
How to Create an InfoPath Form in SharePoint

Create an InfoPath Form

  1. Open SharePoint and find the library or list where you want to create the form. Click the “Library” or “List” tab then select “Form Library” or “Customize Form”.
  2. Choosing a template – Now that you’ve arrived, you’ll need to choose a template for your InfoPath form. Select either “Blank Form Template” or one of the available templates.
  3. Adding fields and controls – Once you’ve picked a template, InfoPath will open with a blank form. Now you can add fields and controls to your form by dragging and dropping them from the toolbox.
  4. Customizing the design – You can change fonts, colors, layout, and even add images or logos to customize the design of your form.
  5. Setting up data connections – Click on “Data” in the ribbon menu and select “Data Connections” to set up data connections. This will allow your form to interact with other systems or databases. Follow the prompts to establish the desired connections.
  6. Saving your form – To save your form template in a SharePoint library for easy access by users, click on “File” and select “Save As”. Choose the appropriate library or list where you want to store the form.

Pro Tip: Before distributing your InfoPath form to users, test it thoroughly to ensure everything functions as expected. Fill out different field combinations and scenarios to make sure your form is ready to go!

Step 1: Accessing SharePoint and navigating to the InfoPath form library

Gaining access to SharePoint and navigating to the InfoPath form library is essential to create a form in SharePoint. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Launch your browser and enter the URL of your SharePoint site.
  2. Log in with your credentials.
  3. Once logged in, go to the document library or list where you want to create the form.
  4. In the library or list, click on the “Library” or “List” tab at the top of the page.
  5. Look for the “New” button and click it to reveal a drop-down menu.
  6. From the drop-down menu, select “Form” and then choose “InfoPath Form” option.

You must have the right permissions to create forms in SharePoint. If you face any issues, contact your system administrator for help.

To make creating an InfoPath form smoother, try these tips:

  1. Know SharePoint navigation: Take time to explore various features and menus in SharePoint, so you can glide through different sections.
  2. Ensure correct user access: Double-check that you have the necessary permissions given by your site administrator before attempting to create a form.
  3. Use descriptive file names: Give your InfoPath forms meaningful names that reflect their purpose or content, helping others locate them if required.

By following these suggestions, you can speed up your productivity when crafting an InfoPath form in SharePoint while keeping an organized document management system within your organization. Crafting a new InfoPath form is like giving birth – painful, but the end result is worth it!

Step 2: Creating a new InfoPath form

Harness the power of InfoPath by creating a new form in SharePoint. Here are four easy steps:

  1. Launch InfoPath Designer on your computer.
  2. Pick a template from the options available to get started.
  3. Customize the form by adding fields, buttons, and drop-down menus.
  4. Publish the form to SharePoint so others can use it.

When crafting the form, think of unique details that make it user-friendly. Examples include conditional formatting and data validation rules.

Pro Tip: Test the form before publishing to ensure all features work as intended and meet your goals.

Finding the perfect InfoPath template is like finding ‘the one’, no swiping left necessary.

Step 2.1: Selecting the applicable form template

Choosing the right form template is a must for creating an InfoPath form in SharePoint. It shapes the structure, layout and features of the form. Follow these three steps to make sure you make the right choice:

  1. Understand your requirements: Think about the purpose of your form and the data you need to collect. Make a list of any special features you need, such as data validation and conditional formatting.
  2. Check out the templates: SharePoint has many pre-designed templates, like survey forms, expense reports and feedback forms. Take a look and pick one that best suits your needs.
  3. Customize it: Add or remove fields, change the layout and use styles to make it match your organization’s branding.

Also, consider these tips to make the form creation process smoother:

  • Get stakeholders involved: Ask key stakeholders what they need in the template.
  • Test it out: Test the form before rolling it out to make sure it works well.
  • Ask for help if needed: If you have any issues, don’t hesitate to ask experienced SharePoint users or experts for advice.

By following these steps and selecting the template that meets your needs, you can create an InfoPath form that works great in SharePoint. Let’s make it stylish!

Step 2.2: Customizing the form layout and design

Customizing InfoPath forms in SharePoint is an essential way to make them more unique and user-friendly. To customize the form layout and design, you can:

  1. Open the form in design mode.
  2. Use the Form Layout task pane to add or remove tables, sections, and controls.
  3. Adjust formatting options like font size, color, and styles for individual controls.
  4. Utilize themes and templates to enhance the visual appeal of your form.
  5. Preview the form to ensure it looks good and functions correctly.
  6. Consider adding interactive elements like buttons, tabs, or drop-down menus.

InfoPath forms in SharePoint offer plenty of flexibility in terms of design options. With the powerful customizations available, you can create visually appealing forms that perfectly suit your organization’s needs.

Step 3: Adding form fields and controls

Adding form fields and controls is key when creating a SharePoint InfoPath form. This allows users to get specific info and control input formats. To do this, follow four steps:

  1. Open the InfoPath form template in design mode.
  2. Select where you want to add a new field or control.
  3. Click on the “Controls” tab to access pre-defined controls.
  4. Choose a control and drag it into the desired location.

