
How To Close An Account With Fidelity

Are you considering closing your Fidelity account but not sure where to start? In this article, we will guide you through the steps to close your account, including transferring funds and securities, canceling automatic transactions, and contacting Fidelity.

We will also discuss the requirements for closing an account, what happens to your funds and securities, how long the process takes, and whether there are any fees involved. We will explore alternatives to closing your Fidelity account. Let’s get started!

What Is Fidelity?

Fidelity is a renowned financial institution that offers various financial services, including investment accounts and retirement planning solutions.

Fidelity is dedicated to empowering individuals to achieve their financial goals. They offer a wide range of investment options that are tailored to fit different risk profiles and objectives.

Their retirement planning services provide comprehensive solutions to help individuals build a secure financial future. Fidelity’s reputation for excellence and innovation in the financial sector sets them apart as a trusted ally for making informed financial decisions.

Why Would Someone Want To Close Their Fidelity Account?

There are several reasons why an individual may choose to close their Fidelity account. These reasons can range from changing financial goals to consolidating accounts for better management.

Life changes, such as getting married or having children, can prompt the decision to close a Fidelity account. Some investors may find better investment opportunities elsewhere, leading them to transfer funds from their current account. “It’s important to regularly reassess your financial goals and make adjustments as needed,” says financial advisor John Smith.

For others, simplifying their investment portfolio by consolidating accounts at one institution could streamline their finances. Ultimately, each individual’s financial situation and goals play a significant role in determining the most suitable course of action when it comes to closing a Fidelity account.

What Are The Steps To Close A Fidelity Account?

Closing a Fidelity account involves a series of steps that include transferring funds, canceling automatic transactions, and contacting Fidelity to initiate the closure process.

To start, the first step is to transfer any remaining funds and securities from the account. You can do this by logging into your Fidelity account online and selecting the option to transfer funds. Make sure to transfer these funds to another bank account to avoid any delays.

Next, it is crucial to cancel any automated transactions linked to the account to prevent unexpected charges.

Once these steps are complete, you can initiate the closure process by contacting Fidelity’s customer service either through phone, email, or visiting a local branch. Follow the representative’s instructions carefully to ensure a smooth closure of your account.

Step 1: Transfer Funds and Securities

The initial step in closing a Fidelity account is to transfer any remaining funds and securities to another account or financial institution to ensure a smooth transition. This transfer of assets is crucial in the account closure process as it protects the investor’s financial interests.

To transfer funds, you can initiate an electronic transfer, request a wire transfer, or opt for a check disbursement. It is essential to carefully review all account details and ensure accurate information is provided to avoid any delays or errors. Taking these steps will help safeguard your investments and ensure a seamless transition during the account closure process.

Step 2: Cancel Automatic Transactions

To proceed with closing a Fidelity account, it is essential to cancel any automatic transactions linked to the account to prevent future deductions or deposits.

Identifying recurring payments or deposits can be done by reviewing your transaction history and noting any regular deductions or credits.

Once identified, reach out to the respective service providers to inform them about the account closure and request the termination of automatic transactions.

It is advisable to update your payment methods for any essential services to avoid disruption.

Keeping a record of all cancelled automatic transactions and monitoring your account closely during the closure process can help prevent any unexpected charges or issues arising from overlooked recurring payments.

Step 3: Contact Fidelity

The final step in closing a Fidelity account is to contact Fidelity directly through customer service channels, online forms, or phone requests to initiate the closure process.

To begin the account closure process, customers can either download the account closure form from Fidelity’s website or request it via email or through the customer service portal.

Once the form is filled out with the required information, it can be submitted electronically or mailed to the designated address.

Alternatively, individuals can reach out to a Fidelity customer service representative by phone to request assistance with closing their account.

This option allows for immediate guidance on the steps needed to finalize the closure and address any queries or concerns that may arise during the process.

What Are The Requirements To Close A Fidelity Account?

Closing a Fidelity account necessitates fulfilling specific requirements, such as providing the account owner’s information, account number, and reasons for closing the account, alongside undergoing personal information verification.

