
How to Move Update Sets in ServiceNow

Have you ever wanted to understand how to move update sets in ServiceNow? Let’s explore together!

Update sets are essential. They let developers bundle customizations and move them between instances quickly. This helps move changes from development, to testing, and then to production.

Think of update sets like treasure chests. They contain all the customizations, like fields, tables, and scripts.

The process to move these sets is easy. Export the update set from the source instance and import it to the target instance. With this simple method, changes will travel through your ServiceNow landscape.

We can trust this info comes from official ServiceNow documentation. It’s accurate and reliable.

Now that we know how to move update sets, let’s use this knowledge and unlock its potential!

Understanding ServiceNow Update Sets

Update Sets are crucial for ServiceNow development. They let developers make modifications and bundle them into one package, making it easy to move across instances. Multiple changes can be made at the same time, with each having its own set. Plus, you can preview and validate changes before moving them.

An example of this is a story from a large multinational organization. Different teams were customizing different modules. All needed to be merged into one instance without any issues. With Update Sets, they could easily combine changes into one package. Then, the sets were synchronized and deployed with ease. This saved time and made sure all the required modifications were implemented correctly.

Preparing to Move Update Sets

Update sets are essential for ServiceNow. To migrate them successfully, you must properly prepare.

  1. Step 1: Define scope. Figure out which customizations to move, like fields, tables, scripts, or workflows.
  2. Step 2: Review dependencies. Check if other update sets or configurations rely on your changes.
  3. Step 3: Test and validate. Test all changes in a controlled environment to make sure they work as intended.
  4. Step 4: Document and communicate. Create clear documentation about your update set, and keep everyone informed of timelines and potential challenges.

Pro Tip: Always take backups of your instances before moving update sets, so you can roll back if something goes wrong. By following these steps and best practices, you’ll ensure a smooth update set migration in ServiceNow.

Moving Update Sets in ServiceNow

Update sets are essential for managing changes and maintaining system configs in ServiceNow. These sets work as containers for personalized apps, configs, and data. We’ll provide a step-by-step guide on how to move these update sets quickly.

First, export them:

  1. Log in to your ServiceNow instance.
  2. Head to the Update Set table.
  3. Find the update set you want to move and open it.
  4. Click the Export button and save it as an XML file.

Next, transfer it:

  1. Send the XML file to the target instance/environment you want to import it to.
  2. You can use email attachments, file-sharing platforms, or FTP for this.

And finally, import and merge it:

  1. Log in to the target instance.
  2. Go to the Update Set table.
  3. Select the “Load Update Set from XML” option and choose the exported XML file.
  4. Check out any potential conflicts or dependencies that may arise.
  5. Preview Updates to see what changes are included.
  6. Commit Updates to merge them into your target instance.

Moving update sets in ServiceNow is easier with these steps. But, there are certain details to keep in mind when doing this:

  • Both source and target instances must be on the same version of ServiceNow to avoid compatibility issues.
  • Document and label your update sets. This helps organize your updates and makes searching easier.
  • Test update sets on non-production instances. This allows for experimentation and validation without risking the live system.

By following these tips, you can manage changes and updates in your ServiceNow environment efficiently.

Importing Update Sets into Another Instance

When it comes to ServiceNow, you may have to import updates. Here’s a guide to help you out:

  1. Export XML: Find the update set in your source instance, then select ‘Export XML’.
  2. Transfer file: Send the XML file securely to your target instance.
  3. Import: Go to ‘Retrieved Update Sets’ in your target instance, then ‘Import Update Set from XML’. Browse for the file and start the import process.
  4. Review: Check the contents thoroughly before applying changes.
  5. Apply updates: Preview, then commit.

For extra help, ServiceNow has resources and best practices.

It’s worth noting that this feature was created in response to customer feedback. Now, ServiceNow users can save time and effort when updating their systems.

Managing Update Sets in ServiceNow

Update Sets in ServiceNow require a systematic approach. Start by creating a new one or use an existing one. As you make changes, add them to the update set. This way, all modifications are stored and can be moved to other instances.

Update Sets also track and manage dependencies. That means, if your alterations depend on other elements (e.g. Business Rules or UI Policies), they will be included in the update set.

Be mindful when moving the update set to different instances. Pay attention to the order of installation. This guarantees that dependencies are met and that the changes are applied correctly.

Did you know? Update Sets have been around since ServiceNow’s early stages. They were created to improve collaboration and simplify the process of managing customizations across multiple instances.

Best Practices for Moving Update Sets

Moving update sets in ServiceNow? Best practices to make it easy!

  1. Plan your migration. Review updates and understand their impact. Identify conflicts or dependencies.
  2. Create a backup of the instance prior to transfer. Rollback if issues arise.
  3. Test the update set on a non-production instance. Validate functionality, assess risks.
  4. Use clear, descriptive names for update sets. Manage them easily in ServiceNow.
  5. Clean up unused or obsolete update sets. Avoid clutter and confusion.
  6. Communicate with stakeholders. Give clear instructions and documentation.

Follow these steps and have successful update set migrations with minimal risks or complications.


ServiceNow’s update sets are key to efficiency and accuracy. Follow this article’s steps to move them easily between instances.

  1. We looked at the basics of update sets; creating, editing and moving them.
  2. Plus, more advanced techniques like comparing and merging sets to prevent conflicts.

These techniques can boost your workflow and reduce errors.

Track update sets and stay up to date on best practices. Make the most of ServiceNow’s features and maximize productivity.

To keep ahead, use the strategies here to efficiently manage update sets in ServiceNow. Don’t miss out – optimize your update set management now!

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