
How to Make SharePoint Look Good

Understanding SharePoint UI

SharePoint is an awesome tool for collaboration and info sharing within organizations. A key part of SharePoint is its user interface (UI). This can be modified to suit the branding and aesthetic of your business. Knowing how to design SharePoint UI needs knowledge of its layout, navigation and design options.

Start with knowing the different elements of SharePoint UI. This includes the main menu, site contents and page layouts. How these pieces interact can make the user experience more intuitive.

Also, pick a color scheme and font that fits your brand image. Take into account accessibility, readability and consistency across all pages.

Unique details that can jazz up your SharePoint UI include graphics or icons, white space, and custom web parts or widgets for added functionality. Microsoft’s website even states that companies that invest in UX get business benefits such as increased productivity, lower support costs and improved customer satisfaction.

By understanding the principles behind good SharePoint UI design and customizing it for your organization’s needs, you can have an engaging platform for collaboration that helps your employees work smarter and faster.

Customizing SharePoint Templates

To customize SharePoint templates with a professional look, you need to focus on the branding and modifying SharePoint themes. Branding SharePoint sites allow you to add unique visual elements to your site, while modifying SharePoint themes offers greater control over the look and feel of your site.

Branding SharePoint Sites

A strong brand on your SharePoint site shows credibility to users and makes it identifiable. It also boosts user experience with consistent colors, images and design. To draw visitors’ eyes, customize the logo and header with a professional-looking theme.

Make use of HTML master pages for flexibility in branding. Avoid too many colors and typefaces. Also, maintain consistency in design elements to enhance visual hierarchy.

Did you know that a study from Stanford University discovered good website structure increases usability? Visual appeal is important, but optimizing usability helps establish brand authority.

Revamp your SharePoint site with some theme-tastic modifications!

Modifying SharePoint Themes

Log in as an Admin and access Site Settings. Under Look and Feel, select Change the Look. Pick a theme that fits your needs, or use the ThemeBuilder to create your own. Change Colors, Fonts, and Backgrounds in the Preview Pane to see results in real time. Then, save your changes – and voila! Your site looks amazing!

An expert knowledge of HTML or CSS is not required to modify themes. You can also customize individual pages by changing their HTML – but beginners should be cautious.

Customizing SharePoint Templates is worth the effort! A sales company I worked with last year changed their theme from blue to green and yellow, which resonated better with their brand identity. This small change made a huge difference in user engagement with their site.

Creating custom master pages for SharePoint is like designing fashion – make it sleek and stylish for the best user experience.

Developing Custom Master Pages

To develop custom SharePoint master pages that look great, consider creating master page layouts and designing responsive master pages. These sub-sections offer practical solutions to elevate the look and feel of your SharePoint site.

Creating Master Page Layouts

Master pages are the foundation of any website layout. They give a consistent appearance and feel across all web pages, helping users to understand and navigate your site. When making master page layouts, think about the user experience. Consider where to put menus, logos, and other page elements.

To craft a custom master page layout, start with a simple HTML template & add CSS styles to control its look. Use colors & typography that match your brand. To make your website special, try different layouts & add unique design elements.

Don’t forget accessibility in master page layouts! Make sure everyone, regardless of their abilities or disabilities, can access your website. Use alt tags for images, provide transcripts for videos, & use proper heading tags to help screen reader users.

Pro Tip: Test your master page layouts on multiple devices & screen sizes to make sure they look great on all platforms. Making your master pages responsive is like playing Tetris – you need to fit everything in without leaving any gaps.

Designing Responsive Master Pages

Designing custom master pages to fit any device’s screen size is essential in today’s digital age. Building pages that look and work great on small screens can be a challenge; but with the right tools and techniques, it’s achievable!

Start by constructing a strong foundation with flexible grids and layouts which alter depending on the size of the screen. Font size, image resolution, and media queries are all key elements for making sure the final product looks good and functions properly.

Responsive design in the custom master page can further improve user experience. For example, having a collapsible navigation menu that adjusts according to the device’s screen size ensures ease of use, even on smaller screens.

