
How to Change a SharePoint Site Name

SharePoint is a great platform for creating and managing websites for collaboration and document sharing. But changing the name of a SharePoint site isn’t as easy as it sounds – it could affect your organization’s branding and navigation. Here’s how to change a SharePoint site name.

  1. Navigate to the site you want to rename.
  2. Then, click on the settings gear icon in the top right corner and select “Site Information” from the dropdown. This will open the Site Information panel. There, you can edit the site name.

Be aware that renaming a SharePoint site may affect existing links and bookmarks. If other users have bookmarked pages or if external systems are integrated with your SharePoint environment, they may not work after renaming. So let people know in advance and provide guidance on updating bookmarks and systems.

Understanding SharePoint Site Names

SharePoint site names are essential. They identify sites and let people know what to expect. Keep names simple and descriptive. Long, cryptic names are a no-no. Include relevant keywords for better search engine results.

Note: changing a site name needs admin privileges. Tell everyone about name changes, and update any docs or references.

Steps to Change a SharePoint Site Name

To change a SharePoint site name, follow these steps: Accessing the SharePoint Site Settings, Modifying the Site Name in the Settings, and Confirming the Site Name Change. Each sub-section will guide you through the necessary actions to successfully change your SharePoint site name.

Step 1: Accessing the SharePoint Site Settings

To access SharePoint Site Settings, follow these easy steps:

  1. Go to your SharePoint site and look for the gear icon in the top-right corner. Click on it and a drop-down menu will open.
  2. Select “Site Settings” from the menu. This will take you to the Site Settings page.
  3. Here you can customize and manage your site with permissions, navigation, etc.

Note that using SharePoint Site Settings lets you shape your site to your needs. Here are some tips to get the most out of it:

  1. Get to know the options in the menu. Spend time exploring each section to make navigating easier.
  2. Make only necessary changes to avoid any unexpected issues. It’s wise to consult experienced users before making major changes.
  3. Check for updates from Microsoft to get the most out of SharePoint. This can give you new features that might be beneficial.

By following the above advice, you can make the most of SharePoint Site Settings to manage and customize your site, making it more user-friendly.

Step 2: Modifying the Site Name in the Settings

  1. Open the SharePoint site. Click the Gear icon in the top right corner.
  2. Choose “Site Settings” from the drop-down.
  3. Under “Look and Feel,” click on the option.
  4. You’ll see fields to enter a new name. Type the desired site name.

Save your changes before leaving the settings.

Also, remember the change will be seen everywhere – menus, URLs, etc.

Pro Tip: Think about how a name change affects users and SEO. It should match the content and fit your brand.

Step 3: Confirming the Site Name Change

  1. Click the gear icon in the top right corner of the SharePoint site.
  2. From the drop-down menu, select “Site Settings.”
  3. Go to “Site Information” under “Site Administration.”
  4. Click the option to edit the site name.
  5. Click “Save” to apply the changes.

Be aware that once you save the new name, it can’t be reversed. So, double-check everything before going ahead.

Also, the site name change won’t affect its content or structure – it just changes how it’s identified within SharePoint.

Microsoft Support Documentation.

Important Considerations when Changing SharePoint Site Names

Careful thought is key when changing a SharePoint site name. Existing links and bookmarks must be updated or redirected – this prevents any disruption to accessing info. Search engine rankings may be affected too. The new name needs to be submitted to search engines to reduce visibility loss. Customizations and integrations tied to the old name should be reviewed and updated to ensure they work properly.

User communication is also important. Tell people of the change and provide clear instructions on how it could affect their workflow.

In conclusion, thoughtful planning and good execution help to make a smooth transition without disrupting productivity.


Wrapping up our talk on changing a SharePoint site name is essential. Simple steps help you modify the name and stay aligned with your organization’s needs.

When changing the site name, consider existing links and references. Updating internal links within documents or web pages keeps user experience smooth. Notifying relevant stakeholders about the name change is also important.

Pay attention to the relevance and clarity of the new name. Choose one that reflects the site’s purpose and is easy to understand. This helps with effective navigation and encourages use of the SharePoint site.

Redirection techniques can make the transition easier. Setting up redirects from the old URL to the new one ensures visitors are directed to the right place, even if they haven’t updated bookmarks or saved links.

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs for How to Change a SharePoint Site Name:

Q1: Can I change the name of a SharePoint site?

A1: Yes, you can change the name of a SharePoint site by following a few simple steps.

Q2: How do I change the name of a SharePoint site?

A2: To change the name of a SharePoint site, go to the site, click on “Site Settings,” then “Title, Description, and Icon,” and finally edit the “Title” field with the desired name.

Q3: Are there any restrictions on changing the SharePoint site name?

A3: Yes, there are a few restrictions. The new name must be unique within the SharePoint site collection, and it cannot exceed 128 characters in length.

Q4: How long does it take for the SharePoint site name change to take effect?

A4: The change in the SharePoint site name is immediate and will be reflected throughout the site and its associated components.

Q5: What happens to links and URLs after changing the SharePoint site name?

A5: SharePoint automatically updates all the links and URLs associated with the site, including lists, libraries, and navigation elements.

Q6: Can I revert back to the old SharePoint site name after changing it?

A6: No, once you change the SharePoint site name, you cannot revert back to the old name. However, you can change it again to something else if needed.

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