By following these steps, you can customize your InfoPath form to meet data collection needs and boost user experience. To further optimize your form, here are some tips:

  1. Limit required fields.
  2. Use descriptive labels.
  3. Validate data inputs.
  4. Group related fields.

These suggestions improve usability and increase the effectiveness of your InfoPath forms. Data connections and rules keep the form behaving like a responsible adult.

Step 4: Setting up data connections and rules

Data connections and rules are essential for creating an InfoPath form in SharePoint. They enable communication between the form and other data sources, ensuring that the right information is captured and processed properly.

To begin, go to the “Data” tab on the InfoPath ribbon. Choose “Data Connections” and click “Add…” to add a new connection. You have various options, including SharePoint lists, databases, web services, and XML files. Follow the prompts to set the connection settings according to your needs.

Next, create rules to define how the form should behave under certain conditions. Go to the “Home” tab and click “Manage Rules.” Select the control or field on the form and decide which events should trigger the rule, such as a button click or a field value change. Specify the actions that should be taken when the rule is triggered, such as hiding/showing controls, performing calculations, or submitting data.

Test the form to ensure that the data connections and rules work correctly. Enter sample data into the fields and verify if they are populated from external sources. Trigger different scenarios to check if the actions are executed correctly.

Remember that data connections and rules can vary depending on your unique needs. Analyze your requirements before setting them up and make sure to update them regularly to accommodate any changes in your SharePoint environment or business processes.

Now, it’s time to publish your InfoPath form!

Step 5: Publishing the InfoPath form to SharePoint

To publish your InfoPath form to SharePoint for efficient data collection and management, follow these steps:

  1. Open the form in design mode.
  2. Click “File” then select “Publish”.
  3. Choose “To a SharePoint server with or without InfoPath Forms Services”.
  4. Enter the URL of the SharePoint site.
  5. Select the library or create a new one.
  6. Review the publishing options and click “Publish”.

Improve user experience by customizing permission levels, versioning, and workflows in SharePoint. Also, make sure all required data connections and external resources are accessible to all users.

Conclusion: Benefits of using InfoPath forms in SharePoint and next steps

InfoPath forms in SharePoint boast numerous advantages! For starters, they make data collection and management simpler. Plus, they can be tailored to fit any project or team’s needs. Automating workflows and reducing manual tasks is a breeze with them too. And lastly, InfoPath integrates seamlessly with Microsoft apps such as Excel and Outlook.

If you want to get the most out of InfoPath forms in SharePoint, here’s what to do next:

  1. Check out advanced features like conditional formatting and calculations to create interactive forms.
  2. Leverage SharePoint’s data analysis tools to glean insights from form data.
  3. Integrate InfoPath forms with third-party applications or services for even more functionality.
  4. Lastly, stay on top of new features and updates related to InfoPath and SharePoint.

When creating an InfoPath form in SharePoint, designing it with usability in mind is key. Utilize a straightforward navigation structure and group related fields together. Additionally, review existing InfoPath forms periodically to ensure they remain effective and up-to-date.

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ 1: How do I create an InfoPath form in SharePoint?

Answer: To create an InfoPath form in SharePoint, follow these steps: 1. Open InfoPath Designer. 2. Click on “SharePoint List” under the “Blank Form” section. 3. Enter the URL of your SharePoint site. 4. Select the SharePoint list where you want to store the form data. 5. Design your form using the InfoPath Designer. 6. Save and publish the form to SharePoint. 7. Your InfoPath form is now created in SharePoint.

FAQ 2: Can I customize the look and feel of my InfoPath form in SharePoint?

Answer: Yes, you can customize the look and feel of your InfoPath form in SharePoint. InfoPath Designer provides various tools and options to customize the form’s layout, colors, fonts, and add logos or images to match your desired look and feel.

FAQ 3: How do I add data validation to an InfoPath form?

Answer: To add data validation to an InfoPath form, follow these steps: 1. Open the form in InfoPath Designer. 2. Select the control you want to validate. 3. Go to the “Data” tab and click on “Manage Rules”. 4. Click on “New” to create a new rule. 5. Choose the validation rule you want to apply (e.g., text length, date format, number range). 6. Set the conditions and actions for the validation rule. 7. Save and publish the form to make the validation effective.

FAQ 4: Can I add conditional formatting to my InfoPath form in SharePoint?

Answer: Yes, you can add conditional formatting to your InfoPath form in SharePoint. Conditional formatting allows you to change the appearance or behavior of a control based on certain conditions. To add conditional formatting, select the control, go to the “Format” tab in the InfoPath Designer, and choose the desired formatting options based on conditions you set.

FAQ 5: How can I publish an InfoPath form to a SharePoint library?

Answer: To publish an InfoPath form to a SharePoint library, follow these steps: 1. Open the form in InfoPath Designer. 2. Click on “File” and select “Publish”. 3. Choose the option “SharePoint Document Library” and click on “Next”. 4. Enter the URL of the SharePoint site and select the document library where you want to publish the form. 5. Specify the form name and options for updating existing documents. 6. Click on “Publish” to publish the form to the SharePoint library.

FAQ 6: Can I use an InfoPath form in SharePoint Online?

Answer: Yes, you can use an InfoPath form in SharePoint Online. However, please note that InfoPath is deprecated and will be phased out by Microsoft. It is recommended to explore alternative form solutions like Power Apps or SharePoint lists for long-term viability.

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