
How to Copy Data from One SharePoint List to Another Using Power Automate

Are you struggling to transfer data between SharePoint lists? Fret not, as this article will show you the best way to do it using Power Automate. Say goodbye to manual data entry and save time with this simple yet powerful solution. Get ready to revolutionize your workflow and boost productivity.

What Is Power Automate?

Power Automate, previously known as Microsoft Flow, is a cloud-based service that empowers users to create and automate workflows across various applications and services. It allows for seamless integration and communication between different systems, including SharePoint, Excel, and Outlook. By utilizing Power Automate, you can efficiently automate repetitive tasks, streamline business processes, and boost productivity.

It offers a user-friendly interface for designing workflows, eliminating the need for coding knowledge. Plus, Power Automate provides a wide selection of pre-built templates that can be tailored to fit specific requirements, saving valuable time and effort.

What Is SharePoint?

SharePoint is a web-based collaboration platform developed by Microsoft, designed to facilitate the creation, organization, and sharing of content within organizations. This includes documents, lists, and calendars, among other types of files. With features such as document management, version control, and workflow automation, SharePoint serves as a centralized location for employees to access and collaborate on files, improving productivity and communication.

Additionally, SharePoint can be tailored to meet specific business requirements and integrated with other Microsoft tools like Microsoft Teams and Outlook. In summary, SharePoint is a highly effective tool for promoting collaboration and managing information within organizations.

Why Use Power Automate to Copy Data between SharePoint Lists?

Why Use Power Automate to Copy Data between SharePoint Lists?

Copying data between SharePoint lists can be a time-consuming and tedious task, but utilizing Power Automate can greatly streamline the process and offer numerous advantages. Firstly, Power Automate allows for automation, saving you valuable time and effort. Secondly, it ensures accuracy by eliminating manual errors that may occur during data transfer. Thirdly, Power Automate offers flexibility by allowing you to customize the copy process according to your specific needs. Lastly, it promotes collaboration by enabling multiple users to access and work with the data simultaneously. Overall, utilizing Power Automate to copy data between SharePoint lists is a wise decision for increased efficiency, accuracy, flexibility, and collaboration.

How to Set Up Power Automate to Copy Data between SharePoint Lists?

Have you ever needed to transfer data from one SharePoint list to another? With Power Automate, this process can be automated and save you time and effort. In this section, we will guide you through the process of setting up Power Automate to copy data between SharePoint lists. We will cover each step, from creating a new flow to testing and saving it. By the end, you will have a better understanding of how to efficiently transfer data using Power Automate.

1. Create a New Flow

To create a new flow in Power Automate, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to Power Automate and navigate to the Flows tab.
  2. Click on the “Create” button to start creating a new flow.
  3. Choose the trigger for your flow, such as “When a new item is created in SharePoint”.
  4. Add the action to copy data between SharePoint lists.
  5. Map the fields from the source list to the destination list.
  6. Test the flow to ensure it is working correctly.
  7. Save the flow and give it a descriptive name, such as “Copy Data Between SharePoint Lists”.

Creating a new flow in Power Automate allows you to automate the process of copying data between SharePoint lists, saving time and reducing the risk of human error. However, it’s important to note that the free version of Power Automate has limitations on the number of actions available and may not be suitable for complex data manipulation.

2. Choose the Trigger

To select the appropriate trigger in Power Automate for copying data between SharePoint lists, follow these steps:

  1. Open Power Automate and create a new flow.
  2. In the flow designer, click on “New Step” and select “Add a trigger”.
  3. Search for “SharePoint” and choose the desired trigger, such as “When an item is created or modified”.
  4. Connect to your SharePoint site by providing the necessary details, including the site URL and credentials.
  5. Configure the trigger by specifying the SharePoint list and any additional filters or conditions.
  6. Click “Save” to save the trigger configuration.

By following these steps, you can easily choose the desired trigger in Power Automate to initiate the data copying process between SharePoint lists.

3. Add the Action to Copy Data

To incorporate the action of copying data in Power Automate, simply follow these steps:

  1. Create a new flow in Power Automate.
  2. Choose the trigger that will initiate the copying of data.
  3. Include the action to copy data between SharePoint lists.
  4. Map the fields from the source list to the destination list.
  5. Test the flow to ensure it is functioning properly, and then save it.

By following these steps, you can easily set up Power Automate to copy data between SharePoint lists, streamlining your data management processes.

4. Map the Fields

To successfully copy data between SharePoint lists using Power Automate, it is important to map the fields. Follow these steps to do so:

  1. Create a new flow in Power Automate.
  2. Choose the trigger that will initiate the copying of data.
  3. Add the action to copy data between SharePoint lists.
  4. Map the fields by selecting the corresponding fields in the source and destination lists.
  5. Test the flow to ensure the data is copied correctly, then save the flow.

Mapping fields is a crucial step in ensuring the accuracy of data transfer between lists. This practice has been a fundamental aspect of data integration and automation for many years, originating in the early days of computer systems. Today, mapping fields remains a vital process in various data management tools like Power Automate, allowing for seamless data transfer between systems while maintaining consistency and accuracy.

