
How to Attach Workflow to a Custom Field in NetSuite

Are you struggling with managing multiple tasks and processes within your NetSuite account? Look no further, as this article will provide you with a solution on how to streamline your workflows by attaching them to custom fields. Say goodbye to manual processes and hello to a more efficient system.

What are Custom Fields in NetSuite?

Custom fields in NetSuite are a powerful tool that allows users to customize their account by adding unique fields to record specific data. These fields can be added to various record types, including customers, transactions, and items, providing flexibility for businesses to tailor their NetSuite account to their specific needs.

With the ability to create custom fields with different data types, such as text, date, or checkbox, businesses can effectively manage and report on data that may not be available in standard NetSuite fields.

Why Attach a Workflow to a Custom Field?

Attaching a workflow to a custom field in NetSuite offers numerous benefits for streamlining business processes and improving efficiency.

  1. Automation: By linking a workflow to a custom field, tasks and actions can be automated based on specific conditions or changes in the field’s value.
  2. Customization: Workflows allow for tailoring the system to meet unique business needs, ensuring that specific actions are triggered when certain field values are met.
  3. Streamlined Processes: Attaching workflows to custom fields helps eliminate manual steps and reduces the risk of human error, leading to smoother and more efficient processes.
  4. Increased Visibility: Workflows provide visibility into the status of tasks and actions related to the custom field, allowing for better tracking and monitoring of progress.

Overall, attaching a workflow to a custom field in NetSuite enhances automation, customization, streamlines processes, and improves visibility, contributing to improved productivity and overall business performance.

How to Create a Custom Field in NetSuite

Custom fields in NetSuite allow for greater flexibility and customization within the system. In this section, we will discuss the step-by-step process of creating a custom field in NetSuite. First, we will cover how to choose the appropriate record type for your custom field. Next, we will go over the different field types and properties that can be defined. Lastly, we will discuss how to set field access and default values to ensure your custom field functions smoothly within your NetSuite workflow.

1. Choose the Record Type for the Custom Field

When creating a custom field in NetSuite, the first step is to select the appropriate record type for the field. This will determine the location of the custom field within the system. Here are the steps to follow in order to choose the record type for your custom field:

  1. Log in to your NetSuite account and navigate to the Customization menu.
  2. Select the Lists, Records, & Fields option.
  3. Choose the Custom Fields option.
  4. Click on the Create Custom Field button.
  5. In the Record Type field, select the appropriate record type for your custom field.
  6. Continue with defining the field type, properties, access, and default values for the custom field.
  7. Save the changes and your custom field will be created with the chosen record type.

By following these steps, you can easily select the record type for your custom field in NetSuite.

2. Define the Field Type and Properties

When defining the field type and properties in NetSuite, follow these steps:

  1. Choose the record type for the custom field.
  2. Specify the field type, such as text, date, or checkbox, based on the data you want to store.
  3. Set the field properties, including the label, help text, and field ID.
  4. Determine the field access level and default values for new records.

To enhance your field definition, consider the following suggestions:

  • Keep the field names and labels clear and descriptive.
  • Utilize field-level help text to provide guidance to users.
  • Consider using field dependencies to control visibility and availability based on other field values.

3. Set Field Access and Default Values

To customize the access and default values for a custom field in NetSuite, simply follow these steps:

  1. Choose the appropriate record type for the custom field.
  2. Specify the field type and properties, such as text, date, or numeric values.
  3. Set the field access level, determining who can view and edit the field.
  4. Select default values for the field, which will be automatically filled in when creating new records.

By following these steps, you can easily set field access and default values for your custom field in NetSuite to match your organization’s specific needs and workflows.

How to Create a Workflow in NetSuite

In order to automate processes and streamline tasks in NetSuite, creating a workflow is essential. In this section, we will walk through the steps on how to create a workflow in NetSuite. From selecting the record type and trigger, to defining the actions and conditions, and setting the schedule and notifications, we will cover all the necessary components to successfully attach a workflow to a custom field. So let’s dive in and learn how to optimize your NetSuite experience with workflows.

1. Choose the Record Type and Trigger for the Workflow

When setting up a workflow in NetSuite, the first step is to select the appropriate record type and trigger. This will determine the specific process and event that will activate the workflow. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to choose the record type and trigger for your workflow:

  1. Identify the specific record type that you want the workflow to be associated with, such as Sales Order or Customer.
  2. Determine the trigger that will initiate the workflow, such as when a record is created, updated, or deleted.
  3. Specify any additional criteria or conditions that must be met for the workflow to be triggered, such as specific field values or date ranges.

By carefully selecting the record type and trigger for your workflow, you can ensure that it is tailored to your specific business needs and will be activated at the appropriate times.

2. Define the Workflow Actions and Conditions

When defining workflow actions and conditions in NetSuite, follow these steps:

  1. Identify the record type and trigger that will activate the workflow.
  2. Specify the actions and conditions that should occur when the workflow is triggered, such as sending email notifications or updating field values.
  3. Set conditions that determine when the actions should be executed, based on specified criteria like field values or record statuses.

By clearly defining the actions and conditions, you can create efficient workflows that automate processes and streamline operations in NetSuite. It is important to regularly test and monitor your workflows to ensure they are functioning as intended and make any necessary adjustments for optimal performance.

In 2020, NetSuite introduced enhanced workflow functionality, allowing users to define more complex actions and conditions. This update provided greater flexibility and customization options, empowering businesses to create more sophisticated and tailored workflows to meet their specific needs.

