
How to Change What I Do in Slack

In the fast-paced world of modern business, effective communication and collaboration are vital for success. This is where Slack comes in – a powerful communication platform that has revolutionized the way teams work together.

In this article, we will explore the different ways you can customize your profile in Slack to reflect what you are currently working on, and why it is important to keep your profile updated. Whether you want to change your status to indicate your availability, or update your job title and skills, we will guide you through the simple steps to make these changes.

By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of the various features Slack offers for personalizing your profile, and the importance of maintaining an up-to-date presence in the platform. So, let’s dive in and explore how you can enhance your Slack experience by customizing what you do.

What Is Slack and What Can You Do With It?

Slack is a versatile messaging platform that serves as a powerful communication, productivity, and collaboration tool for work environments.

It offers features such as:

  • Channels for organized conversations.
  • Direct messaging for one-on-one communication.
  • File sharing.
  • Integration with numerous apps and tools to streamline workflows.

Slack also provides the ability to create custom integrations and automate tasks through its API, enhancing productivity and making it a central hub for team collaboration.

With its search functionality, users can easily find past conversations and shared files, promoting seamless knowledge sharing and information retrieval.

How to Change What You Do in Slack?

If you’re looking to change what you do in Slack, you can modify your profile settings to enhance your work productivity and improve your overall user experience.

Step 1: Access Your Profile Settings

To begin the process of changing what you do in Slack, you need to access your profile settings, where you can make adjustments to your messaging preferences and other settings.

The profile settings in Slack offer a range of options for customization and personalization. Once you navigate to your profile settings, you can edit your display name, update your status, and manage your notification preferences.

For message editing, Slack allows you to modify or delete messages you’ve sent, providing flexibility and control over your communications.

You can also customize your theme and sidebar layout to create a more personalized Slack experience. These settings enable users to tailor their Slack environment to suit their specific needs and preferences.

Step 2: Edit Your Status

Once within your profile settings, you can edit your status to reflect your current availability or any relevant information for your colleagues within the messaging platform.

This feature plays a crucial role in communication within teams, allowing others to have clear visibility on your availability and providing context for your current focus. It helps in fostering transparency and coordination among team members, especially in remote or distributed work environments.

For instance, you can set your status as ‘In a meeting’ or ‘On vacation’ to inform your peers without the need for direct communication. It streamlines the process of scheduling meetings and collaborative work by having real-time updates on team members’ availability and activities. Thus, status updates contribute significantly to enhancing overall team efficiency and productivity.

Step 3: Choose Your Status Type

You can choose from various status types to convey your availability, focus, or engagement level within the messaging platform, allowing for effective communication with your peers.

These status types serve different purposes. For instance, setting your status as ‘away’ can signal that you are temporarily unavailable, while selecting ‘do not disturb’ can indicate that you are deeply focused on a task and prefer not to be interrupted. Using status types like ‘meeting’ or ‘on a call’ can provide insight into your current engagement level.

This feature significantly impacts communication dynamics by enabling transparent and respectful interactions among team members, ensuring that everyone’s availability and focus are acknowledged and respected.

Step 4: Customize Your Status Message

Customizing your status message enables you to provide additional context or details about your current status, enhancing clarity and transparency within the messaging platform.

This feature is particularly useful in a professional setting, as it allows team members to understand your availability, focus areas, or when you will be away from the platform. By incorporating specific details such as meeting times, project deadlines, or even your next break, you can streamline communication and avoid misunderstandings. Tailored status messages can help to set expectations and manage workflows more effectively, creating a more cohesive and responsive team environment.

Step 5: Set a Duration for Your Status

Setting a duration for your status allows you to establish a timeframe for your availability or engagement level within the messaging platform, ensuring clarity for your colleagues.

By indicating your status duration, you provide your team with a clear understanding of when you can be reached or when you may be away, helping to streamline communication and collaborations. It also aids in setting realistic expectations and enables others to plan their interactions accordingly. Time-bound status updates promote a more efficient flow of information and facilitate better coordination within the team, ultimately enhancing productivity and reducing misunderstandings.

Step 6: Save Your Changes

After making the desired adjustments to your status and other settings, it’s essential to save your changes within the profile settings section of the messaging platform to ensure that your updates are applied successfully.

By clicking on the ‘Save’ or ‘Update’ button after making changes, you can safeguard your customized settings and preferences, allowing you to personalize your experience on the platform. This step is crucial to retain your tailored notifications, display choices, and other personalizations. Remember to review and recheck your modifications before completion to avoid any unintentional alterations. Taking a few moments to save your changes can preserve the seamless functionality of your profile and enhance your overall user experience.

What Are the Different Status Types in Slack?

Slack offers various status types that allow users to communicate their availability, focus, or engagement level within the messaging platform, facilitating effective and transparent communication.

These status types include:

  • ‘Away’ – signals that a user is temporarily unavailable.
  • ‘Do Not Disturb’ – indicates that they are not accepting notifications.
  • ‘Custom’ – enables users to personalize their status message to share specific details, such as their current task or when they will be available.

