
How to Retrieve Name from Email Address in Power Automate

Did you know that it is possible to extract a person’s name from their email address? If you often struggle with identifying the individuals behind email addresses, this article is for you. Discover how you can easily get a name from an email address using Power Automate. Never wonder “who is this email from?” again.

What Is Power Automate?

Power Automate is a cloud-based service that enables users to create automated workflows between different applications and services. It simplifies complex tasks by streamlining repetitive processes and integrating data across various platforms. With Power Automate, you can easily create workflows using triggers, actions, and conditions, saving time and effort. Whether it’s sending notifications, collecting data, or managing approvals, Power Automate makes it easier to handle these tasks.

Pro-tip: Take advantage of the wide range of connectors available in Power Automate to seamlessly connect different apps and services, increasing productivity and efficiency.

How to Use Power Automate to Get Name from Email Address?

Are you tired of manually searching for a person’s name based on their email address? Look no further! With the help of Power Automate, you can easily retrieve a person’s name from their email address. In this section, we will guide you through the step-by-step process of using Power Automate to get a name from an email address. From creating a flow to configuring actions, we’ve got you covered. Say goodbye to manual searching and hello to automation with Power Automate.

Step 1: Create a Flow in Power Automate

Creating a flow in Power Automate is the first step to obtaining a name from an email address. Follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to Power Automate and click on “My Flows”.
  2. Click on “Create” and select “Automated cloud flow”.
  3. Choose the trigger “When a new email arrives” and connect to the desired email account.
  4. Add the “Get user profile” action and select the email address as the input.
  5. Configure the action to retrieve the user profile information.
  6. Add the “Set variable” action and store the retrieved name in a variable.
  7. Add the “Compose” action to display the name in the output.
  8. Add the “Send an email” action to send the name via email if desired.

Pro-tip: Test the flow with different email addresses to ensure accurate results.

Step 2: Add a “When a new email arrives” trigger

To add a “When a new email arrives” trigger in Power Automate, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Power Automate and navigate to the “My flows” page.
  2. Create a new flow by clicking on “Create” and selecting “Automated cloud flow”.
  3. In the search bar, type “email” and select the “When a new email arrives” trigger.
  4. Choose the email account you want to monitor for new emails.
  5. Configure the trigger by providing the necessary details, such as the folder to monitor and any specific conditions.
  6. Click on “Save” to save the trigger and proceed to the next steps in your flow.

By adding the “When a new email arrives” trigger, you can easily automate actions based on incoming emails, streamlining processes and saving time.

Step 3: Add a “Get user profile” action

To streamline the process of obtaining a name from an email address in Power Automate, simply follow these steps:

  1. Create a flow in Power Automate.
  2. Add a “When a new email arrives” trigger to start the flow.
  3. Add a “Get user profile” action to retrieve the profile information.
  4. Configure the “Get user profile” action by specifying the email address from which you want to obtain the name.
  5. Add a “Set variable” action to store the retrieved name.
  6. Add a “Compose” action to format the name, if necessary.
  7. Add a “Send an email” action to send an email with the retrieved name.

Using Power Automate’s “Get user profile” action simplifies the process of obtaining a name from an email address. It eliminates the need for manual searches or complex coding. However, it is essential to note the following limitations:

  • The “Get user profile” action requires access to relevant user data sources.
  • It may not work with certain email providers or environments that restrict data access.
  • The accuracy of the retrieved name depends on the information available in the user profile.

Step 4: Configure the “Get user profile” action

To properly set up the “Get user profile” action in Power Automate, follow these steps:

  1. After adding the “Get user profile” action, click on it to open the configuration settings.
  2. In the “User (UPN or email)” field, select or enter the email address for the desired user profile.
  3. In the “User profile properties” field, specify the properties you want to retrieve, such as “DisplayName” for the user’s name.
  4. Customize the action further by adding conditions or additional steps based on the retrieved user profile data.


  • Double-check the accuracy of the email address to ensure the correct user profile is retrieved.
  • Experiment with different user profile properties to obtain additional information if desired.
  • Test the flow and make any necessary adjustments to ensure proper functionality.

Using Power Automate’s “Get user profile” action simplifies the process of retrieving a user’s name from their email address, streamlining your workflow and saving time.

Step 5: Add a “Set variable” action

To incorporate a “Set variable” action in Power Automate, simply follow these steps:

  1. Create a flow in Power Automate.
  2. Add a “When a new email arrives” trigger.
  3. Add a “Get user profile” action.
  4. Configure the “Get user profile” action.
  5. Next, add a “Set variable” action.
  6. Customize the “Set variable” action by providing a name and value for the variable.
  7. Finally, utilize the variable in subsequent actions or conditions within the flow.

The “Set variable” action allows you to store and manipulate data throughout your flow, enabling you to perform complex tasks and automate processes effectively. By following these steps, you can easily incorporate the “Set variable” action and enhance the functionality of your Power Automate flow.

Step 6: Add a “Compose” action

To add a “Compose” action in Power Automate, follow these steps:

  1. Create a flow in Power Automate.
  2. Add a “When a new email arrives” trigger.
  3. Add a “Get user profile” action.
  4. Configure the “Get user profile” action.
  5. Add a “Set variable” action.
  6. Add a “Compose” action.
  7. Add a “Send an email” action.

The “Compose” action allows you to manipulate data by combining or formatting it. It is useful for creating dynamic content in your flows. By using this action, you can extract specific information from the email, such as the sender’s name, and use it in subsequent steps of your flow. Remember to configure the “Compose” action to meet your specific requirements. Also, be sure to follow step 6 and add a “Compose” action to your flow.

Step 7: Add a “Send an email” action

To incorporate a “Send an email” action in Power Automate, simply follow these steps:

  1. Create a Flow in Power Automate.
  2. Add a “When a new email arrives” trigger.
  3. Add a “Get user profile” action.
  4. Configure the “Get user profile” action.
  5. Add a “Set variable” action.
  6. Add a “Compose” action.
  7. Utilize the “Send an email” action to send an email to a specified recipient, allowing you to customize the subject, body, and attachments of the email. This step is particularly useful when you want to automatically send an email after extracting information from the email address.

By following these steps, you can efficiently use Power Automate to automate the process of extracting names from email addresses and sending customized emails based on that information.

What Are the Benefits of Using Power Automate for Getting Name from Email Address?

Power Automate offers numerous benefits for efficiently and effectively retrieving names from email addresses.

  1. Time-saving: With Power Automate, the entire process is automated, eliminating the need for manual entry or searching.
  2. Accuracy: Utilizing reliable algorithms, Power Automate ensures accurate results when extracting names from email addresses.
  3. Scalability: Whether for a small business or a larger enterprise, Power Automate can handle a large volume of email addresses.
  4. Integration: It seamlessly integrates with other Microsoft applications, such as Outlook and SharePoint, enhancing overall productivity.
  5. Customization: Power Automate allows for customization based on specific requirements, providing personalized solutions.

Overall, using Power Automate simplifies the task of retrieving names from email addresses, saving time and improving efficiency. Consider exploring Power Automate to enhance your workflow and streamline your processes.

What Are the Limitations of Using Power Automate for Getting Name from Email Address?

When utilizing Power Automate to retrieve a name from an email address, there are several limitations to consider. Firstly, Power Automate relies on patterns and assumptions, so if the email address does not follow a standardized format, it may not accurately extract the name. Secondly, if the email does not contain the person’s full name or if there are multiple names, Power Automate may not be able to provide precise results. Lastly, Power Automate may struggle with variations in name formats, such as nicknames or different name orders. It is important to be aware of these limitations and verify the extracted names for accuracy.

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