
How to Customize SharePoint

Why Customize SharePoint?

Personalize your SharePoint experience! This allows organizations to tailor their intranet or communication strategy based on their specific needs and goals. Enhance the platform’s functionality and appearance. Streamline workflows, improve collaboration, increase productivity, and engage users. The process may seem daunting, but with the right support it can easily be done.

Customizing SharePoint gives businesses control over their site’s look and feel. Create themes, add logos or banners, modify navigation options, create custom workflows, and templates. It also offers excellent benefits that traditional setups don’t have.

Laura from X corporation used SharePoint to strengthen her company culture. She transformed a simple site structure into an interactive hub for employees, boosting morale and providing equal access to resources.

If you’re looking for a website tailored to your industry’s demands, customizing SharePoint is a great way to go. It unlocks new growth potential with minimal investment compared to traditional software options. Customizing SharePoint is like decorating a Christmas tree, except with web parts and workflows!

Basic Customization of SharePoint

To customize your SharePoint experience with ease, explore the basic customization options available. In order to customize SharePoint with “Customizing Site Pages” and “Adding Custom Web Parts” as key solutions, read on.

Customizing Site Pages

Modifying SharePoint site pages can be fun! Keep in mind, style and purpose should match your organization to make sure it looks good. Ideas: change colors, add custom web parts, modify navigation menus/headers, and change page layout.

For extra uniqueness, create a custom master page that applies to the whole site. Also, SharePoint Designer can modify CSS/HTML of specific pages.

SharePoint’s origins date back to 2001 when Microsoft launched it as a document collaboration/management tool. Now it’s a powerful tool for content management and more. Custom web parts? Why settle for standard when you can have unique (and probably dysfunctional)?

Adding Custom Web Parts

In SharePoint, ‘Adding Custom Web Parts‘ is essential for personalizing your site to meet your business needs. Here’s a six-step guide:

  1. Locate your site’s home page and select the gear icon in the top right corner.
  2. From the menu, pick ‘Edit Page.’
  3. Select an add web part option from the list.
  4. Click on it and press the edit icon if available.
  5. Click ‘Import’ or create a new one with HTML code.
  6. Click ‘OK,’ and your custom web part is now ready.

Design your web part to suit visitors’ expectations and make navigation logical. Customize for mission-fit, not just pleasing to the eye. Update its look and feel regularly so customers stay engaged.

Start customizing with web parts now! Don’t wait – take action and boost user interaction. Level up your SharePoint game with advanced customization. Default settings are for rookies!

Advanced Customization of SharePoint

To master advanced customization of SharePoint with ‘How to Customize SharePoint’, dive into the sub-sections which include creating custom themes, customizing navigation, customizing list and libraries, and adding custom actions to menus. Each of these sub-sections provides unique solutions for customizing SharePoint and enhancing its functionality to suit your specific needs.

Creating Custom Themes

Customizing a SharePoint site is key for branding and making user-friendly interfaces. A great way to do this is by creating Custom Themes.

Four simple steps to follow:

  1. Log into your account.
  2. Go to Site Settings.
  3. Select “Look and Feel,” then “Themes.”
  4. Click “Create New Theme.”
  5. Choose a color palette.
  6. Add a background image and custom fonts.
  7. Save and apply it to your website.

When customizing themes, align colors with company guidelines to increase brand credibility. Also, use high-quality images optimized for web use to speed up page loading times.

Custom Themes let users tailor SharePoint sites to their needs. This boosts customer engagement.

Did you know that responsive design makes websites mobile-friendly? reports that 61% of web users browse on a mobile device in 2021.

Navigate SharePoint like a pro with these customization tips! No need for a GPS when you have advanced customization skills.

Customizing Navigation

Customizing navigation in SharePoint is easy! Here’s how:

  1. Identify Elements: Figure out what to include – pages, content, or external links.
  2. Create Site Map: Put elements in a clear, logical order with labels and headings.
  3. Add Customization: Enhance with unique icons, color schemes, or drop-down menus.
  4. Test Navigation: Check on different devices for functionality.

Maximize SharePoint’s potential! Personalize documents and search filters for individual needs. Customize navigation and make your lists and libraries reflect your organizational hierarchy.