Utilizing these status types effectively enhances communication by providing clarity on team members’ availability and responsiveness, leading to improved collaboration and productivity.


The Active status in Slack indicates a user’s current availability and engagement within the messaging platform, signifying their readiness to communicate and collaborate with colleagues.

It plays a crucial role in fostering seamless communication and collaboration by providing instant insights into team members’ presence and accessibility. This status enables users to discern who is actively involved and approachable, enhancing real-time interactions and decision-making processes. The Active status empowers individuals to gauge the optimal timing for reaching out, thereby streamlining workflows and promoting a more dynamic and responsive work environment.


The Away status in Slack communicates a user’s temporary unavailability or reduced engagement within the messaging platform, indicating a brief period of absence or limited responsiveness.

This feature plays a crucial role in facilitating clear communication within teams, as it allows colleagues to understand when someone may be unavailable for immediate responses. By displaying the Away status, users can manage expectations and avoid delays in receiving timely feedback. It promotes a culture of respect for individual boundaries and schedules, enabling a more harmonious and considerate work environment. Utilizing status management tools like Away status in Slack enhances overall productivity and efficiency in collaborative settings.

Do Not Disturb

The Do Not Disturb status in Slack indicates that a user is currently focused or unavailable for communication, directing colleagues to avoid interrupting or contacting them during this period.

This function is an essential tool for workers to maintain productivity and minimize disruptions during deep work or concentrated tasks. By setting their status to Do Not Disturb, individuals effectively signal to their team members that they require uninterrupted focus, allowing for a more efficient and concentrated work environment. Respecting the Do Not Disturb status also fosters a culture of understanding and promotes a healthy balance between collaboration and individual undisturbed work time within messaging platforms like Slack.


The Custom status in Slack provides users with the flexibility to create personalized status messages that convey specific information or context relevant to their current availability or engagement.

This feature allows individuals to communicate their whereabouts, current activities, or even their mood, enabling team members to understand their colleagues’ situations at a glance.

By integrating custom status messages, Slack enables seamless and tailored communication within the platform, enhancing productivity and collaboration.

The ability to customize status information ensures that users can convey their unique context, thereby fostering a more inclusive and informed work environment.

The flexibility offered by the Custom status feature in Slack makes it an invaluable tool for facilitating efficient and personalized communication.

How to Edit What You Do in Slack?

In Slack, you have the option to edit what you do by modifying your profile information, editing or updating messages, and managing your activity within the platform to ensure accurate and effective communication.

Step 1: Access Your Profile Settings

To initiate the process of editing what you do in Slack, navigate to your profile settings, where you can access various options for modifying your information and activity within the platform.

Once in the profile settings, you can adjust your message editing preferences, including the ability to edit messages after they have been sent. You have the option to manage your activity notifications, choosing what types of updates and alerts you want to receive. Customizing these settings can help streamline your communication and ensure you stay informed about relevant activities within Slack. Taking advantage of these options can significantly enhance your overall experience and productivity on the platform.

Step 2: Edit Your Job Title

Within your profile settings, you can edit your job title to ensure that your professional information is accurate and up to date, reflecting your current role and responsibilities within the platform.

This process allows you to showcase the most relevant keywords associated with your expertise, making it easier for colleagues and potential connections to understand your professional background. Providing accurate details about your job title also enhances the credibility of your profile, presenting you as a reliable and informed member within the workspace. Ensuring the accuracy of your job title can ultimately impact how you are perceived by others and can improve your networking opportunities within the platform.

Step 3: Add or Edit Your Skills

You have the option to add or edit your skills within the profile settings of Slack, providing a comprehensive overview of your professional expertise and competencies to your colleagues.

This feature enables you to highlight your strengths and capabilities, allowing your team members to understand your skill set better. By carefully updating your skills, you can improve the visibility of your professional profile and make it easier for others to identify the areas in which you excel. This can lead to increased collaboration, as colleagues will be more likely to reach out to you for tasks that align with your expertise.

Showcasing your skills can also be beneficial for career development and networking as it helps in presenting yourself as a competent and skilled professional.

Step 4: Save Your Changes

Upon completing the necessary edits to your profile information and skills, it’s crucial to save your changes within the profile settings of Slack to ensure that your updates are accurately applied and reflected.

This is important to ensure that your customized details, professional information, and skills are preserved and accessible to your colleagues and team members. To save changes in Slack, simply navigate to your profile settings, review the modifications you’ve made, and click on the ‘Save’ or ‘Update’ button to confirm the changes. By doing so, you can be confident that your profile accurately represents your current expertise and professional identity within the Slack platform.

Why Is It Important to Keep Your Profile Updated in Slack?

Maintaining an updated profile in Slack is essential for facilitating clear and effective communication, enabling your colleagues to access accurate information about your role, skills, and availability within the platform.

Having an updated profile ensures that team members can easily identify the right person to approach for specific tasks and expertise. It also promotes transparency by providing visibility into each member’s responsibilities and contributions, fostering a culture of accountability and trust.

Regular profile updates promote collaboration by allowing team members to understand each other’s strengths and areas of expertise, leading to more efficient task assignments and knowledge sharing.

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