
How to Generate Burn Reports on Open Air NetSuite

Welcome to the world of data analysis and operations! As a business owner, you know how crucial it is to stay on top of your finances and operations. One major concern many of us face is generating accurate burn reports. In this article, you will discover a simple and effective way to generate burn reports on Open Air NetSuite. Are you ready to take control of your financial data? Let’s dive in.

What is Open Air NetSuite?

Open Air NetSuite is a cloud-based professional services automation (PSA) tool designed to help businesses effectively manage their projects, resources, and finances. It offers a range of features including:

  • Project management
  • Time and expense tracking
  • Resource management
  • Financial management

By utilizing Open Air NetSuite, businesses can streamline their operations, improve project visibility, and increase profitability. The system provides real-time data and analytics to aid in making informed business decisions.

Overall, Open Air NetSuite is a comprehensive solution for professional services organizations looking to enhance their project and resource management. As suggestions, businesses should consider the following:

  1. Take advantage of the different modules and features offered by Open Air NetSuite to maximize its potential.
  2. Train employees on the effective use of the system to ensure adoption and optimize productivity.
  3. Regularly update and maintain the system to utilize new features and enhancements.
  4. Utilize the reporting capabilities to generate burn reports and track project progress and profitability.
  5. Seek assistance from NetSuite experts or consultants for guidance and support in utilizing Open Air NetSuite to its fullest potential.

Why is Generating Burn Reports Important?

Generating burn reports is essential for monitoring project progress and ensuring efficient allocation of resources. These reports play a crucial role in providing insights into the consumption rate of resources and identifying potential issues, such as scope creep or overutilization of resources. By analyzing burn reports, project managers can make informed decisions to mitigate risks, reallocate resources, and optimize project timelines. Ultimately, the generation of burn reports is vital in ensuring that projects stay on track, resources are utilized effectively, and stakeholders are kept informed about the health and progress of the project.

How to Generate Burn Reports on Open Air NetSuite?

Are you looking to track and analyze your project resources’ burn rates on Open Air NetSuite? Look no further, as we walk you through the easy steps to generate burn reports on the platform. From logging in to selecting the desired date range and customizing the report settings, we’ll cover everything you need to know to view comprehensive and accurate burn reports. Let’s get started!

Step 1: Log in to Open Air NetSuite

To log in to Open Air NetSuite, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the Open Air NetSuite login page.
  2. Enter your username and password in the provided fields.
  3. Click on the “Login” button to access your account.

Pro-tip: Enable two-factor authentication for added security when logging in to Open Air NetSuite.

Step 2: Navigate to the “Reports” Tab

To easily access the “Reports” tab in Open Air NetSuite, follow these steps:

  1. Step 1: Log in to Open Air NetSuite.
  2. Step 2: Click on the “Reports” tab located in the top menu.
  3. Step 3: On the Reports page, you will find various reporting options.
  4. Step 4: Choose the specific type of report you want to generate.
  5. Step 5: Customize the report settings based on your preferences.
  6. Step 6: Select the desired date range for the report.
  7. Step 7: Click on the “Generate” button to create the report.
  8. Step 8: Once generated, you can view the report and analyze the data.

This method allows users to easily access and generate different reports within the Open Air NetSuite system.

Historically, reports have played a crucial role in business operations, providing insights and data for decision-making. With the advancement of technology, online platforms like Open Air NetSuite have simplified the process of generating reports, saving time and effort for businesses. The “Reports” tab in Open Air NetSuite is a vital feature that empowers users to navigate and access a wide range of reports, providing valuable information for project management and performance evaluation.

Step 3: Select the “Burn Reports” Option

To generate burn reports on Open Air NetSuite, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Open Air NetSuite.
  2. Navigate to the “Reports” tab.
  3. Select the “Burn Reports” option.
  4. Choose the desired date range.
  5. Select the project or resource for the report.
  6. Customize the report settings.
  7. Generate and view the burn report.

Burn reports provide valuable information such as project name and number, resource name and ID, hours worked, budgeted hours, variance, and comments. These reports can be used to analyze project performance and identify areas for improvement in project management.

In addition to burn reports, Open Air NetSuite offers various other types of reports to help track and manage projects effectively.

Step 4: Choose the Desired Date Range

To select the desired date range in Open Air NetSuite when generating burn reports, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Open Air NetSuite.
  2. Navigate to the “Reports” tab.
  3. Select the “Burn Reports” option.
  4. Choose the desired date range.
  5. Select the project or resource for the report.
  6. Customize the report settings.
  7. Generate and view the burn report.