5. Test and Save the Flow

Testing and saving the flow in Power Automate is a crucial step in ensuring that data is accurately copied between SharePoint lists. Here are the steps to test and save the flow:

  1. Open the Power Automate platform and navigate to the flow you created.
  2. Click on the “Test” button to run the flow with sample data.
  3. Review the results of the flow run to confirm the success of the data copying process.
  4. If any issues arise, modify the flow or mappings as necessary and rerun the test.
  5. Once the flow runs successfully, click on the “Save” button to save the flow.

Testing and saving the flow is essential in validating the data copying process and ensuring its smooth execution when triggered by specified conditions. It instills confidence in the accuracy and integrity of the copied data.

What Are the Benefits of Using Power Automate for Data Copying?

Are you tired of manually copying data from one SharePoint list to another? Look no further than Power Automate, a powerful tool that can streamline this process for you. In this section, we will discuss the various benefits of using Power Automate for data copying. From saving time and effort to reducing human error, this tool can greatly improve your efficiency and productivity. Additionally, we will explore how Power Automate can automate repetitive tasks, freeing up more time for you to focus on other important tasks. Let’s dive in!

1. Saves Time and Effort

Using Power Automate to transfer data between SharePoint lists offers numerous benefits, including saving time and effort. Follow these steps to set up Power Automate for data transfer:

  1. Create a new flow.
  2. Choose the appropriate trigger, such as “When an item is created or modified”.
  3. Add the action to copy data, selecting “Create item” in the destination SharePoint list.
  4. Map the fields from the source list to the destination list.
  5. Test and save the flow.

Implementing Power Automate for data transfer not only saves time and effort, but also reduces the risk of human error and automates repetitive tasks. However, it’s important to note that the free version of Power Automate has limitations on the number of actions and may not be suitable for complex data manipulation.

2. Reduces Human Error

Power Automate helps to minimize the occurrence of human error in data copying tasks by automating the entire process. Here are the steps to set up Power Automate for data copying:

  1. Create a new flow.
  2. Choose the trigger for when the data copying should take place, reducing the chances of manual errors.
  3. Add the action to copy the data between SharePoint lists, ensuring accurate and error-free data transfer.
  4. Map the fields to ensure that the correct data is copied, further reducing the risk of human error.
  5. Test and save the flow to start automating the data copying process and minimize the chances of manual errors.

By automating this task, the chances of manual errors, such as copying incorrect data or missing entries, are significantly reduced. This not only saves time and effort, but also allows employees to focus on other important tasks. For instance, a company utilized Power Automate to copy customer data between different systems, eliminating the risk of input errors and ensuring accurate information for their sales team.

3. Automates Repetitive Tasks

Automating repetitive tasks using Power Automate can greatly enhance productivity and efficiency. Here are the steps to automate repetitive tasks with Power Automate:

  1. Create a new flow in Power Automate.
  2. Choose the trigger that will initiate the flow.
  3. Add the action to automate repetitive tasks by copying data between SharePoint lists.
  4. Map the fields between the source and destination lists.
  5. Test and save the flow to ensure it functions correctly.

Automating repetitive tasks offers several benefits, including saving time and effort, reducing human error, and streamlining processes. However, it’s important to note that the free version of Power Automate has limitations, such as a limited number of actions and may not be suitable for complex data manipulation. Nevertheless, Power Automate enables efficient automation of repetitive tasks, leading to increased productivity and improved workflows.

What Are the Limitations of Power Automate for Data Copying?

While Power Automate can be a powerful tool for automating tasks in SharePoint, there are some limitations when it comes to copying data from one list to another. In this section, we will discuss the potential limitations that users may encounter when using Power Automate for data copying. These include the limited number of actions available in the free version and the potential challenges with handling complex data manipulation. By understanding these limitations, users can make informed decisions about whether Power Automate is the right tool for their specific data copying needs.

1. Limited Number of Actions in Free Version

The free version of Power Automate has constraints on the number of actions that can be performed. Here are the steps to address this limitation:

  1. Create a detailed plan of the desired workflow to identify the essential actions.
  2. Prioritize the actions based on their importance and relevance.
  3. Optimize the workflow by combining multiple actions into a single action whenever possible.
  4. Consider using conditional statements or loops to reduce the number of actions needed.
  5. Regularly review and optimize the workflow to ensure it stays within the limitations.

2. May Not Be Suitable for Complex Data Manipulation

Power Automate may not be the most suitable option for handling complex data manipulation tasks due to certain limitations. However, it can still be useful for data copying by following these steps:

  1. Create a new flow to initiate the data copying process.
  2. Choose the trigger that will initiate the data copying action.
  3. Add the action to copy the data from one SharePoint list to another.
  4. Map the fields between the source and destination lists to ensure accurate data transfer.
  5. Test and save the flow to enable the automated data copying process.

Despite its limitations, Power Automate offers several benefits for data copying, such as saving time and reducing human error. For more complex data manipulation tasks, consider using alternative tools or approaches that cater to such scenarios.


When utilizing Power Automate to copy data from one SharePoint list to another, it is beneficial to consult references for a seamless process. The Power Automate documentation offers step-by-step instructions on correctly setting up the flow. Furthermore, online forums and communities, such as the Microsoft Tech Community, serve as excellent sources for references and assistance if any problems arise. By referring to these resources, you can save time and prevent potential challenges. Always remember to validate the references and modify them to fit your specific needs.

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