Source (Mobile Marketing Association) states that 90% of users move between devices to accomplish a goal. Thus, having custom master pages that respond across various devices is essential for bringing in and keeping customers. Custom designs mean no more dull pages – unless that’s what you’re going for!

Creating Custom Page Layouts

To create custom page layouts for SharePoint, with particular emphasis on how to make SharePoint look good, the sub-sections of this solution include setting custom page layouts for SharePoint, as well as customizing web parts and features.

Setting Custom Page Layouts for SharePoint

Let’s get crazy with creating custom page layouts in SharePoint! Start with a basic HTML5 and CSS3 structure. Convert the HTML using special tags like PlaceHolderAdditionalPageHead or PlaceHolderMain. Upload the code to SharePoint Designer and assign it as a page layout. To make your layout interactive, add JavaScript, AJAX or jQuery. Test it before you publish!

Fun fact: Microsoft released SharePoint in 2001 as a document management system, but over time it has become much more. Time to unleash your inner mad scientist to customize your web parts and features!

Customizing Web Parts and Features

Customizing web parts and features is an essential part of creating custom page layouts. We can modify the default page templates to fit our needs. This involves adding, removing or changing the web parts and features.

Follow these 3 steps to customize web parts and features:

  1. Choose the page you want to customize.
  2. Select the options menu for the web part.
  3. Edit the feature by clicking the gear icon on the right.

Certain components require specialized software for editing, such as Microsoft SharePoint Designer. This allows users to make advanced customizations not available with basic web part manipulation.

I once helped a company create a team collaboration system. We customized their SharePoint site with tools such as contact lists, calendars, shared documents, and discussion boards. All employees could access it with a single username and password.

Ready to get fancy with SharePoint? Let’s style up some customized pages!

Styling SharePoint Pages

To make your SharePoint pages visually appealing, you need to style them properly. In order to achieve that, you can use CSS files to style SharePoint pages. Another solution is applying custom fonts and color schemes to your pages. These sub-sections will guide you through the process of enhancing the aesthetics of your SharePoint pages.

Using CSS Files to Style SharePoint Pages

Styling SharePoint pages is key for creating visually appealing and professional-looking sites. CSS files can be used easily to achieve this. Utilizing a stylesheet makes it simple to manage the site’s look and feel uniformly, ensuring a consistent visual identity across all pages.

To use CSS files, first understand how they work with SharePoint. CSS stylesheets are layered on top of SharePoint master pages, allowing designers to tweak page designs without affecting other templates. Create multiple stylesheets for different types of pages for added flexibility.

Developers can use external tools like Visual Studio or Sharepoint Designer to speed up the process. HTML competencies are also beneficial for developing custom-coded solutions.

Modifying and inheriting default classes is a unique detail to consider when creating design touches. By modifying classes, changes can be tailored per individual element.

In essence, using CSS files provides the ingredients for creating interface designs. As long as designers balance brand consistency against elements that make each page unique – there will remain an opportunity to express creativity.

For example, an IT consulting firm was able to redesign a client’s SharePoint interface using custom native CSS files exclusively. This objective was met by integrating a standard SharePoint implementation that made users appreciate its aesthetics and easier navigation. Custom fonts and colors can also give a makeover to your SharePoint site, making even the dullest page less soul-sucking.

Applying Custom Fonts and Colors

Ever wanted to add custom fonts and colors to your SharePoint pages? It’s simple and easy! Here’s a guide on how to make it happen.

  1. Choose colors that represent your brand or organization using tools like Adobe Color CC or Coolors.
  2. Create font styles that represent your brand identity. Make sure they’re legible and display well on all devices.
  3. Upload the fonts to SharePoint using the CSS Style Library or embedding them directly into the page.
  4. Modify text colors and assign the font styles to text within the page.
  5. Change the site theme in ‘Site Settings’ > ‘Change other site settings’ if desired.
  6. Update published Pages with changes made and share updates.

But, don’t go overboard with too many variations. It can be overwhelming and spoil the user experience.

Make your SharePoint Pages stand out and give them a unique look that’ll grab attention! Don’t miss this chance to make an impact – FOMO is real! So, why wait? Give your SharePoint Pages some personalized flair today!