3. Set the Workflow Schedule and Notifications

To set the workflow schedule and notifications in NetSuite, follow these steps:

  1. Access the workflow settings and select the desired record type and trigger for the workflow.
  2. Define the workflow actions and conditions according to your business requirements.
  3. Set the schedule for the workflow by specifying the frequency and timing of when it should run.
  4. Configure notifications by specifying the recipients and the events that should trigger the notifications.
  5. Save and activate the workflow to make it operational.

How to Attach a Workflow to a Custom Field in NetSuite

In this section, we will discuss the steps to attach a workflow to a custom field in NetSuite. By creating a workflow action for the custom field, adding the field to the action, and saving and activating the workflow, we can automate processes and streamline data management. These simple yet essential steps will allow you to maximize the functionality of your custom field and improve your overall workflow in NetSuite. So, let’s dive in and learn how to attach a workflow to a custom field in NetSuite.

1. Create a Workflow Action for the Custom Field

Creating a workflow action for a custom field in NetSuite involves the following steps:

  1. Go to the Workflow section in NetSuite and select the desired record type and trigger for the workflow.
  2. Define the actions and conditions for the workflow, such as sending email notifications or updating field values.
  3. Set the workflow schedule and notifications to determine when the workflow should be triggered.

A helpful tip for creating workflow actions is to ensure they are specific and focused on their intended purpose, avoiding unnecessary complexity. Regularly testing and monitoring workflows can help ensure they are functioning correctly and meeting business requirements. Additionally, utilizing saved searches as workflow triggers can enhance efficiency and accuracy in NetSuite workflows.

2. Add the Custom Field to the Workflow Action

To include a custom field in a workflow action within NetSuite, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new workflow action for the desired workflow.
  2. In the action’s configuration, locate the “Trigger Type” section and select the appropriate event that should trigger this action, such as “Before Record Submit” or “After Field Edit”.
  3. In the “Action Script” section, click on the “Add Field” button.
  4. In the field selection window, choose the custom field that you want to add to the workflow action.
  5. Click “Save” to save the changes to the workflow action.
  6. Activate the workflow to ensure the custom field is included in the action.

By incorporating a custom field into the workflow action, a company was able to streamline their sales order fulfillment process and improve efficiency. This resulted in faster order processing and increased customer satisfaction, as special shipping instructions could now be easily tracked and managed.

3. Save and Activate the Workflow

To save and activate a workflow in NetSuite, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the “Customization” tab in the top navigation menu.
  2. Select “Workflows” under the “Lists” section.
  3. Find the workflow you want to save and activate, and click on it to open the details.
  4. Review the workflow settings and make any necessary changes.
  5. Click on the “Save” button to save the workflow.
  6. To activate the workflow, click on the “Actions” dropdown and select “Activate”.
  7. Confirm the activation by clicking “OK” in the pop-up window.

Suggestions for using workflows in NetSuite:

  1. Regularly review and update your workflows to ensure they align with your business processes.
  2. Test your workflows thoroughly before deploying them in a live environment.
  3. Document your workflows and communicate them effectively to your team.

Tips for Using Workflows and Custom Fields in NetSuite

NetSuite offers a powerful combination of workflows and custom fields for streamlining and automating business processes. However, utilizing these tools effectively can be a bit daunting. In this section, we will share some helpful tips for using workflows and custom fields in NetSuite. From keeping your workflows simple and specific to utilizing saved searches for workflow triggers, we will cover the key elements to consider when attaching workflows to custom fields.

1. Keep Workflows Simple and Specific

To ensure simplicity and specificity in NetSuite workflows, follow these steps:

  1. Clearly define the purpose of the workflow and identify the specific task or process it will automate.
  2. Break down the workflow into smaller, manageable steps to ensure clarity and ease of implementation.
  3. Remove any redundant or unnecessary actions to avoid unnecessary complexity.
  4. Ensure that each step of the workflow aligns with the overall objective and is essential to achieving the desired outcome.
  5. Regularly review and fine-tune the workflow to eliminate any inefficiencies or bottlenecks.

A company implemented a complex workflow with multiple unnecessary steps, causing confusion and delays. By simplifying the workflow and focusing on key actions, they were able to streamline their processes and improve overall efficiency.

2. Test and Monitor Workflows Regularly

To ensure the effectiveness of workflows in NetSuite, it is crucial to regularly test and monitor them. Here is a list of steps to guide you through this process:

  1. Perform initial testing to verify that the workflows are functioning as intended.
  2. Monitor the performance and effectiveness of the workflows in real-world scenarios.
  3. Regularly review the logs and error messages of the workflows to identify and address any issues.
  4. Test the workflows under various conditions and scenarios to ensure their reliability and accuracy.
  5. Continuously monitor the execution of the workflows and make necessary adjustments.
  6. Regularly communicate with end-users to gather feedback and identify any issues or areas for improvement.
  7. Document any changes made to the workflows and maintain a record of their performance over time.

3. Utilize Saved Searches for Workflow Triggers

To make use of saved searches for workflow triggers in NetSuite, follow these steps:

  1. Create a saved search by specifying the criteria and columns that are relevant to your workflow trigger.
  2. In the workflow, select “Saved Search” as the trigger type.
  3. Choose the saved search you created in step 1 as the trigger for the workflow.
  4. Configure the remaining workflow actions and conditions according to your specific requirements.


  • Regularly review and update your saved searches to ensure they accurately capture the desired data.
  • Test your workflows with different scenarios to ensure they perform as intended.
  • Consider using saved searches with workflow triggers in conjunction with other criteria to create more complex and efficient workflows.

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