By choosing the desired date range, you can analyze project progress and resource utilization during specific time periods. This helps in identifying trends, potential issues, and opportunities for improvement. Burn reports provide valuable insights for effective project management in terms of budgeted hours, actual hours worked, variances, and comments. Open Air NetSuite also offers various other types of reports for comprehensive project tracking and analysis.

Step 5: Select the Project or Resource for the Report

To select the project or resource for a burn report on Open Air NetSuite, follow these steps:

  1. Step 1: Log in to Open Air NetSuite
  2. Step 2: Navigate to the “Reports” Tab
  3. Step 3: Select the “Burn Reports” Option
  4. Step 4: Choose the Desired Date Range
  5. Step 5: Select the Project or Resource for the Report
  6. Step 6: Customize the Report Settings
  7. Step 7: Generate and View the Burn Report

By following these steps, you can ensure that your burn report includes accurate data on the specific project or resource you want to analyze. This step is crucial for obtaining valuable insights into project management and resource allocation. Additionally, Open Air NetSuite offers various other types of reports that can further enhance project monitoring and decision-making processes.

Step 6: Customize the Report Settings

To customize the report settings when generating a burn report on Open Air NetSuite, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Open Air NetSuite.
  2. Navigate to the “Reports” Tab.
  3. Select the “Burn Reports” Option.
  4. Choose the Desired Date Range.
  5. Select the Project or Resource for the Report.
  6. Customize the Report Settings (optional).
  7. Generate and View the Burn Report.

In step 6, you have the option to personalize the report settings according to your specific requirements. This allows you to tailor the report to focus on the information that is most relevant to your project management needs. By customizing the report settings, you can gain valuable insights and make informed decisions to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your project management.

Step 7: Generate and View the Burn Report

To generate and view a burn report on Open Air NetSuite, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Open Air NetSuite.
  2. Navigate to the “Reports” tab.
  3. Select the “Burn Reports” option.
  4. Choose the desired date range.
  5. Select the project or resource for the report.
  6. Customize the report settings.
  7. Click on the “Generate” button to create and view the burn report.

The burn report provides important information including the project name and number, resource name and ID, hours worked, budgeted hours, variance, and comments. This report can be utilized to enhance project management by analyzing resource allocation, identifying budget discrepancies, and making informed decisions. Open Air NetSuite also offers a variety of other reports for comprehensive project monitoring and analysis.

What Information is Included in a Burn Report?

Burn reports are an essential tool for project management and tracking progress in NetSuite. In this section, we will discuss the key pieces of information that are included in a burn report. These details provide valuable insights into the status of a project, including the project name and number, resource name and ID, hours worked, budgeted hours, variance, and any comments or notes. By understanding the components of a burn report, you can effectively analyze and manage your projects in NetSuite.

1. Project Name and Number

To access project information on Open Air NetSuite, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Open Air NetSuite.
  2. Navigate to the “Reports” tab.
  3. Select the “Burn Reports” option.
  4. Choose the desired date range.
  5. Select the project or resource for the report.
  6. Customize the report settings.
  7. Generate and view the burn report.

In a burn report, you can expect to find details such as the project name and number, resource name and ID, hours worked, budgeted hours, variance, and any comments.

Using burn reports, project management can be improved by identifying discrepancies between planned and actual hours, tracking progress, and making informed decisions based on the project’s status.

Open Air NetSuite also offers various other reports, including financial reports, resource allocation reports, and project profitability reports.

In the early days of project management, tracking project progress and managing resources manually was a cumbersome task. With the advent of software like Open Air NetSuite, project managers gained the ability to generate detailed reports that provided valuable insights into project performance, enabling them to make data-driven decisions and improve project outcomes.

2. Resource Name and ID

To access the names and IDs of resources in Open Air NetSuite, please follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Open Air NetSuite.
  2. Go to the “Reports” tab.
  3. Choose the “Burn Reports” option.
  4. Select the desired date range.
  5. Choose the project or resource for the report.
  6. Customize the report settings.
  7. Generate and view the burn report.

The generated burn report will include resource names and IDs, as well as other important information such as project name and number, hours worked, budgeted hours, variance, and comments. These reports can be used to enhance project management by identifying issues with resource allocation and budgeting. In addition to burn reports, Open Air NetSuite offers a variety of other reports for comprehensive project analysis.

In today’s project management, resource names and IDs play a crucial role as companies recognize the value of tracking individual contributions and efficiency. The burn report feature in Open Air NetSuite has revolutionized project management by providing in-depth insights into resource utilization and facilitating better decision-making for future projects.

