
How to Map SharePoint as a Network Drive

  1. Open Windows Explorer and select the “Map network drive” option.
  2. Choose the drive letter for SharePoint and click on the link that says “Connect to a website that you can use to store your documents and pictures”.
  3. Enter the URL of your SharePoint site and provide your login credentials when prompted.
  4. Select the document library or subfolder you want to map and click “Next”.
  5. Choose whether to reconnect at sign-in and click “Finish”.
  6. You’ll now see a new network drive representing your mapped SharePoint document library in Windows Explorer.
  7. Work with SharePoint files like any other file stored locally on your computer.
  8. No more navigating through browser windows and no more missing out on important updates. Unlock greater productivity with SharePoint mapped as a network drive!

Benefits of Mapping SharePoint as a Network Drive

Mapping SharePoint as a network drive brings tons of benefits! It gives users:

  • Improved accessibility
  • Offline access
  • A familiar Windows interface
  • Enhanced file management
  • Improved efficiency

Plus, it seamlessly integrates with other applications and tools that support accessing files from network drives.

It all started with the need for users to have quick access to their files without having to navigate through multiple web pages. Microsoft Windows introduced the ability to map SharePoint as a network drive and it has become a must-have feature for organizations that use SharePoint for collaboration and document management. This feature has made interacting with SharePoint easier and improved productivity in many industries.

Step-by-Step Guide to Mapping SharePoint as a Network Drive

Mapping SharePoint as a network drive is a great way to access and manage files stored on SharePoint. Here’s a 3-step guide to help you do it:

  1. Open File Explorer: Click the folder icon on the taskbar or press Windows key + E.
  2. Connect to a Network Drive: Go to the ‘Computer’ tab and select ‘Map Network Drive’.
  3. Enter SharePoint Site URL: Copy the URL from the address bar and paste it in the ‘Folder’ field.

When you map SharePoint as a network drive, you can easily add, delete, and edit documents directly from File Explorer. This eliminates the need to navigate multiple windows or web interfaces, saving you valuable time! So, take advantage of this powerful feature and make managing your SharePoint files more efficient than ever. Start boosting your productivity today!

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Facing issues while mapping SharePoint as a network drive? Here’s how to fix it:

  • Ensure stable internet connection.
  • Check permissions.
  • Restart computer.
  • Verify URL is correct.
  • Reconfigure SharePoint settings.

What else to consider?

  • Make sure SharePoint installation is up-to-date.
  • Verify that your computer meets system requirements.
  • Check firewalls/antivirus software blocking it.


  1. Clear cache & cookies.
  2. Use another web browser.
  3. Disable add-ons/extensions.
  4. Update/reinstall network drivers.

Follow these tips to troubleshoot and ensure uninterrupted access to your SharePoint files!

Best Practices for Mapping SharePoint as a Network Drive

Mapping SharePoint as a network drive can improve collaboration and accessibility. To have a successful experience, use these best practices:

  1. Prepare your system:
    • Make sure you have proper permissions for SharePoint access.
    • Install the most recent version of SharePoint Client Components.
    • Disable any third-party security software that might stop the mapping process.
  2. Map SharePoint as a network drive:
    • Open File Explorer on your computer.
    • Click on “This PC” or “Computer” to see connected drives.
    • Select “Map network drive” from the toolbar menu.
    • Choose a drive letter for the SharePoint connection.
    • Enter the URL of your SharePoint site as “”.
    • Tick the box for “Connect using different credentials” if needed.
    • Click “Finish” to finish the mapping.
  3. Improve performance and usability:
    • Limit the files and folders synchronized to avoid mess.
    • Use metadata tagging for smart document organization and retrieval.
    • Clear unnecessary files regularly to keep optimal performance.

Pro Tip: Remember to update your mapped drive credentials from time to time to prevent authentication issues.


Mapping SharePoint as a network drive offers many advantages. It enables easy access to files and documents. No need to manually search through SharePoint sites or libraries! Plus, users can edit and save files directly in their desired applications. Offline access is also possible. Real-time collaboration on shared files is a breeze. Plus, users can search files easily and sort them as needed.

Extra details worth noting: this method works with both personal OneDrive accounts and enterprise accounts. To maximize the use of a mapped SharePoint drive, organize files into folders and subfolders that align with specific projects or categories. This lets users find documents quickly without wasted time.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I map SharePoint as a network drive?

Mapping SharePoint as a network drive allows you to access your SharePoint files and folders directly from your computer’s file explorer. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Open your file explorer and click on the “This PC” or “My Computer” option.
  2. Click on “Map network drive” from the top menu.
  3. Choose a drive letter that you want to assign to your SharePoint site.
  4. In the “Folder” or “Path” field, enter the URL of your SharePoint site.
  5. Check the box that says “Connect using different credentials” if you have a different username or password for SharePoint.
  6. Click “Finish” to complete the mapping process.

2. Can I map multiple SharePoint sites as network drives?

Yes, you can map multiple SharePoint sites as network drives. Simply follow the same steps mentioned earlier for each SharePoint site you want to map. Assign a different drive letter for each site to easily differentiate between them in your file explorer.

3. How do I disconnect or remove the mapped SharePoint drive?

To disconnect or remove the mapped SharePoint drive, follow these steps:

  1. Open your file explorer and click on the “This PC” or “My Computer” option.
  2. Right-click on the mapped SharePoint drive you want to disconnect.
  3. Select “Disconnect” or “Disconnect network drive” from the context menu.
  4. Confirm the removal by clicking “Yes” or “OK” on any prompts that appear.

4. Can I access mapped SharePoint drives on a different computer?

No, the mapped SharePoint drives are specific to the computer on which they are created. If you want to access the SharePoint files on a different computer, you will need to map the SharePoint site as a network drive on that particular computer as well.

5. Will mapping SharePoint as a network drive affect the online version of SharePoint?

No, mapping SharePoint as a network drive only provides a convenient way to access your SharePoint files from your computer’s file explorer. It does not affect the online version of SharePoint or its functionality. Any changes made to files through the mapped drive will reflect in the online version of SharePoint and vice versa.

6. Are there any limitations to mapping SharePoint as a network drive?

Yes, there are a few limitations to keep in mind:

  • You need proper permissions to access the SharePoint site and its contents.
  • Some features, like file check-in/check-out, may not be available through the mapped drive.
  • Mapping large SharePoint libraries with thousands of files/folders may slow down performance.
  • If the SharePoint site URL changes, you will need to update the mapped drive accordingly.

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