Customizing List and Libraries

Apply custom views or filters to make data easier to see. Set up document templates for faster creation and categorization. Validation rules to guarantee data accuracy. Incorporate required fields to assure completeness of entries. Calculated columns for dynamic results based on formulae. Content types to organize information better.

Advanced customization features like custom action buttons, workflows, and JavaScript code. Endless possibilities to personalize Lists and Libraries on the SharePoint platform.

Not just about looks – it’s about optimizing productivity. Leverage these features to build a space that works for your processes, boosting employee productivity. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to make work easier on SharePoint. Who needs a superhero when you can customize menus like a boss?

Adding Custom Actions to Menus

Customizing your SharePoint site is easy and makes it unique to your business needs. Adding custom actions to menus allows users to execute specific actions with ease. Here’s how:

  1. Go to the site you want to customize.
  2. Click on the gear icon and select ‘Site settings’.
  3. Choose ‘Site Actions’ under Site Administration, then ‘Custom Actions’.
  4. Create a new action by selecting an Action Type and fill in details like Name, Description or Location.
  5. Click OK and enjoy your new custom action!

Custom actions provide users with limitless functionality and user-friendly interfaces. Implementing them correctly ensures easy navigation between pages, even on complex sites. Plus, change commands are easily accessible.

Don’t get left behind. It’s easy to modify existing SharePoint sites by adding custom User Interface elements. Pimp out your SharePoint with third-party tools and stay ahead of the trend!

Third-Party Tools for Customizing SharePoint

To customize SharePoint with third-party tools like SharePoint Designer, PowerApps, and Flow, explore this section. These tools provide quick and efficient ways of enhancing your SharePoint site. We will discuss each sub-section briefly, so you can pick the best option to achieve your custom SharePoint goals.

SharePoint Designer

SharePoint Designer offers users the ability to automate their business processes. Teams can collaborate and manage projects more effectively.

Besides, SharePoint Designer allows people to create stunning designs that enhance user experience. HTML templates and CSS stylesheets can be personalized to suit branding guidelines.

A tech company’s developers used SharePoint Designer to create custom workflows for tracking project activities and report sharing. They saw an improvement in efficiency and productivity due to the simplified workflow process.

PowerApps: It helps even non-techies to use custom SharePoint – like magic!


PowerApps has built-in connectors, like Microsoft Flow, which let businesses automate processes across different platforms. This leads to faster completion and reduces human mistakes. Moreover, the user-friendly templates in PowerApps help new users create their own applications without any coding skills.

It is important to understand the business process before creating an app with PowerApps. This helps to make applications that meet your business’s needs, while also reducing the time taken to build them.

Flow gives a smoother SharePoint customization experience, like a well-oiled machine, without the worry of getting grease on your hands.


Customizing SharePoint can be tricky. Third-party tools like ‘Flow‘ can help. It creates automated workflows that work with other applications. This improves productivity and efficiency. Flow sets triggers to start actions, such as sending emails or updating records. It streamlines business processes and reduces manual effort. Plus, its user-friendly interface requires no coding. A Forbes study found that companies that use workflow automation save 30% in project costs.

Customizing SharePoint? It’s like trying to build a sandcastle during high tide! Best practices are your only hope for success.

Best Practices for Customizing SharePoint

To ensure that your customizations to SharePoint are seamless and effective, you need to follow certain best practices. In order to achieve this, “Best Practices for Customizing SharePoint” section with “Follow Standard Naming Conventions, Avoid Hard-coding Values, Use Documented APIs, and Test Customizations before Deploying” as solutions, will guide you through the process.

Follow Standard Naming Conventions

When working with SharePoint, it’s important to use standard naming conventions. This helps people easily find and access lists and pages. Descriptive names that show their purpose are best. Stick to a consistent language and format, and don’t include special characters or spaces. It’s also a good idea to include version numbers in file names so you can track changes.

For SEO purposes, use relevant keywords in headings. Believe it or not, naming conventions started with early computer development. Different developers had different styles, so they adopted common standards to collaborate more effectively. With SharePoint, the same is true. Following standards makes users’ lives easier and smoother. Just don’t hard-code your ex’s phone number – it’ll only lead to trouble!