3. Hours Worked

To effectively track and manage project progress, it is essential to monitor the hours worked by team members. On Open Air NetSuite, generating burn reports can provide valuable insights into the hours worked. Follow these steps to generate a burn report for tracking hours worked:

  1. Log in to Open Air NetSuite
  2. Navigate to the “Reports” Tab
  3. Select the “Burn Reports” Option
  4. Choose the Desired Date Range
  5. Select the Project or Resource for the Report
  6. Customize the Report Settings
  7. Generate and View the Burn Report

These reports include information such as project name and number, resource name and ID, hours worked, budgeted hours, variance, and comments. By using burn reports, project managers can identify potential issues, allocate resources effectively, and make informed decisions.

Similarly, a project manager once utilized burn reports to identify a team member who consistently worked excessive hours. This enabled them to reassign tasks and prevent burnout, ultimately leading to improved team productivity and morale.

4. Budgeted Hours

Budgeted hours are a crucial aspect of burn reports within Open Air NetSuite. They provide valuable insights into planned project hours and aid in effectively tracking progress and managing resources. Here are some key points to keep in mind about budgeted hours:

  1. Budgeted hours represent the estimated time allocated for completing specific tasks or projects.
  2. They serve as a benchmark for comparing actual hours worked against the planned hours.
  3. By analyzing the variance between budgeted and actual hours, teams can identify areas of over or underutilization of resources.
  4. Budgeted hours are essential in project cost estimation, resource allocation, and ensuring timely project completion.

True story: A software development team utilized burn reports in Open Air NetSuite to track budgeted hours for a complex project. The reports revealed that certain tasks consistently exceeded the allocated hours. By reviewing these findings, the team adjusted their resource allocation and project timelines, resulting in improved efficiency and cost savings.

5. Variance

The variance in a burn report measures the difference between the actual hours worked and the budgeted hours for a project or resource. To better understand this concept and effectively use burn reports for project management, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Open Air NetSuite.
  2. Navigate to the “Reports” tab.
  3. Select the “Burn Reports” option.
  4. Choose the desired date range.
  5. Select the project or resource for the report.
  6. Customize the report settings.
  7. Generate and view the burn report.

The burn report will provide key information, including the project name and number, resource name and ID, hours worked, budgeted hours, 5. Variance, and any comments. By analyzing the variance, project managers can identify areas where actual hours deviate from the budgeted hours and make necessary adjustments. Open Air NetSuite also offers various other types of reports for comprehensive project management.


Adding comments to burn reports in Open Air NetSuite can provide valuable insights and context to project management. Here are the steps to include comments in a burn report:

  1. Log in to Open Air NetSuite.
  2. Navigate to the “Reports” tab.
  3. Select the “Burn Reports” option.
  4. Choose the desired date range.
  5. Select the project or resource for the report.
  6. Customize the report settings.
  7. Generate and view the burn report, including any comments.

Including comments in burn reports allows project managers to document any important details or explanations regarding the project’s progress or budget variance. This information can assist in identifying areas for improvement and making informed decisions for future project management strategies.

How Can Burn Reports be Used to Improve Project Management?

Utilizing burn reports can significantly enhance project management by providing crucial insights into project progress and identifying areas that require attention. Here are some steps to effectively employ burn reports in project management:

  1. Collect and analyze data: Gather project data such as planned versus actual hours and tasks completed.
  2. Track project milestones: Use burn reports to monitor milestone completion and compare it to the project timeline.
  3. Detect trends and variances: Identify patterns and discrepancies in the burn reports to understand project performance.
  4. Monitor team productivity: Assess individual and team performance based on burn reports to identify potential areas of improvement.
  5. Make data-driven decisions: Utilize burn reports to make informed decisions about resource allocation and project adjustments.

By leveraging burn reports, project managers can pinpoint bottlenecks, allocate resources effectively, and ensure timely project delivery.

How Can Burn Reports be Used to Improve Project Management?

What Other Types of Reports Can be Generated on Open Air NetSuite?

When utilizing Open Air NetSuite, there are a variety of report options available to analyze and monitor different aspects of your business. Some examples include:

  • Financial Reports: Generate reports to track revenue, expenses, and overall financial performance.
  • Project Reports: Monitor the progress and performance of individual projects, including timelines, budgets, and resource allocation.
  • Resource Reports: Analyze resource utilization, availability, and productivity to optimize workforce management.
  • Time and Expense Reports: Track employee time and expenses to ensure accurate billing and reimbursement.

These reports provide valuable insights for decision-making and improving business operations on Open Air NetSuite. In fact, Open Air NetSuite offers over 200 standard reports to meet a variety of reporting needs.

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