
How to Forward Microsoft Outlook Emails

Forwarding Microsoft Outlook emails efficiently? Here’s how:

  1. Locate the email in your inbox.
  2. Click the forward button in the toolbar.
  3. A new window will open, with the original email attached.
  4. Enter the recipient’s email address in the “To” field.
  5. Add any additional info, if you wish.
  6. Click send to forward.

More features?

  • You can add or remove attachments.
  • Customize your forwarded message with a personal note.

Efficiently forward multiple emails at once: select them from your inbox & follow the steps above. Streamline your workflow with Microsoft Outlook’s forwarding feature.

Understanding the Microsoft Outlook Email Forwarding Feature

Microsoft Outlook’s Email Forwarding Feature makes sharing info easy! Simply select the email and click “Forward” – formatting and attachments are preserved. Plus, you can customize your forwarded emails. Add comments or context, and choose whether to include or exclude previous threads. This feature boosts productivity by streamlining communication among team members and stakeholders.

John, an executive, used it to its full potential. He spotted an article that’d be beneficial to his team. Instead of individually emailing each person, he clicked “Forward.” This saved him time, ensuring everyone received the same up-to-date information. Microsoft Outlook’s Email Forwarding Feature made collaboration seamless and productive for John’s team.

Step 1: Opening Microsoft Outlook

Ready to unlock the power of Microsoft Outlook? Here’s a guide for launching it and forwarding emails like a pro!

  1. Find Outlook’s icon on your desktop or open it from the Start menu.
  2. Once opened, you’ll be prompted to set up an email account. Just follow the instructions.
  3. Get familiar with the interface – there’s the navigation pane on the left, and the ribbon at the top.
  4. You can also access Outlook online by going to and signing in.

Now you’re all set to use Outlook’s amazing features and start forwarding those emails!

Step 2: Selecting the Email to Forward

Choosing the right email to forward in Microsoft Outlook is essential for successful communication. Here’s a 5-step guide to assist you in making the right choice:

  1. Look through your inbox. Quickly go through your emails and identify the one you want to forward.
  2. Make sure it is relevant. Ensure that the email you are forwarding is connected to the recipient’s needs or interests.
  3. Assess the importance. See if the email has vital information or urgent updates.
  4. Check for confidentiality. Before forwarding, make sure it does not contain any sensitive or confidential data that does not comply with data protection standards.
  5. Confirm clarity. Select an email that has clear and concise content that can be easily understood without extra context.

Bear in mind, selecting emails for forwarding in Microsoft Outlook should always be done professionally.

Pro Tip: When forwarding multiple emails, make a separate message and summarize the main points of each email for better organization and understanding.

Step 3: Accessing the Forwarding Option

To use the forwarding feature in Microsoft Outlook emails, follow these steps:

  1. Click the “File” tab at the top left corner of the window.
  2. In the dropdown menu, select “Options”.
  3. A new window will open. Look for and click the “Mail” category from the left-hand side.
  4. Scroll down until you find the section labeled “Forwarding”. This is where you can customize settings.
  5. Tick the box next to “Enable forwarding” if you want all incoming emails to be automatically sent.
  6. Put an email address in the field if you want to forward messages to a different account.
  7. Choose if to keep a copy of forwarded messages in your inbox or delete them after forwarding with the applicable option.

Using the forwarding option lets you reroute vital emails to another email address or manage multiple accounts effectively. You’ll stay organized and won’t miss important communications. Consider using this feature when going on vacation or needing to share emails with colleagues or clients.

Here are some tips for optimizing Microsoft Outlook’s forwarding option:

  1. Set up filters: Use rules and filters in Outlook to forward certain types of emails, like those with certain words or from certain senders.
  2. Create folders: Organize forwarded emails by making separate folders in your receiving email account just for them.
  3. Check regularly: Make it a habit to check forwarding settings to make sure they’re accurate and up-to-date.

By doing these things, you can make efficient use of Microsoft Outlook’s forwarding option and simplify your email management process.

Step 4: Entering the Recipient’s Email Address

Ensuring your Microsoft Outlook emails reach the right person is super important. Make it happen like this:

  1. Open Outlook and find the email you want to forward.
  2. Hit the “Forward” button, usually found in the toolbar or under the “Home” tab.
  3. A new window will pop up with the forwarded message.
  4. Look for the “To” or “Recipient” field and click on it.
  5. Type the recipient’s email address correctly.

It’s key to double-check the email address before sending the message. Little mistakes can stop your email from reaching the right place. Take your time entering the right address and make sure your emails get to where they need to go without any trouble. Don’t miss out on sharing important information!

Step 5: Adding a Subject and Message (Optional)

  1. Choose the email to forward from your Outlook inbox.
  2. Click the “Forward” button in the toolbar at the top of the Outlook interface. This will open a new compose window.
  3. In the new compose window, enter a short, informative subject line that summarizes the email’s content.
  4. In the text box below the subject field, write a message (optional). This may provide additional context, explain why you’re forwarding it, or include instructions for the recipient.
  5. Review and send. Make sure your subject line and message content are error-free. Then, click “Send” to forward your email.

Adding a subject line helps the recipient understand what the email is about without opening it. Including a message can help streamline communication by providing essential details upfront. By using subjects and messages in Microsoft Outlook, you can improve collaboration and ensure effective information transfer.

Step 6: Attaching Files (Optional)

Attach files to Microsoft Outlook in a few easy steps:

  1. Write a new message, or open an existing one.
  2. Click on the paperclip icon (the “Attach File” button).
  3. Choose the file from your computer and click “Open”.

Share documents, images, and other files with ease! Seamless collaboration and info-sharing is just a few clicks away.

Pro Tip: Compress large files before attaching them. This will make them easier to download/view and take up less space.

Step 7: Sending the Forwarded Email

Once the email’s been forwarded in Microsoft Outlook, it’s time to send it out! Here’s how:

  1. Compose your message by opening the forwarded email and making any necessary changes.
  2. Add a clear, concise subject line.
  3. Include the recipient’s address in the “To” field.
  4. Plus, you can add more recipients with the “CC” or “BCC” fields.
  5. Review the email. Make sure all attachments are there.
  6. When you’re happy with it, hit “Send”.
  7. Also, make sure your internet connection is stable before sending.

Remember, accuracy and attention to detail are key when sending emails through Outlook.

Did you know? Microsoft Outlook was first launched in 1997 as part of the Office suite, and now it’s one of the most popular email programs around the world.

Tips and Best Practices for Email Forwarding

When you’re forwarding emails, make sure to use


  • tags. Plus, there are a few tips to keep in mind.

    1. Keep it short: Remove unimportant details to ensure clarity.
    2. Check the recipients: Before sending, make sure you’re notifying the right people.
    3. Add explanation: Include a brief intro for better understanding.

    These practices are essential for effective communication.

    Also, don’t forget that formatting may be altered. According to Microsoft Outlook Support, compatibility problems between email clients can cause changes.


    Forwarding emails in Microsoft Outlook is essential! Just follow these easy steps:

    1. Locate the email and click the forward icon.
    2. Enter the recipient’s address and add any comments.
    3. Click send and your email is on its way. It’s that simple!

    Remember to include relevant info when forwarding emails, like attachments, hyperlinks, and formatting/images. Doing this ensures the recipient gets all the info.

    Also, use forwarding responsibly. Don’t forward emails that aren’t important or don’t need immediate attention. Keep inboxes clear.

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