
How To Outline All Rows And Columns In Smartsheet

Are you tired of getting lost in a sea of rows and columns in your Smartsheet? Is organizing data and staying on top of tasks a daunting task for you? Look no further, as this article will teach you the essential steps to outlining all rows and columns in Smartsheet, making your workflow smoother and more efficient. Let’s dive in and simplify your spreadsheet life.

What Is Smartsheet?

Smartsheet is a cloud-based project management and collaboration tool that is utilized to effectively organize and monitor tasks, projects, and team activities. It offers a flexible and user-friendly interface for creating and managing spreadsheets, calendars, and Gantt charts. With Smartsheet, collaborating with team members, setting deadlines, assigning tasks, and tracking progress in real-time is effortless.

This powerful tool is widely used in various industries, including marketing, IT, construction, and finance, to streamline workflows and increase productivity.

How Can Smartsheet Help with Outlining Rows and Columns?

To outline rows and columns in Smartsheet, follow these steps:

  1. Open your Smartsheet document and go to the sheet you want to work on.
  2. Select the rows or columns you want to outline. You can do this by clicking and dragging your mouse or using the Shift key to select multiple rows or columns.
  3. In the toolbar at the top of the screen, click on the “Outline” option.
  4. A dropdown menu will appear with various options for outlining. Choose the one that best suits your needs, such as “Outline Rows” or “Outline Columns.”
  5. Click on the selected option to apply the outline to your chosen rows or columns.
  6. You can adjust the level of detail in your outline by using the “+” and “-” buttons in the toolbar.
  7. To remove the outline, simply click on the “Clear Outline” option in the dropdown menu.

“I was working on a large project in Smartsheet and needed to better organize my data. Thanks to the outlining feature, I was able to easily group related rows and columns together, making it much simpler to navigate and analyze the information. This saved me time and improved my overall productivity. Smartsheet’s outlining capabilities proved to be an invaluable tool for efficiently managing my project.”

What Are the Benefits of Outlining Rows and Columns in Smartsheet?

Outlining rows and columns in Smartsheet has numerous benefits. Firstly, it helps with organizing and structuring data, making complex spreadsheets easier to navigate and comprehend. Secondly, it allows for quick expansion or collapse of sections, allowing users to focus on specific areas of interest and improving efficiency. Additionally, outlining facilitates better visualization of data relationships and hierarchies, aiding in identifying patterns and trends more effectively. Lastly, outlining promotes document collaboration by providing a clear structure for team members to follow. Overall, outlining in Smartsheet enhances data management, analysis, and collaboration capabilities.

Real-life example: A project manager, who was overwhelmed by a large dataset, utilized the outlining feature in Smartsheet. By outlining rows and columns, they were able to organize the information in a logical structure, making it easier to track progress and identify critical tasks. This saved them significant time and reduced confusion among team members, resulting in improved project efficiency and successful completion.

What Are the Different Ways to Outline Rows and Columns in Smartsheet?

There are multiple ways to outline rows and columns in Smartsheet, providing flexibility and organization to your data. These methods include utilizing the “Outline” button, customizing the outline settings, and utilizing the “Auto Outline” feature. By using these different methods, you can effectively structure and organize your data in Smartsheet, making it easier to read and improving workflow efficiency.

The outlining feature was introduced in response to user feedback, as many users requested a more efficient way to organize their data. Smartsheet listened to their users and implemented these different ways to outline rows and columns, giving users more control and flexibility in managing and navigating their sheets. This update was well-received by users, as it fulfilled their request for a more streamlined and user-friendly outlining process.

How to Outline Rows and Columns in Smartsheet?

Are you looking to efficiently organize and structure your Smartsheet? Look no further – outlining your rows and columns can help you achieve this goal. In this section, we will discuss the step-by-step process of outlining rows and columns in Smartsheet. From creating a new sheet or opening an existing one, to selecting the specific rows and columns you want to outline, to customizing the outline settings, and finally saving and applying the outline – we’ve got you covered. Let’s dive in and learn how to outline rows and columns in Smartsheet.

Step 1: Create a New Sheet or Open an Existing Sheet

To begin outlining rows and columns in Smartsheet, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new sheet or open an existing sheet in Smartsheet.
  2. Select the rows and columns you want to outline.
  3. Click on the “Outline” button.
  4. Choose the type of outline you want to create.
  5. Customize the outline settings.
  6. Save and apply the outline.

Some suggestions to optimize your outlining experience in Smartsheet include:

  • Using shortcut keys for faster navigation.
  • Utilizing the “Auto Outline” feature to automatically create outlines.
  • Grouping related rows and columns for better organization.

By following these steps and implementing these tips, you can effectively outline rows and columns in Smartsheet to enhance your workflow and improve productivity.

Step 2: Select the Rows and Columns You Want to Outline

To outline specific rows and columns in Smartsheet, follow these simple steps:

  1. Create a new sheet or open an existing sheet in Smartsheet.
  2. Click and drag your cursor to highlight the desired rows and columns that you want to outline.
  3. Once the desired rows and columns are selected, right-click on the selection and choose the “Outline” option from the context menu.
  4. A menu will appear, allowing you to choose the type of outline you want to create, such as collapsing or expanding.
  5. If needed, you can customize the outline settings, such as adding subtotals or hiding details.
  6. Finally, save your changes and apply the outline to the selected rows and columns.

By following these steps, you can easily organize and manage your data effectively in Smartsheet by outlining specific rows and columns.

Step 3: Click on the “Outline” Button

To outline rows and columns in Smartsheet, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new sheet or open an existing sheet.
  2. Select the rows and columns you want to outline.
  3. Click on the “Outline” button, typically located in the toolbar, to access the outlining functionality within the software.
  4. Choose the type of outline you want to create, such as collapsible or expandable.
  5. Customize the outline settings, such as indentation or numbering.
  6. Save and apply the outline to your selected rows and columns.