Avoid Hard-coding Values

To have a flexible, dynamic SharePoint environment, it is important to avoid hard-coded values. This makes it easy to make changes without stress. Here are some tips to avoid hard-coding values:

  1. Put constants and variables in configuration files.
  2. Make user controls or functions to read from these files.
  3. Have developers only modify values in the configuration file when needed.
  4. Use resource files for all static text, like labels, menu items, and headings.
  5. Store metadata values in lists or database tables.

Plus, note two special details: modifying hard-coded data requires changing the code of all related components; also, do not put sensitive data in code files.

Be proactive and customize your SharePoint site! Avoid hard-code values to create a fluid environment that works on various devices and screen sizes. API’s are the key to successful SharePoint customization – start using them today!

Use Documented APIs

Using documented APIs is vital for customizing SharePoint. They provide a secure and dependable way for developers to alter and extend SharePoint’s functions. By utilizing these recorded APIs, developers can make sure their customizations will be steady and won’t break when future updates are released.

Also, documented APIs let developers integrate their customizations with other services and items easily. This integration can improve productivity by making workflows across various platforms simpler.

It is important to emphasize that undocumented APIs should not be used in SharePoint customization. Using undocumented APIs could prompt unsteady customizations, which could adversely affect the user experience.

Pro Tip: Always refer to Microsoft’s documentation for the most recent version of SharePoint’s APIs before beginning any customization venture. This can spare time by quickly recognizing what you need and dispose of the possibility of working with an obsolete or unsupported API version. Deploying untested customizations is like playing Russian Roulette. But, instead of a gun, it’s your SharePoint site that’s on the line.

Test Customizations before Deploying

Customizing SharePoint is no rocket science, but with these best practices you’ll feel like one! Test customizations before deployment to make sure they work perfectly and look great across different devices and browsers. Check both the core site functionality and third-party add-ons, and get end-users to validate their experience.

A client failed to evaluate compatibility thoroughly and ended up with several issues that impacted productivity and stopped operations for days. Don’t let this be your fate – always test before deployment!


Customizing SharePoint can be done with ease! With the right tools and know-how, you’ll be able to streamline processes and boost collaboration. To get started, figure out your goals and requirements. Identify features and functions you need for the site. After that, pick from the various customization options within SharePoint. Examples are customizing pages, lists, libraries, and forms.

Be aware: customizations could affect performance and cause incompatibilities with future updates. Test all customizations before deploying them! And don’t forget to get professional help if needed.

Start customizing SharePoint today! Plan and execute carefully to get the best site for your organization. Make the most of SharePoint and experience its true potential!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can I customize the look and feel of my SharePoint site?

There are several ways to customize the appearance of your SharePoint site. You can use the built-in themes and templates, or you can create your own custom theme using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. You can also use SharePoint Designer or Microsoft PowerApps to customize the look and feel of your site.

2. Can I add custom functionality to SharePoint?

Yes, you can add custom functionality to your SharePoint site using SharePoint Designer, Visual Studio, or other development tools. SharePoint supports a wide range of programming languages and technologies, including .NET, JavaScript, and REST APIs.

3. How do I add custom web parts to my SharePoint site?

You can add custom web parts to your SharePoint site using SharePoint Designer, Visual Studio, or other development tools. You can also use the built-in web parts and third-party web parts available in the SharePoint store.

4. Can I customize the user experience in SharePoint?

Yes, you can customize the user experience in SharePoint using custom workflows, forms, and templates. You can also use Microsoft PowerApps and Microsoft Flow to create custom business processes and automate tasks.

5. How can I customize the navigation in my SharePoint site?

You can customize the navigation in your SharePoint site using SharePoint Designer or the built-in navigation controls. You can create custom navigation menus, add links, and organize your content in a way that best fits your business needs.

6. Can I customize the search functionality in SharePoint?

Yes, you can customize the search functionality in SharePoint using the built-in search features, or you can create your own custom search solutions using SharePoint Designer, Visual Studio, or other development tools. You can also use third-party search solutions available in the SharePoint store.

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