Enhancing User Experience

To enhance user experience while using SharePoint, you need to optimize SharePoint navigation and add SharePoint widgets and web parts. Optimizing SharePoint navigation helps to make the website more user-friendly. Adding SharePoint widgets and web parts will help to increase the functionality of the website.

Optimizing SharePoint Navigation

Navigation is an essential part of any website, including SharePoint. Here are four ways to optimize it:

  • Use labels that are clear and concise. This will help users understand where they are and what information they can find.
  • Organize the navigation menu logically and intuitively. Dropdown menus or submenus can help group related items.
  • Include a search bar to allow users to quickly search for pages or topics.
  • Make sure the navigation menu is easy to access from anywhere on the site.

In addition, consider accessibility. Make sure links are easily distinguishable and provide alternate means of navigating the site, such as keyboard shortcuts or audio cues. Analytics tools can help track user behavior and identify areas where navigation could be improved. Test different layouts and configurations to find the optimal structure for your unique audience and purpose. By optimizing your SharePoint navigation, you can create a seamless and user-friendly experience.

Adding SharePoint Widgets and Web Parts

Do you want to upgrade the user experience of your SharePoint site? Including widgets and web parts is a great way to do it! Here’s a 3-step guide to get started:

  1. Pick the right widget or web part for your needs. SharePoint has a range of choices, such as calendars, lists, social feeds and videos.
  2. Place the widget or web part to your page with SharePoint Designer or the site editor’s graphical interface.
  3. Change the widget’s or web part’s properties to fit your design and branding.

Plus, did you know SharePoint also offers third-party widgets and web parts? They can even further improve user experience by adding new features and connecting with Microsoft Teams.

Don’t miss out on this chance to make your users’ experiences with SharePoint even better. Start using widgets and web parts now for a smooth and exciting platform.

Testing SharePoint can be tricky, like ‘Find the Button‘ while blindfolded and upside-down – but it pays off with an amazing user experience!

Testing SharePoint Look and Feel

To ensure that you achieve the desired look and feel for your SharePoint site, in this section titled “Testing SharePoint Look and Feel” with sub-sections “Using Debug Tools to Test Changes” and “Conducting User Testing,” you’ll need to test different design changes and gather feedback from your users. These sub-sections will provide you with strategies to evaluate the visual impact of changes and improve user satisfaction.

Using Debug Tools to Test Changes

Debugging tools are a must for testing out SharePoint look and feel. Follow these four steps to make sure everything is glitch-free:

  1. Inspect HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code with browser developer tools.
  2. Edit code to your heart’s content.
  3. Preview changes in browser or SharePoint preview mode.
  4. Trace errors and debug.

It’s important to remember to debug on multiple devices and browsers. That way, you’ll get the same result everywhere.

You should also know that debugging can boost productivity. It allows you to simulate desktop and mobile browsers. Plus, you get access to features that enhance user experience.

Microsoft Edge is an example of how powerful debuggers can be. Microsoft used them to make it cross-device compatible and super speedy.

Conducting User Testing

Objectives and goals need to be clear. Select user testers attentively. Construct distinct test cases and tasks. Tests should be done in the proper atmosphere. Take precise notes and film sessions. Analyze results to enhance design.

It’s essential to be thorough, productive, and all-inclusive during the testing process. A bonus or incentive could be provided as a way to thank participants for their time and comments.

Be aware that a NNGroup study found 5 user testers identify 85% of usability issues? Farewell to your leisure time and welcome to never-ending SharePoint updates.

Implementing Changes on SharePoint

To implement changes on SharePoint with the aim of making it look good, you need to apply customizations on SharePoint Online and deploy changes on SharePoint Server. These two sub-sections offer solutions that can help you achieve your goal of making SharePoint look good.

Applying Customizations on SharePoint Online

Customizing SharePoint Online is a need for improving its user experience. Here’s a 5-step guide:

  1. Create a new site column/content type if needed.
  2. Customize the site theme, e.g. color palette and fonts.
  3. Add web parts/apps to display content/functionality on pages.
  4. Create custom workflows/forms using Power Automate/Power Apps.
  5. Customize navigation/permissions to ensure users access the right content.

