
How to Move an Update Set from Development to Testing in ServiceNow

Moving update sets from development to testing in ServiceNow is a must for the software development lifecycle. This lets us check the changes and updates made in development, before deploying them to production.

To move an update set:

  1. Create one in the development environment.
  2. Add desired changes and updates.
  3. Test it locally.
  4. Generate the XML file.
  5. Import and apply the update set in the testing environment.
  6. Test and validate the changes.

Also, ensure communication between development and testing teams throughout the process. By following these steps and testing the update sets properly, you can deploy your changes confidently. Unlock the power of ServiceNow in your organization.

Understanding the importance of proper update set management

Proper update set management is essential in ServiceNow. It secures smooth, efficient deployment of changes from developer instances to testing environments. Without it, the process is vulnerable to errors and complications. It gives organizations control over their customizations and configuration changes, thus avoiding conflicts and protecting data integrity.

The management enables developers to work on different modules without interfering with each other. It’s a safety net against accidental updates or modifications that may have damaging effects. It also presents a structured approach for tracking changes, making it easier to identify and fix any issues arising during the testing phase.

It further encourages collaboration between development and testing teams, allowing a more unified and productive environment. It streamlines the handoff process by making sure all necessary updates are recorded accurately and can be transferred from the dev instance to the test instance.

An interesting fact about ServiceNow is that it was founded in 2004 by Fred Luddy, under the name “GlideSoft“. In 2005 it was rebranded as ServiceNow.

Preparing the dev environment for update set migration

  1. Analyze the update set.
  2. Understand its impact on the environment.
  3. Identify conflicts and dependencies.
  4. Check system requirements.
  5. Ensure compatibility of hardware and software.
  6. Activate plugins.
  7. Backup data.
  8. In case of issues, restore to previous state.
  9. Test in a sandbox environment.
  10. Fix issues and conflicts before migrating to test environment.
  11. Plan for downtime.
  12. Communicate with team and stakeholders.
  13. Document changes.
  14. Record customizations and configurations.
  15. Note issues and challenges.
  16. Pro Tip: Double-check configurations and dependencies before initiating an update set migration.

Configuring the test environment for update set migration

  1. Make a dedicated instance for testing, so it won’t mess with development.
  2. Make test user accounts with limited access.
  3. Create a test environment similar to the production one, and install any needed plugins.
  4. Import the update set from development, and turn it on.
  5. Check that all changes work like they should, and that nothing breaks.
  6. Test how new features interact with other modules and apps.
  7. Keep communication open between developers, testers, and stakeholders – this will make sure issues are solved quickly.
  8. As a pro tip, you can use clone instances to run different tests without affecting the live environment. Cloning lets you focus on testing and get better quality assurance.

Verifying the successful migration

Follow these steps to verify a successful migration:

1. Check Dependencies: Are there dependencies for the update set? Make sure all dependent components, such as tables and scripts, have been moved and are working properly in the test environment.
2. Examine Update Set Content: Look at the update set and make sure all settings, customizations, and data records were moved successfully. Pay attention to any special instructions during migration.
3. Test Functionality: Test the migrated features and make sure they work as expected. Try different scenarios and check that workflows, business rules, UI policies, etc. all work.
4. Assess Data Integrity: Make sure no data was lost or corrupted. Confirm all data records stayed accurate after the migration.
5. Do User Acceptance Testing (UAT): Let end-users and stakeholders test the new features and get their feedback.


  • Document all steps of the verification process and track any issues.
  • Communicate with developers and testers to fix problems.
  • Have a plan to go back to previous configurations if needed.

By following this verification process, you can ensure a successful migration from development to testing on ServiceNow with little disruption.

Finalizing the update set migration process

  1. Validate Dependencies – Thoroughly check for any conflicts or dependencies between updates. Avoiding issues in the testing phase is key!
  2. Test the Update Set – Once dependencies are validated, a full test is vital in the testing environment. This ensures that all changes function correctly and won’t disrupt any existing features.
  3. Obtain Approval – After successful testing, get approval from project managers or quality assurance teams.
  4. Document Changes – Lastly, document all changes made during the update set migration. This will be useful for future updates or troubleshooting.

Follow these steps and document changes to confidently complete the update set migration in ServiceNow. Smooth sailing from development to testing!

Best practices for efficient update set management in ServiceNow

In the world of ServiceNow, successful update set management is essential. Here’s how to ace it:

  • Organize them: Categorize and label update sets for easy tracking.
  • Document: Write down the purpose, scope, and effect of each set.
  • Clean up: Delete obsolete update sets to declutter.

Let’s go further to boost your process.

  • Set access privileges: Assign access per role.
  • Integrate systems: Like Git to manage code and collaboration.
  • Automate testing: Identify problems before moving from Dev to Test.

To level up:

  • CAB: Set one up to review and approve major updates.
  • Rollback Plan: Prepare to reverse problematic updates quickly.
  • Communication: Encourage open communication between teams.

Follow these tips to optimize your ServiceNow update set management. Be at the top of your game!


To sum up, when transferring an update set from development to testing in ServiceNow, careful planning and execution are a must. Making sure all updates are tested is essential to avoid any issues in the live environment.

In this process, taking a systematic approach is critical. This includes figuring out which updates should be moved, if they work in the dev environment, and evaluating their effect on current features.

Also, including relevant stakeholders is recommended. This ensures all teams are on the same page and aware of the upcoming changes. Communication and collaboration are the keys to a successful update set migration.

For a smooth transition, extensive testing should be done in the test environment before deploying the updates to production. Checking compatibility and conflicts with existing configurations is part of this.

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