When initiating the account closure process, it is important for account holders to verify that all personal information matches the details on file. Any discrepancies may cause delays in the closure request.

A clear and concise statement explaining the reason for closing the account is necessary. This helps the financial institution understand the client’s needs and allows for feedback.

Before the closure is finalized, individuals are usually asked to provide any outstanding account details. This ensures a smooth transition out of the account.

Account Owner’s Information

One of the key requirements for closing a Fidelity account is providing accurate and updated information about the account owner. This is necessary to facilitate the closure process and verification procedures.

This step is crucial as it ensures that the account is being closed by the rightful owner, preventing unauthorized access or potential security risks.

By furnishing correct account owner information, such as full name, address, and contact details, the financial institution can verify the identity of the individual initiating the closure request. This verification process adds an extra layer of security to protect the account holder’s assets and sensitive information, making it essential to double-check and confirm all personal details before proceeding with the closure.

Account Number

Another essential requirement for closing a Fidelity account is providing the account number to ensure the accurate identification and processing of the account closure request.

The account number serves as a unique identifier for your account, enabling Fidelity to swiftly locate and verify the specific account you wish to close.

To locate your account number, you can refer to your account statements, online dashboard, or contact Fidelity’s customer service for assistance.

When sharing your account details for closure, it is crucial to double-check the accuracy of the number to prevent any delays or errors in processing your request.

Remember, the account number is a key piece of information that streamlines the closure process efficiently.

Reason For Closing Account

When closing a Fidelity account, individuals are typically required to provide a reason for the closure to help Fidelity understand the customer’s motives and improve service.

Clearly articulating the reasons for closing your account not only assists Fidelity in assessing customer satisfaction but also plays a crucial role in enhancing the overall service quality.

By understanding the specific reasons behind an account closure, Fidelity can identify areas for improvement, address customer concerns, and make necessary adjustments to better meet the needs and expectations of their clients.

Customer feedback provided during the closure process serves as valuable insights for Fidelity to refine their services and ensure a positive customer experience for both current and future clients.

What Happens To The Funds And Securities In A Closed Fidelity Account?

Upon closing a Fidelity account, the funds and securities held within the account can be transferred to another Fidelity account, another financial institution, or received as a check.

Transferring assets to another Fidelity account can be a seamless process, often requiring just a few simple steps to complete the transfer electronically.

If opting to transfer funds to another financial institution, you may need to provide the institution’s details for a wire transfer or initiate an Automated Customer Account Transfer Service (ACATS) transfer.

Alternatively, if you choose to receive the remaining balance as a check, Fidelity will mail the check to your registered address.

It is essential to consider the timing and potential tax implications when deciding how to manage the assets after the account closure.

Transfer To Another Fidelity Account

One option for handling funds and securities in a closed Fidelity account is to transfer them to another Fidelity account for continued investment or management.

This process of transferring assets within the Fidelity ecosystem not only ensures seamless continuity of your investments but also allows for easier account management under the same trusted platform.

To initiate the transfer, you can simply log in to your Fidelity account, navigate to the ‘Transfer Assets’ section, and follow the on-screen instructions to select the closed account as the source and the desired Fidelity account as the destination.

By keeping your investments consolidated within Fidelity, you can benefit from streamlined monitoring, potential cost savings, and access to a wide range of financial services all in one place.

Transfer To Another Financial Institution

Alternatively, individuals closing a Fidelity account can choose to transfer their funds and securities to another financial institution for diversified investment opportunities.

This process, known as asset transfer, allows investors to reallocate their resources to various external investment options, such as brokerage accounts, mutual funds, or retirement accounts.

Diversification plays a crucial role in spreading risk across different assets, thereby potentially increasing returns while reducing overall portfolio volatility.

To initiate the transfer, individuals need to contact the receiving financial institution to understand their transfer procedures, complete the necessary paperwork, and provide details of the assets being transferred.

It is essential to ensure a smooth transition by carefully following the guidelines provided by both the current and receiving institutions.

Receive A Check

For those opting to close a Fidelity account completely, receiving a check for the remaining balance of funds and securities is a convenient choice to liquidate the assets.