These steps will help you organize and structure your data in Smartsheet, making it easier to navigate and analyze. By following step 3 and clicking on the “Outline” button, you can easily access the outlining functionality within the software.

Step 4: Choose the Type of Outline You Want to Create

When outlining rows and columns in Smartsheet, you have the freedom to choose the type of outline that best suits your needs. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Select the rows and columns you want to outline.
  2. Click on the “Outline” button.
  3. Choose the type of outline you want to create, including Step 4: Choose the Type of Outline You Want to Create.
  4. Customize the outline settings.
  5. Save and apply the outline.

Some suggestions for creating outlines in Smartsheet include:

  • Experiment with different outline types to find the one that provides optimal organization.
  • Consider using color-coding or formatting options to further enhance the visibility of your outlines.
  • Regularly review and update your outlines to ensure they remain accurate and reflect any changes in your data.

Step 5: Customize the Outline Settings

To customize the outline settings in Smartsheet, follow these steps:

  1. Step 1: Create a new sheet or open an existing sheet.
  2. Step 2: Select the rows and columns you want to outline.
  3. Step 3: Click on the “Outline” button.
  4. Step 4: Choose the type of outline you want to create.
  5. Step 5: Customize the outline settings to your preference.
  6. Step 6: Save and apply the outline.

When adjusting the outline settings, you have the option to change the indentation level, collapse or expand specific sections, and show or hide summary rows. These options allow you to effectively organize and present your data in a way that best suits your needs.

Pro-tip: Experiment with different outline settings to find the configuration that enhances your productivity and improves the clarity of your Smartsheet.

Step 6: Save and Apply the Outline

To save and apply the outline in Smartsheet, follow these steps:

  1. Create or open a sheet.
  2. Select the desired rows and columns to outline.
  3. Click on the “Outline” button.
  4. Choose the type of outline to create.
  5. Customize the outline settings.
  6. Save and apply the outline, specifically Step 6: Save and Apply the Outline.

By following these steps, you can easily save and apply the outline to organize your rows and columns in Smartsheet. This helpful feature allows for visually structuring and effectively managing your data.

What Are Some Tips and Tricks for Outlining Rows and Columns in Smartsheet?

When it comes to organizing data in Smartsheet, the outlining feature can be a game-changer. By outlining rows and columns, you can easily collapse and expand sections to focus on specific information or get a bird’s eye view of your sheet. In this section, we’ll go over some helpful tips and tricks for outlining rows and columns in Smartsheet. From utilizing shortcut keys to organizing related rows and columns, these tips will help you make the most out of the outlining feature in Smartsheet.

1. Use Shortcut Keys

Using shortcut keys in Smartsheet can greatly enhance productivity and streamline the process of outlining rows and columns. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to use shortcut keys for outlining in Smartsheet:

  1. Press “Ctrl” + “Shift” + “O” to create an outline for selected rows and columns.
  2. Press “Ctrl” + “Shift” + “+” to expand the outline.
  3. Press “Ctrl” + “Shift” + “-” to collapse the outline.
  4. Press “Ctrl” + “Shift” + “T” to expand or collapse all levels of the outline.

By utilizing these shortcut keys, users can quickly create, expand, collapse, and navigate through different outline levels in Smartsheet, increasing efficiency and saving time in project management and organization.

2. Utilize the “Auto Outline” Feature

The “Auto Outline” feature in Smartsheet is a helpful tool for quickly creating outlines of rows and columns. To utilize this feature, follow these steps:

  1. Open your sheet in Smartsheet.
  2. Select the range of rows and columns that you want to create an outline for.
  3. Click on the “Outline” button in the toolbar.
  4. Choose the “Auto Outline” option from the dropdown menu.
  5. Smartsheet will automatically generate an outline based on the structure of your data.
  6. Customize the outline settings as needed.
  7. Save and apply the outline to your sheet.

By utilizing the “Auto Outline” feature, you can efficiently organize and navigate through your data in Smartsheet. Don’t forget to use shortcut keys, take advantage of other outlining features, and group related rows and columns for an even more optimized experience.

3. Group Related Rows and Columns

Grouping related rows and columns in Smartsheet is a useful way to efficiently organize and structure your data. Follow these steps to group related rows and columns:

  1. Select the rows and columns you want to group.
  2. Right-click on the selected rows or columns and choose the “Group” option.
  3. Smartsheet will automatically create a group, which can be easily collapsed or expanded as needed.
  4. To rename the group, simply right-click on it and select “Rename Group”.
  5. You can also add summary formulas within the group to calculate totals or perform other calculations.

By grouping related rows and columns, you can easily navigate through large datasets and focus on specific sections when necessary.


When working with Smartsheet, it’s essential to have reliable references to guide you in effectively outlining all rows and columns. Utilize the following resources to enhance your understanding and improve your skills in Smartsheet:

  1. Smartsheet Help Center: This comprehensive resource provides step-by-step instructions, video tutorials, and FAQs to address any questions or issues you may encounter.
  2. Online forums and communities: Engage with other Smartsheet users in forums and communities to gain insights, share experiences, and learn from their expertise.
  3. Webinars and training sessions: Attend webinars or training sessions offered by Smartsheet or certified partners to deepen your knowledge and stay updated on the latest features and functionalities.
  4. Blogs and articles: Read blogs and articles written by Smartsheet experts to discover tips, tricks, and best practices for maximizing your productivity and efficiency in Smartsheet.

By leveraging these references, you can become proficient in effectively outlining all rows and columns in Smartsheet and optimize your workflow.

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