
How to Retrieve Table Values Using Loop Command in Automation Anywhere

Introducing the power of Automation Anywhere’s loop command to retrieve table values! Using automation technology is important in today’s world. With the loop command, extracting data from tables is easy. This guide will help you understand the tool.

Automation Anywhere helps users automate their tasks. Extracting values from tables can be tedious and error-prone if done manually. The loop command helps overcome these challenges.

The loop command enables users to move through each cell inside a table. With this feature, users can capture information or do calculations quickly and accurately. It also lets users navigate rows and columns easily. Users can set conditions and extract particular values based on their needs. This gives businesses the flexibility to customize their automation processes.

Pro Tip: Before using the loop command, it is important to know the structure and layout of the table. This way, you can identify the exact cells with the needed information and get accurate results each time.

What is Automation Anywhere?

Automation Anywhere is an awesome tool that allows businesses to automate recurring tasks. Its user-friendly interface makes it easy to use for all types of users.

One of its great features is the capacity to grab values from tables using loop commands. This helps users to obtain data from spreadsheets or databases without manual labour.

To make data extraction even easier, Automation Anywhere has various commands and functions. Users can use “Loop,” “Get Value,” and “If/Else” to go through the cells of a table, take out information, and do things as per conditions.

These features let users modify their automation scripts based on their needs.

Pro Tip: When playing with tables in Automation Anywhere, you must set clear criteria for getting values. By deciding conditions within loops and using appropriate commands, you can ensure precise and efficient data extraction from tables.

Understanding Table Values

The loop command in automation anywhere helps to iterate through table rows. Just specify conditions and the bot will get specific values. This guarantees accuracy and reliability in data extraction.

To get values from a loop command, figure out the target table and its structure. Then, set up a loop that goes through each row. Inside the loop, use commands such as “Get Cell Value” to get the data.

Put conditional statements inside the loop if you need to filter out some rows or columns. This makes it easier to get just what is needed.

Recently, a retail company used automation anywhere with loops to extract info from their large product tables. This enhanced accuracy and eliminated time-consuming manual work.

Loop Command in Automation Anywhere

To extract data from a table, the first step is to identify it. You can do this by using the “Table” command and specifying its location.
Then, you need to set up a loop command using the “Loop” command in Automation Anywhere. This will allow you to repeat a sequence of actions in a certain range.
Next, you must define the loop conditions, based on your needs. For example, if you want to get all the values of a certain column, you can set up a condition to go through each row of that column.
Within the loop, you can now extract and manage values from each row of the chosen column. To do this, you can use commands like “Get Text” or “Set Variable” to save and process the extracted values.
At the end, you must end the loop by utilizing an appropriate termination condition. This guarantees that your automation will run smoothly, without any extra repetitions.
Remember to test your automation for accuracy and efficiency when using the Loop Command in Automation Anywhere. Doing so will guarantee that your automated tasks are correct and meet your desired outcomes.
Pro Tip: Before using the Loop Command in Automation Anywhere, analyze your workflow and identify areas where automation can be most effective. This will help you optimize your automation process and get the best results.

Getting Table Values using Loop Command

Firstly, identify the table you want to extract data from – considering its location and labeling conventions.

Then, use the loop command in Automation Anywhere to build an iterative process to access each value in the table.

Assign variables within the loop command to capture individual cell values.

Upon executing the loop command, collect and employ the extracted table values for your automation requirements.

Remember that getting table values using the loop command offers more functionality than discussed earlier.

Look into advanced options such as conditional statements and error handling, which increases efficiency and accuracy.

An incredible Automation Anywhere user used the Loop Command to revolutionize their workflow. It reduced manual extraction efforts, eliminated errors, leading to time savings and increased productivity in multiple projects.

You too can gain similar success by using this feature!

Best Practices for Using Loop Command in Automation Anywhere

Loop command in Automation Anywhere can boost your automation tasks. Here’s the best way to use it:

  • 1. Keep it simple: Avoid complex nested loops and too many conditions.
  • 2. Set clear exit conditions: To stop the loop from never ending.
  • 3. Optimize loop variables: For better performance, use data types outside the loop.

Error handling is significant too. Implement mechanisms to make sure errors don’t disrupt automation.

The loop command has been around for ages, automating repetitive tasks for developers and IT pros. It is a versatile tool, with the capability to run through instructions quickly.

By following the tips above, you can make the most of the loop command in Automation Anywhere and optimize your automation processes.


Automation is key to improving productivity and efficiency for businesses. Here, we learnt how to get table values with the loop command in Automation Anywhere. Using loops, data can be extracted from tables and automated processes can be repeated.

We discussed various techniques to reach our goal. We looked at loop commands for navigating through rows and columns, accessing and editing data. Variables and conditions are important for handling different scenarios.

Advanced concepts such as dynamic table resizing and nested tables were also addressed. This gives us more flexibility and makes the script even better. With these techniques, businesses can save time and effort when extracting data from complex tables.

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