Once the closure request is initiated, Fidelity typically processes the liquidation of assets within a specified timeframe. Upon completion, a check is issued and sent to the account holder’s registered address.

It’s essential to ensure that the mailing address is up to date to avoid any delays in receiving the funds. Once the check is received, individuals can choose to deposit it into their bank account or opt for other investment opportunities. Managing the funds prudently post-closure can help in maintaining financial stability and exploring new avenues for growth.

How Long Does It Take To Close A Fidelity Account?

The timeline for closing a Fidelity account may vary based on factors such as the completion of necessary documentation, verification procedures, and the processing speed of fund transfers.

Closing a Fidelity account can take a few days to a few weeks, depending on how efficiently the account closure requirements are fulfilled. Verification procedures, such as confirming the account holder’s identity and legitimacy of the closure request, play a crucial role in determining the timeline.

The speed of fund transfers also affects the closure duration. While electronic transfers may only take a couple of business days, other forms of fund disbursement, like checks, may take longer to reach the account holder.

Are There Any Fees For Closing A Fidelity Account?

Closing a Fidelity account may incur certain fees depending on the account type, outstanding transactions, and the presence of surrender charges or penalties for early withdrawal.

The fee structure for closing a Fidelity account typically includes processing fees and possible transfer fees if the funds are being moved to another institution. There may also be potential penalties for early termination.

The total fees can vary based on the specific account type, such as individual brokerage accounts, retirement accounts, or education savings accounts. Outstanding transactions, like pending trades or unpaid fees, can also impact the final amount owed. It’s crucial to review all these factors to understand the financial implications of closing your Fidelity account. Early withdrawal penalties may be applicable if funds are accessed before a certain holding period.

What Are The Alternatives To Closing A Fidelity Account?

Instead of closing a Fidelity account, individuals can explore alternatives like maintaining account inactivity, transferring funds to a different brokerage, or keeping the account open with a zero balance.

Account inactivity is a simple option for those who want to take a break from active trading without fully closing their account. By maintaining inactivity, individuals can hold onto their account while pausing any investment activities.

On the other hand, transferring funds to a different brokerage allows for diversification or access to new investment opportunities. This action requires careful consideration of transfer fees and account features in the new brokerage.

Keeping the account open with a zero balance may offer flexibility for future use without incurring maintenance fees or account closure hassles.


Choosing inactivity as an alternative to closing a Fidelity account means maintaining the account without making any transactions, which may have specific consequences such as dormant account fees.

Financial institutions often charge fees for maintaining inactive accounts, covering the administrative costs involved. While keeping an account inactive may seem like a convenient way to avoid closure, it’s important to consider the potential restrictions that may be imposed due to prolonged inactivity.

In addition to dormant account fees, some institutions may also limit access to certain account features or services if the account remains inactive for an extended period. This means that choosing to keep an account inactive requires careful consideration of the associated penalties and impacts of prolonged dormancy.

Transfer To A Different Brokerage

Transferring funds and securities to a different brokerage offers a viable alternative to closing a Fidelity account. This allows individuals to explore new investment opportunities and service offerings.

By moving assets to a new brokerage, investors can benefit from diversification beyond what their current platform provides. This can help mitigate risk and enhance potential returns by spreading investments across different asset classes.

Switching to a new brokerage can unlock access to a broader range of services tailored to specific investment styles and goals. The process of transferring assets involves initiating a transfer request with the new brokerage, specifying the assets to be moved, and coordinating the transfer of funds seamlessly. By following these steps, investors can transition smoothly to a new brokerage while maintaining their investment positions.

Keep The Account Open With A Zero Balance

Maintaining a Fidelity account with a zero balance is another option that provides the flexibility to reactivate the account in the future without the need for immediate closure.

By keeping your account open, you preserve your account history, which can be beneficial for various purposes such as applying for loans or other financial services in the future.

Maintaining a zero balance account can be advantageous for account management considerations. You can still access account information, receive important notifications, and easily monitor any changes to account terms or policies.

The reactivation process for a zero balance account is generally simpler and quicker compared to reopening a closed account, saving you time and potential hassle.

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