey and provide valuable feedback, which will contribute to the company’s continuous improvement efforts.

Fact: According to a study by BrightLocal, 76% of consumers are willing to share feedback if asked for it.

We value your time and your feedback is completely anonymous. Thank you in advance for your participation.

When asking for customer feedback through email, it’s important to express gratitude and ensure anonymity. By including the statement ‘we value your time and your feedback is completely anonymous. thank you in advance for your participation.’, you show appreciation and respect for their input.


Sincerely is an essential closing remark in customer feedback emails, expressing genuine gratitude and a personal connection with the customer.

[Your Name]

When asking for customer feedback by email, personalization is key. By addressing the recipient with their name, such as ‘Dear [Your Name],’ the email feels more genuine and is more likely to be read.

One real-life example is when a clothing company sent a personalized email to a customer named Sarah, asking for feedback on her recent purchase. The personalized approach made her feel valued, and she gladly provided detailed feedback, leading to improvements in the company’s product range.

[Company Name]

[Company Name] is committed to delivering exceptional service and values customer feedback. Using a personalized email, [Company Name] requests feedback, clearly explaining the purpose and keeping the message concise. By offering incentives, such as a discount code, [Company Name] shows appreciation for the customer’s time. An example is an email sent by [Company Name] to a customer, expressing gratitude for their feedback and offering a discount for completing a survey, demonstrating [Company Name]’s dedication to improvement.

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