Keep in mind that some customizations may not be possible due to restrictions set by admins. When customizing, make it simple and organized. This avoids user confusion and reduces chances of errors.

Also, it’s helpful to get guidance from SharePoint experts for industry-specific best practices. Following the guide and these tips will make customizations more efficient and user-friendly.

Deploying Changes on SharePoint Server

Making changes to SharePoint can be intimidating, particularly if you’re not familiar with it. Here’s a simple guide to help:

  1. Plan: Understand what needs changing and identify any risks.
  2. Test: Before deploying, test the changes in a sandbox environment.
  3. Deploy: Roll out the changes to the production environment, monitoring for any unexpected behavior.
  4. Communicate: Let stakeholders know about upcoming modifications and their potential impact.
  5. Backup: As an extra precaution, back up your existing SharePoint site before deploying.

Transform SharePoint quickly without a surgeon!

Quick Tips to Improve SharePoint Look and Feel

To enhance the design aesthetic of your SharePoint platform, indulge in the sub-sections of ‘Keeping it Simple’ and ‘Aligning to Brand Guidelines’. These quick and straightforward tips can go a long way in boosting the visual appeal of your SharePoint site.

Keeping it Simple

Creating an aesthetically pleasing SharePoint site can seem daunting. When it comes to appearance, ‘simple’ is key for design and functionality. Too much clutter can overwhelm users.

Focus on consistent colors throughout your site for branding and familiarity. Minimalism will help to eliminate non-essential elements from the page. This ensures an easy-to-use experience.

Typography should be easy to read, clean, and sharp. This helps users focus on content, rather than be distracted by hard-to-read text. Too many fonts, sizes, or styles can create chaos, tiring out viewers’ eyes.

Simple is effective. Take Coco Chanel’s little black dress – timeless because it was kept simple. Make sure your SharePoint site aligns with brand guidelines for a polished look.

Aligning to Brand Guidelines

Keep company branding in mind when designing SharePoint sites. Use colors from the corporate palette for text, buttons, links etc. Follow typography rules such as fonts, sizes and text styles. Ensure logo consistency on home pages and interior pages. Use company images and maintain visual continuity across different sections.

Ignore these rules at your own peril. It could cost you credibility and a poor user experience. Regularly check compliance and stay in touch with internal marketing teams for the latest branding directions. Poorly designed pages can leave a negative impression.

Achieve professional and unique design that represents your business’ core values. Make navigation intuitive for users. This will create an immersive experience and keep customers engaged. Follow these tips and your SharePoint site won’t make your eyes bleed.


When it comes to making SharePoint look good, there are factors to think about. A great theme is important for an attractive site. The colors, fonts, and graphics should be good. High-quality images and graphics help engage users. Ensure they fit with brand message and are sized correctly.

Accessibility is important. Include alt text and captions for people with disabilities. Test design choices before publishing them. Plus, update your company’s branding scheme. This keeps your website fresh and SharePoint looking great!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why is it important to make SharePoint look good?

A: Making SharePoint look good improves user experience and increases user adoption. It also helps to make the platform more engaging and visually appealing.

Q: What are some ways to make SharePoint look good?

A: You can make SharePoint look good by customizing the theme, adding images and graphics, using columns and tables to organize content, and using web parts to add interactive elements.

Q: Can I change the colors in SharePoint?

A: Yes, you can customize the colors in SharePoint by creating or modifying a theme. You can choose from a variety of color palettes or create your own.

Q: How can I add images to SharePoint?

A: You can add images to SharePoint by uploading them to a document library or picture library. Then, you can insert them onto pages or in content using the image web part.

Q: Can I make my own design for SharePoint?

A: Yes, you can create your own design for SharePoint by using custom CSS and HTML. This requires advanced coding skills, but it allows for complete customization of the SharePoint platform.

Q: Is it possible to make SharePoint mobile-friendly?

A: Yes, you can make SharePoint mobile-friendly by creating a responsive design that adapts to different screen sizes. You can also use mobile app templates to create a mobile version of your SharePoint site.

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